Protein shake
Boiled egg, 1 boiled egg white, cucumber, cherry tomatoes
4 cups of tea
Afternoon tea is watermelon and a protein shake
Then a carrot, berry, spinach and mango juice
Protein shake
yeah lol i buy it from the local farmers market. 1L for like 1.50
I've had 3 protein shakes today lol. jesus.
I'm gonna just eat protein shakes, berries and yogurt for the next 3 days and see what happens
what have i become
edit: + protein shake, pineapple, 2 x fat free no added sugar...
iron chef drinking game (drink whenever they mention the theme ingredient)
and kings cup
and goon of fortune (NB: old hillshoist clothesline is required)
where's the cake? (i love cake)
i wish
boiled egg
scone (every friday there is a teachers morning tea for $1 i was only there for 5 minutes :( )
fish and veges
1/2 a L of ice cream
protein bar
more ice cream with natural yogurt (heaps and heaps of ice cream)
rice paper roll
1/3 c. porridge with cinnamon and stevia, boiled egg
20 almonds, green apple
salmon, broccoli, pumpkin
tuna and lemon, apple and cayenne juice
pumpkin, fennel, protein bar
pineapple, strawberries, yogurt and blueberries
bent over barbell row (i prefer underhand grip but w/e)
bent over db flies and rows
hyper extensions
good mornings (be careful with these. start really light and perfect form before going heavy)
ugh so much junk food. exam stress eating. terrible.
breakfast was normal
then a FUCK load of m&m's (like probably a whole bag while i was studying)
then salmon and vegetables
+ 20 almonds
95g tin tuna
just cooking dinner:
basa gillet marinated in lemon juice, fresh parsley, sea salt and pepper, roast pumpkin, roast fennel, broccoli, cauliflower