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  1. starrysky

    Things that distract you from study

    Let's see now ... MSN, BoS, friends' weblogs, LiveJournal, MySpace, Bebo, Facebook, fan fiction, the fact that the National Championships are on RIGHT NOW and I'm furiously refreshing the results page to no avail because Perth is 2 hours behind Sydney. AND ... noodles. Love. Oi Tanzin, ain't...
  2. starrysky

    how much study are you doing a day?

    I'm so happy with myself. I did four hours of Business Studies study study study today, and finished notes on Topic 1. Tomorrow shall be spent finishing Topics 2 - 5. My late is ... all night? Heh.
  3. starrysky

    What does your study area look like? (contains photos)

    Yeah, I'm a chocolate junkie. And yes, those are my dance shoes at the bottom of the picture. I'm too fucking lazy to move all that crap into my actual bedroom, because I don't have a computer there so I'd probably study more prolifically (and efficiently, too) ... Ehh.
  4. starrysky


    Re: First Preferences? At the moment it's Arts (Media & Communications) at UNSW, but I foresee a shitload of anal-retentive indecisiveness if I ever get around to setting my eyes on my preferences again.
  5. starrysky

    how much study are you doing a day?

    You suck. :p I'm actually going to get out of my house to study. Going to the library for at least four hours from tomorrow onwards. Since I'm so easily distracted by an extensive list of crap. Ehh.
  6. starrysky

    Finshed notes--> whats next?

    QFT. Completely agreed.
  7. starrysky

    how much study are you doing a day?

    I plan 6 - 8. I predict 0 - 0.01 Sounds good, ne? Mmm. The distinct stench of ... boredom. And ... globalisation. Yuck.
  8. starrysky

    Finshed notes--> whats next?

    What I do (my Biology teacher recommended this, and it worked fairly well for me) is that I read over my notes first. A little chunk at a time. And then write out all the relevant points from those notes. Then read over them again. Because that way it sinks in more effectively. EDIT: Ah yeah...
  9. starrysky

    I'm Sick

    Damnit, I was going to recommend the lemon honey tea. Ah well. Any warm beverage will give your throat the rest it needs. :) Hope you feel better! *glomp*
  10. starrysky

    how much study are you doing a day?

    MMMMMMMM. Alcohol. *savours the fantasy*
  11. starrysky

    Where do you all study?

    Yeah. Stupid, stupid fathers. Was your father in the army? Does he regularly gather all his army friends together in the lounge room, gorge on the brandy and go "THIS IS MY SON! He is SKINNY!" To which they all go "OIII! FATTEN HIM UP!" Fuck you, military backgrounded Asian fathers with...
  12. starrysky

    talking while studying

    I've talked to myself quite a lot while studying. Usually it's "Xuan, you can do this! Maybe." Today it was "And Antony is juxtaposed with Caesar in terms of parallels in roles and personal standards as well as status." Tomorrow it'll be equations ...
  13. starrysky

    Where do you all study?

    Nice. I think a lot of people just do a load of bullhickey by deleting MySpace because it generally comprises only a small part of the distraction. Like I have MySpace, Bebo, LJ ... endless refreshing of my email inbox ... TIM TAMS! Sorry. Random. ^_^
  14. starrysky

    how much study are you doing a day?

    JUAI? O_O I'm confused ... whatUAI? Lol. I'm so slow in these things ... Ehh. TJ. *mopeth*
  15. starrysky

    how much study are you doing a day?

    That's the first I've heard of UNSW points! Oooh! Now I'm optimistic ... Are you guys going to exponentially increase your study hours in the week leading up to Paper 1?
  16. starrysky

    Where do you all study?

    Pfft, I may be a stick-thin Asian dork whose father goes "STOP IRISH DANCING, TAKE MARTIAL ARTS!" as every second sentence to leap out of his mouth, but I'd rather die than do anything associated with martial arts. Stupid father. I'm tempted to strap on my dance shoes and break all the tiles on...
  17. starrysky

    Repeating Year 12

    Indeed! I concur-eth with TJ on this eventide most ... springy. Just work hard and study well and do consistently and you'll be guaranteed your goals. :)
  18. starrysky

    how much study are you doing a day?

    I like your thinking. Consider that resolution robbed.
  19. starrysky

    how much study are you doing a day?

    I'm keeping my options open. At the top of my list is Arts (Media & Comms) at UNSW, which needs an 83, but I might not get it because my internals are shitty. And then I also have secondary education and social work on the cards.
  20. starrysky

    how much study are you doing a day?

    TJ you lucky biznitch. My internals are fucked as. So I need to KILL these exams, damnit. I'm aiming for UAI's between 60 and 84 because they're the cut-offs for the crap I want to pursue next year. :)