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  1. starrysky

    Eggs, Fish Oil and Water

    Yeah I'm curious about this as well. I heard the high amount of protein in fish helps your brain increase in efficiency and something else, etc. etc. I don't drink much water ... although I probably will now. O_O
  2. starrysky

    Things that distract you from study

    PIANO FTW. <333 I haven't played the piano since December. O_O I daydream a bit too. I had a weird dream last night and now I'm hung up on this guy, yaddah yaddah. Plus this forum, and the Internet in general, and the television that's currently showing something weird on Channel 7, etc. etc...
  3. starrysky

    Freaking Out...

    EEEEEEEE. Same. >_< -panics- Holy shitsticks! I'm fine for Harwood. Just Emma/Clueless and Powerplay that I'm frickin' screwed for. Must. Read. Macquarie Guides. WHOO. -collapses- I plan to study on the train to my cousin's house today ... wahhh. So. Who here is panicking? At least, slightly...
  4. starrysky

    HSC Advice Line

    I shall call up for everything except EE1 and Mathematics. So, English Adv., Biology, Business. I would call up today, but I'm doing Maths today, how fun. Anyone get any good results from the Eng. Adv. peoplelele?
  5. starrysky

    Need advice/tips/help - 2 exams in one day

    Re: Need advice/tips/help In the lead-up to the exams, say within the two days before it, study IPT on the first day, and Biology on the second. Before you go to bed, study lightly for IPT, and on the morning of Bio, refresh knowledge for Bio - read and skim back over notes, etc. Drag out IPT...
  6. starrysky

    Freaking Out...

    I say it'd be bloody better if we all did the HSC at like 10 PM. Now THAT would be awesome. Eh. I'm slowly dying of panic here ... so much Math content to squeeze into the next ... seven hours ... and then again over the next week. Mental note: Must see all teachers next week with re-writes...
  7. starrysky


    I tend to alternate positions a lot; mostly slumping over the desk, concentrating more on the question at hand than on the fact that I might be moulding my spine dangerously, but meh. I can never "sit on my legs" because they're too long, and it feels more uncomfortable than sitting with them...
  8. starrysky

    Freaking Out...

    I'm worried that I'll freak out after my first exam. Or right before it, when the magnitude of these exams really sink in. I got a taste of it today when I went to an in-school Math session and was shown how much of the coursework I DIDN'T know. P A N I C K I N G ...
  9. starrysky

    Would you..?

    Give me your motivation, right now. I haven't finished my notes for Bio yet. Fuckity. I wouldn't repeat it, period. One year is more than enough, thanks. I'd rather just leave it as a finished milestone in my life and (try to) forget about it. I got bored of HSC that one day after it started...
  10. starrysky

    Related Texts for Powerplay- Antony and Cleopatra

    I'm currently using Troy (the movie) for my related, but I'll probably be fucked because of it; I have no notes on it whatsoever. I need to sit down and watch it before this weekend ...
  11. starrysky

    Self Selected Text for Frontline

    Spammykins, I wuvvoo. I'm shit-scared for Paper 2. Paper 1 sounds easy enough, and I know it more thoroughly than Paper 2. And the worst thing is that the notes on Board of Studies are FUCKING USELESS. They all talk about the fact that TTT was the most popular module, and Frontline was "once...
  12. starrysky

    Would you..?

    Lucky arse. I'd love to work at a Post Office. I could not possibly stay focused for another year. I was sick of the HSC one day after Year 12 started, and since then I've just dragged myself through a sea of mediocre, failing assessment marks without any motivation to do anything about it...
  13. starrysky

    Would you..?

    No. Even if I'd be given the option to pick whatever subjects I wanted, etc. and all the other shit, no. Purely for the fact that one year of this has already proven to be almost too much for me. I want it to be midday on November 2 right now.
  14. starrysky

    does the hsc REALLY matter?

    Lol@that. @ahen: What happens is, say you come first in ... English Advanced (I had to look three times at your signature to find your subjects, I'm that clueless today). If you don't come first in the exams, then the mark of whoever DOES come first will be awarded to you as your assessment...
  15. starrysky

    Just a quick question...

    WHAT?! I thought they were eight pages ... the ones we were given in our English trials were supposedly the kind of booklets we'd get in the HSC, and they're eight pages long ... Eeek.
  16. starrysky


    Walking's good. I don't walk my normal routes anymore - the magpies are fucking deadly on my old routes. So now I walk past McDonalds and then come back filled with soft serve cones. Truthfully, I want to be 5kg heavier, and that's it. But ... meh. Skeletal, I say. Skeletal. We all sit down...
  17. starrysky

    worked harder for trials than hsc?

    We're awesome in our false senses of security, yo. Right. I'll start on modules now ...
  18. starrysky

    does the hsc REALLY matter?

    If you're ranked first, chances are you'll probably get the highest mark out of your cohort. What happens is that you and your group sit the final exam. Since you're ranked first, the highest mark in the externals will be given to you as your internal assessment mark (which is why initial...
  19. starrysky


    Um ... not really. Hahaha lol@me. :p Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. -glomp- I probably will live for a while - I've lived this way all my life (I've never been normal weight), so ... -whistles- :D Although this may also be due to the fact that I'm a dancer. -shrug-
  20. starrysky

    worked harder for trials than hsc?

    Same here, Tanzin. I promise you, I'm not going to get above 75. I promise you aaaaaalllllllllllll. Cramming. BAH. Okay, here's my plan: Finish writing up new essays for English ADvanced by tomorrow. Tomorrow is in-school study group for Maths, so Maths study will begin tomorrow night, right...