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    in search...

    i cant remember the address, but u send it to ur first prefernce, u dont have to fill the preferences up i dont think.
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    Is this how it works ?

    we split the UAI so that 50% is the HSC exam, and then 50% is school work(assessments and such) now, we get a rank for each subject from the school. if we use me as an example i came 24/66 for english. this rank gets sent to BOS. then we do the HSC exam. and i get say 88%, and i come...
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    I'm going to miss school :(

    thats what i'm looking forward to. i can act like the biggest fool, and no one will care. at school you do anything stupid and the whole school knows and u have to deal with it for the rest of school.
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    I'm going to miss school :(

    obviously u wont miss the work, but things like being with ur friends and all that is what i'll miss.
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    I'm going to miss school :(

    its taken me about 13years to realise that school is the best place to be. i have a mere 5 weeks left, and i'm wanting more. i cant believe my parents and family were right, they told me that i would miss school, and i told them that will never happen. anyone else going to miss school ?
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    If you fail Trials, does that mean ur hsc is over?

    true. i got 35.5% in bio. and the top was 94.5% in other words. i'm fucked in terms of bio rank. in terms of hsc, my teacher says i'm looking at the 60's right now. english she says i can get 80's easy, maths 90's easy, history 80's if i try. 60's chem, and 60-70's for SDD ask ur...
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    how did you do in the ancient history trials???

    63% not bad for the effort i put in. i got 19/25 for augustus essay and 15/25 for Amenhotep III. was a huge surprise, as i thought augustus and the julio-claudians was my weak piont, and egypt was my strong.
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    Completing year 12 means getting UAI above 50?

    i think theres a space for 2005 candidate for HSC. i have one more thing about the aplication form. is it marked hard ? how many points do i need to get in ? should i really worry about my application form?
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    Fail the Trials

    general maths 78% not bad SDD 29% ...... cough Bio 35.5% ....... cough English essay 12/15, creative writing 8/15 and section 1 9/15 not bad, i liked my essay mark. thats all i've got back so far. chem i'm guessin 20's-40% anchient i'm guessing...
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    Ultimo tafe ?

    umm, i didnt know inspection days exisited. i really have no idea. maybe you can just turn up and pretend u go tafe :rolleyes:
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    Ultimo tafe ?

    hornsby is close to me, but i'm fine with getting the train to ultimo. i wanna do diploma of Architectual technology.
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    Ultimo tafe ?

    i might be going. i heard its a very good tafe, same with hornsby.
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    Completing year 12 means getting UAI above 50?

    when i'm sending in my application is asks proof that i have done my HSC, when will we get this.
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    When will the applications for next year start ?

    i've been checking the tafe website every few days to see when the applications are ready for submission for next year. does anyone know when abouts this will happen
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    Smashing Pumkins

    same here, i'm seeing billy tonight at the enmore. i never saw the pumpkins live though, which is a pity cause they would have rocked. siamese dream is my fav album. hummer being my fav song :)
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    some information for 12 help needed

    first things first. year 12 is the only year u need to really try in. second. the work is not harder then year11, theres just more of it. third thing PLAN i cant stress this. i didnt, and now i'm up shit creek. an example i have my trials in 1 week. and i just finished 3...
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    Cert 4 and diploma in Architectural tech at hornsby

    how did u get into it ? i was planning to do the hornsby one untill i could not find it on any websites ? do i have to go to hornsby tafe to organise my application form ?
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    Tafe and Uni

    provided u find a job, unless u have family and such who can get u into the field easierly
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    Part Time Evening Attendace at Ultimo

    how late will the times be for Part Time Evening Attendace at Ultimo at 10hrs week ? will it be split up evenly ? or could i get like 4hrs an evening ?
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    Chief gods during rameside periode?

    what are the chief gods during rameside periode ? Amun, Re, Ptah, Hathor, Thoth, Nekhbet? am i on the right track ?