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    What do you feel when you drop a subject?

    I was actually relieved in a way. Part of me was disappointed, but I was mainly happy that I could focus on the other subjects I really wanted to do well in. I dropped Textiles and Legal (which was what I didn't really want to drop) but now it's so much easier.
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    Movies about belonging is the link for it. Heaps useful.
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    Movies about belonging

    Love that movie. I suppose the main thing I think of is how the movie plays upon the idea of connection and people belonging together - think of the characters (sorry, can't remember their names) Keri Russell, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers and August, they are all separated and in the end they are...
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    Belonging quotes?

    "We are driven by five genetic needs: survival, love and belonging, power, freedom, and fun." - William Glasser That's my favourite from the unit so far.
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    What Are You Doing For Ur Ss??

    I'm going with the belonging theme, doing a kind of 3-in-1 story? Cultural belonging and alienation and whatnot (specifically Chilean as the culture). It makes sense to me though, but not so much to others when I explain it:p
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    2009 EE2 Rollcall.

    Ooh, ouch. I've just finished the draft, it's full of dot points only and a lot of, "HUH?" Good luck with it!
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    2009 EE2 Rollcall.

    Mine's due as the draft proposal, I'm guessing the same for the others (?)
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    Hey Guys Urgent Regarding Journal!!!

    Thankyou so much! My journal's kind of personal atm. I thought I was doing something wrong with it, but now... joy!
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    2009 EE2 Rollcall.

    I'm going short story, and doing something culturewise. Other than that... am slightly confused. Doing it by Distance Ed!
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    Required Reading/Textbooks how many?

    Religion: 1 Spanish: Dictionary Advanced English: - Extension 1 English: 1 (Wuthering Heights) Ancient History: 2 Extension 2 English: - (just heaps of sheets)
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    Wuthering Heights

    Seeing as it's a year 12 text I thought I'd ask here. Anyone know some valid criticism (e.g. Bradley and whatnot) for Wuthering Heights that's negative? From when the text came out and more recently. Thanks heaps.
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    Does Any1 Do Legal Studies By Dis Ed Or Have Problems With Dis Ed

    I do all my subjects Distance Ed. I used to do Spanish only at the start of the year, and I think that the only problem with me is sending it. Other than that it's easy, completely fine. It does get a bit confusing when a whole heap of stuff comes at once, though - I began focusing on my...
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    Has anyone dropped maths altogether?

    Re: Has anyone? I dropped it at the start of year 11, and science too. It easily was the best decision I've made.
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    Help Legal Help!

    Difficulties with individuals challenging the state is that the state has more power and more money than the individual. They can therefore get the best lawyers and ultimately win the case, as well as actually having the funding to take the matter to court which most people just don't have. Also...
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    Dropping anything in Year 12?

    Probably Textiles and Legal Studies
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    Creative Writing

    Advantage of Distance ed - who knows!!! :p I'm using it so that when I get told off for reading it, I can use the "It's for school" argument. Aplus - Twilight is a series by Stephenie Meyer... basically uses vampires and whatnot... best series in the world. There's a movie coming out next...
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    Creative Writing

    Me too. I bought them all (go staff discounts, working in a bookshop has its perks) and am going through them all. While using Twilight as a related text for Extension. Love it, definitely my fave... and it even made me love Jacob. Where's the Twilight thread?
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    Creative Writing

    Me too, I leant mine... I MISS IT!
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    Creative Writing

    Breaking Dawn? The new one? Yep.
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    Creative Writing

    No prob. It's the part of English I like best.