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  1. starrysky

    how much study are you doing a day?

    Yah. *nods and bops around weirdly* :p DAMNIT, the textbook is trying to be seductive. *smacks it* ... right, I'm going to make a GENUINE effort and open it. To ... probability. D:
  2. starrysky

    how much study are you doing a day?

    TJ and I are soultwins. Hey bento, give us some of that motivation? Come on, old chap, give a li'l bi' o' knock. (Wtf ... knock ... anyway.) Rest of the day = not thinking about studying. Freak out = no. Feel guilty = HEEHEE! no. Possibly contain the ability to study consistently for the same...
  3. starrysky

    Where do you all study?

    Oooh! You should all get a load of my drunk arsehole of a father practising his martial arts at two o'clock in the morning, forcing you to stay awake because he shouts so loud that the socks of the priest who lives next door would squeak and run off. Oh, and then all this technology ... *twitch*
  4. starrysky

    Repeating Year 12

    I actually seriously considered it at one stage, because I'd failed a great deal of my assessments (except for EE1 & EE2 and some minor things in Eng Adv) and all I wanted to do was start it all over again and commit myself properly. ... yeah, and pigs are really 42-year-old bisexual women all...
  5. starrysky

    how much study are you doing a day?

    We do indeed! I made a total of ONE paragraph each on inner journey, powerplay, transformations, and Gwen Harwood. AND! I left my weaker subjects to cry. Altogether now - awwwww. Boo hoo. EDIT: So. On for tomorrow? Let's make it like a school day and stress out, recess and lunch and all. (Or...
  6. starrysky

    how much study are you doing a day?

    Hey tanjin. Get your 6-8 hours in today? I DID! In my dreams ... But I aim for 6-8 from now on ... really ... *cough*
  7. starrysky

    Ive lost ALL motivation and mind power to study! how do i get it back!!?!??!

    Lolololol. Genetics sounds blah. I'm doing communication. *skips around* I LOVE THE PARTS OF MY EYE!
  8. starrysky

    Ive lost ALL motivation and mind power to study! how do i get it back!!?!??!

    Oh yeah, gotta love Biology. Mmmm, Mendelian ratios! Delightful. What's your electiveee? EDIT: Matt. I freaking LOVE you. See see? It's possible! :D ... now ... to actually do something productive.
  9. starrysky

    I can't study

  10. starrysky

    Ive lost ALL motivation and mind power to study! how do i get it back!!?!??!

    Lol. I'm committed to the thought of study. The practical side, however ... I think I might go and stare at my English notes for a while, hoping they'll turn asexual and do themselves.
  11. starrysky

    I can't study

    Whoo! Hurrah for setting goals for yourself! ... now I would do the same thing, but theoretically ... ahh pfft, I have no excuse for it. 6 - 8 sounds like a nice benchmark ... and there're what, 17 days left? Or so I read somewhere? Umm, three days for each subject ... NOT! Let's see how...
  12. starrysky

    I can't study

    Boo yah! 3U Eng the last exam, yah? I can't study either. All I've done is made notes for all my modules for English Advanced, and started on notes for Biology and EE1. Business Studies and Mathematics remain ... untouched. I could so go for a Wii right now ... and then I think of how each...
  13. starrysky

    What do you hope to achieve these holidays?

    I'm going to get all my notes for all subjects done by the end of next week, so I can have two-ish weeks of full-on revision and hair-ripping sessions. :)
  14. starrysky

    What time does your school start?

    Morning classes begin at 8 AM. After-school classes finish at 4 PM. Mondays - 8:40 AM - 2:15 PM (period 6 = staff meeting) Tuesdays - 8:40 AM - 2:25 PM (Year 12 students leave at 12:15 PM) Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays - 8:40 AM - 3:05 PM.
  15. starrysky

    Who else has finished?

    I finished on Tuesday. Monday there was a BBQ at school. Graduation in the morning on Tuesday, then Year 12 formal that night (which I didn't go to, and sincerely regret it). Fun fun.
  16. starrysky

    another 'should i do the subject?'

    1. EVERYTHING you could possibly stuff in there pertaining to the process of independent research and composition. Once you have your central themes and idea down-pat, start to research. And every bit of research, even if it only has, say, 25% relevance to your idea, print it out/photocopy...
  17. starrysky

    Should I drop this subject?

    No. If one does well in the subject in terms of understanding, but screws up constantly in assessments, then that doesn't reflect one's true ability. It also depends on the rank of the school; there are 600-odd schools in the state and if your school ranks down the bottom, chances are your...
  18. starrysky

    Should I drop this subject?

    You're doing thirteen units. They count your best ten units for the UAI, so essentially you're just putting a heavier load on yourself that doesn't have to be there. If you're doing badly in 3U, drop down. Because if you reflect on your results of Year 11, and find you haven't done well, there's...
  19. starrysky

    Should i drop???????????

    I agree with the advice noir.'s given. Not that I do SAC, but 85% of teachers I've consulted say that Maths opens up your options more, and I have a friend who does SAC (albeit by distance education, since my year is too D&T-savvy) - she says it's quite a lot of work. And xclusv2bhung has a...
  20. starrysky

    Around 3 weeks to go - what position are you in?

    Re: :( Lol @ that. Ehh. I'm planning on knuckling down and finishing notes for all subjects by the end of this week, so then I can spend the holidays forcing myself to revise and not touch anything remotely related to MySpace. Apart from that, I feel like I'm halfway between mediocre and...