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    How much have you written so far? Freaking a little.

    Crazy ramblings. This is definitely the best description for my journal. ;)
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    How much have you written so far? Freaking a little.

    I've written part of mine. I just don't know how I want the thing to progress. My teacher doesn't seem to understand what I'm trying to do. Either that, or she's just trying to make me do something else entirely.:shouting:
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    Year 11/12 English Texts

    Extension 1 English depends on which module you choose, which mine was Texts and Ways of Thinking. So Year 11 I did Gothic (Dracula/Invitation to A Beheading) and Year 12 I'm doing Romanticism (Wuthering Heights at the moment). Anyway, Extension's HSC info is here: English Prescriptions...
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    How much have you written so far? Freaking a little.

    I'm excited about submitting it, because by then it'll hopefully be awesome. At the moment, I'm liking it, which in itself is a miracle. I generally don't like things I write until I've edited heaps.
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    How much have you written so far? Freaking a little.

    I wish they'd read my journal. They'd realise I did actually follow SOME train of thought.
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    First Three Words of your MW (Just 'Cause)

    Yeah, just make the Extension 2 year stop so we can have more time! I just sat blankly today doing NOTHING. Grr.
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    I am all betters now. *grins widely*

    I am all betters now. *grins widely*
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    Australian Open

    Apparently it's one of his many superstitions, like the bottle label facing the court and his refusing to get up before the other player does.
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    Lolness. Tell Avi hi. I get like... not much myspace and facebook and msn time now. It's...

    Lolness. Tell Avi hi. I get like... not much myspace and facebook and msn time now. It's depressing. Stupid HSC year. I should burn it.
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    I deleted my full proper proposal by accident. For Extension. Due... like... tomorrow. And now...

    I deleted my full proper proposal by accident. For Extension. Due... like... tomorrow. And now am retyping from a hard copy I printed off ages ago. STRESSSTRESSSTRESS
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    Australian Open

    Rafa to win, or I get mocked endlessly by my family.
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    How much have you written so far? Freaking a little.

    That would make my day. I know how I want to start it, vaguely how to end. But the middle? Ummm... *flees* But the journal's so much more fun! Mine is just random scribblings which have something to do with my work, but not you know, formally written. Therefore I like it a lottttt more. On...
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    How much have you written so far? Freaking a little.

    I've just started and am on a complete mental blank!! I'm feeling exactly the same about all this. Maybe someone else is like me, or a lot of people are, but before I dreaded keeping the journal, and now I'm finding it more fun than the actual story. I like the idea of my story. How to get it...
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    First Three Words of your MW (Just 'Cause)

    Quote starting: "Why is it" And my start which will probably get changed before long: "The light was" I've written three parts of mine and now it's like... hmm. Where to now?
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    Learning Verbs - tips and tricks

    I'm having trouble with this as well - my main thing is to just repeatedly remember them. (Also, it helps that when I'm speaking it I've got way too much family leaping on me to correct me. I think it amuses them.) I've got the whole verb section that's in the back of my dictionary and then my...
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    boo lemness. :eek: *flees*

    boo lemness. :eek: *flees*
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    Australian Open

    definitely!!! that's going to be awesome.
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    Australian Open

    Nadal/Gonzalez for me to win. :) Women's? Not sure. :confused:
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    In need of advice for Ext II

    Just like me. I'm starting each part now....:mad: trauma