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  1. H

    Prob more for the blokes- Do u get more action now (uni) or back in highschool?

    lol surely some yr 9/10 girl would yell for joy at the thought that a senior Boy were to kiss them... why are they getting younger n so slutyer... they should go play with their bratz: :S (who kills childhoods)
  2. H

    The Justice Game

    yep we did :) not many people chose this for 'telling the truth' module most do 'frontline' so theres not going to be as many extra sources at your disposal... just to give u a head up ;) i read the context of show trials and refered to it briefly in my essays but the main ones we did in depth...
  3. H

    oh no i just fucked up my dress

    i quite enjoy altering my clothes, esp the vintage stuff i find that doesnt quite fit or needs to be moderned up :D... lol its worthwild learning to sew, its a very partical skill i loved txtiles these past 2 yr :)
  4. H

    Urgent Help!!

    i dont do sexual ethics for islam... but if there beliefs are anything like bioethics is both sets should be pretty similar in belief. ask ur religion teacher if u cant find anything in ur class notes ;)
  5. H

    Urgent Help!!

    with bioethics they want you to be specific so yep defiantly the different sects, and how they differ, and if they don't just day that 'generally euthanasia within islam is not expectable within both shi'ite and sunni sectors...' etc... lol of cause in reference with buddhism and hinduism, also...
  6. H

    has anyone put on weight during year 12

    same i lost weight this year without doing anything... just te stress too i think...
  7. H

    Urgent Help!!

    bioethics is abortion and euthanasia, then you talk about the how if varies within each domination of all the major religions we did bioethics for christianity, judaism and islam.
  8. H

    Periods per day

    day 1-9 8:35- homeroom - 10mins period 1 - 1 hr period 2 - 1hr pastoral / assembly - 30mins period 3 - 1 hr period 4 - 1 hr period 5 - 1 hr day 10 homeroom - 10mins period 1 - 1 hr period 2 - 1 hr pastoral - 30 mins period 3 - 1 hr friday activities i.e ice skating, bowling etc...
  9. H

    what TYPE of school do u go to?

    Re: Public School vs. Private well statically speaking, public schools per capita gets MORE then private schools. non-government (private) schools are funded based on the view of equality, in the past i know for example catholic schools were not funded in any form. this changed with the...
  10. H

    250 Students Suspended from Exclusive Melbourne School

    Re: School Suspends 250 Yr 12 Students Before Exams muck-up day was gone from our school when one grade got chased by police on the school grounds in likethe 80's.. lol worst our grade did was racked up at $8000 bill for the school to fix the grounds where we did burn outs... oakhill suspened...
  11. H

    Bisexual. Suggestions?

    maybe subtley joke around with the idea? and just see how they react?
  12. H

    Blade Runner?

    my friend was going to use bnw or br for speculative fiction (our ext english topic) our teacher said its not not allowed but she adviced against it... because its already in another course meaning itll prob be marked harder...
  13. H

    Now that the major work is handed in how do you feel?

    lol thts a shame... cos that looks stunning :)
  14. H

    Should I pick Textiles and Design?

    time management = good mtp and a stressless u :) i suggest do it :) if u really enjoy it then u will enjoy it regardless if u havent done it in yr 9 or 10 i didnt do textiles in yr 9 or 10 and i picked it up in yr 11, the teacher knows this that the whole class may not have done it in yr9 n 10...
  15. H

    Major Work Next Year..

    ok my advice is design something with these factors in mind creative and innovative i suggest try and get ur inspiration pages together now like just images that inspires you for example. and remember do NOT leave the portfolio to the last min u WILL regret it! for my portfolio a lot of...
  16. H

    textiles trials?

    lol my teachers were one of the writers for the cssa paper... lol id like to think she kept us in mind lol our teacher made our mtp due on the 1st of august... so we wouldnt clash with the cssa trials
  17. H


    maybe its because of all the english... but speculative fiction anyone :P ? also easily compareable to bnw/br :D but i liked it too :) hehe he was cute for a robort :D
  18. H

    Raw Marks?

    lol same here with limited study in trials i got 77% for paper 2 and 64% or something like that for paper 1 so i got about 70% overall... but i studied quite hard for this one... so im hoping for much higher considering in paper 2 for trials i go 17/18/11 11 was the justice game... and i...
  19. H

    Inspiration after the english exam!

    lol nice documentation; the visual images indicates a reflective quality; suggesting that the knowledge obtained by the composer throughout his journey was one of vital importance and insightful... :D lol i ripped mine and left it in the bin at school where they belonged :)