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  1. starrysky

    The Department Says Relax

    Lol@that. I'd like to know what they're playing at, since it can work for some people, but not for others. I went out with a friend yesterday for a leisurely walk to 'relax', and ended up getting swooped by four magpies in the space of one hour. I concur, jirwin. -nods- I'd rather sleep...
  2. starrysky


    Yes, it applies to all subjects. Plus, whether you stay in Advanced or go down, you still have the rest of the year to boost ranking across all your classes and whatever.
  3. starrysky

    The Department Says Relax

    :rofl: Meh. Stuff the spa shit, I'll just sleep away the stress. Hopefully. Maybe. Ah, fishnuts.
  4. starrysky

    The Department Says Relax

    Relax. What is this word, 'relax'?
  5. starrysky

    Marks for an 83?

    Gotta love the Arts. Thanks for your replies, guys. :)
  6. starrysky


    Which is why people make such a big deal over the Top 200 schools in the state; if you go to a selective school, for example, there's less chance of you screwing up majorly, because the results and the work ethic of a selective school mean that everyone generally does well. Which brings me to...
  7. starrysky


    Alright, if you ranked 26th out of 26, it still can make a difference. Your cohort sits the exam on the day. Say you got an exam mark of 85, and it was the 16th best mark out of your group (all the people in your year who go English Advanced). The person who ranks 16th in your group will get...
  8. starrysky


    My teacher's always told me that it's better to do Advanced, because it's much harder to get a Band 6 in Standard English than it is in Advanced. With that said, though, it's not impossible - it can be done. Standard generally doesn't scale too well, because of the sheer amount of people who do...
  9. starrysky

    Good luck Year 12!

    It's 30th October this year. Hurrah.
  10. starrysky

    Around 3 weeks to go - what position are you in?

    Extreme tangent from the topic at hand in this thread, but, ranks: EE2 - 1/2 EE1 - 1/5 Eng Adv - 11/16 Maths - =37/37 Biology - 13/29 Business Studies - 31/42 At a school that would not get into the Top 200 if its shitty existence depended on it. There is no feasible woot with this, now, is...
  11. starrysky

    Anyone Planning To Do Full Fee Paying ?

    Same. I considered doing it at one point, just to have that 78.00 cut-off instead of 83.00, but it's arts and media, and my father's a stingy arshole, so fuck it. He would be like "You may have got in but I'm not paying it all for you."
  12. starrysky

    Around 3 weeks to go - what position are you in?

    General consensus with my cohort is that you do comprehension section first, then your essay, then you have time to relax for your creative writing; it's potentially the easiest part of the exam. It's ... the only part of the AoS exam in which I actually get something above 10, but ... anyway...
  13. starrysky

    Around 3 weeks to go - what position are you in?

    I need an 83 for Arts (Media & Comms) @ UNSW. My assessment marks are around the 60's. Self-explanatory. Except for EE2, I got 40/50 for internal mark for that, and some mark in the vein of that for EE1. SO! If you could recommend ANY way in which I could obtain my lovely...
  14. starrysky

    Putting quotes on a new line?

    My teacher actually advised me not to do this; she said if you integrate the quotes seamlessly into your paragraphs instead of placing them on new lines, it would flow better and would give the marker more of an easy time when they get to your essays. I've never actually written quotes on a new...
  15. starrysky

    Around 3 weeks to go - what position are you in?

    The only thing that shits me about all this is that I won't get into the course I want, but I have to try anyway because I don't have any other option. Oh, and the back-to-back exams, got to love it. Twelve days left (!!!). And I'm still deciding which subject to do notes on first. Business out...
  16. starrysky

    relaxation timmmmee

    It hasn't been too hot where I live, so it's a pleasant kind of 'climate' to study in. But I s'pose my relaxation time's turned into erratic patterns; I've done no study since I finished my Business notes yesterday. Fun.
  17. starrysky

    What Stimulus Booklet texts r u doin???

    I'm with Jess - know two or the stimulus texts in depth, so you don't get thrown off. Physical journeys is pretty much good for Frost and Atwood (self-explanatory, if you read/brush up on the poems). Inner journeys is better with Atwood, since you can talk a whole lot more about it than you can...
  18. starrysky

    what does it take to get a UAI of 100?

    :rofl: Perform consistently well in assessments, be prepared for exams so no question whatsoever can throw you, and don't sit around on MySpace for twelve hours straight having a comment war with your friend because Mathematics seems to be as interesting as the wrong end of a dog (i.e. not at...
  19. starrysky

    Marks for an 83?

    Okay. Say my internal marks were average (okay, mediocre ... around 60 or 65 or so for each of 3U English, English Advanced, 2U Math, Biology and Business Studies; internal mark of 40/50 for 4U English), and my ranks were average, would it be possible to obtain an 83 for Arts (Media &...
  20. starrysky

    How screwed are you?

    AIII!!!~ Happy days. :D Biology is alright. Except I'm missing like half the theory dot points from Maintaining A Balance. Heh. Woot? PS: Oh yeah, and call me Xuan. :)