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  1. H

    Text Types for Paper 2 Advanced

    how would u write an interview:S.... n get all the points in?
  2. H

    HELP ME- didn't put student number on front of booklet

    we had to fill in our student number n the blue form before reading time.... just give them a ring n see wat happens :)... at least u wont forget on monday...
  3. H

    suicide and the hsc....

    hey relax ;) its not over yet u can still kick ass in the hsc :) if u give up rite now then ull regret it later besides its not 100% accurate no method and no calculation is :)
  4. H

    suicide and the hsc....

    i remember that... they mentioned at our school our school prep talked us before we started the exam said a pray etc... pretty much affirming that its a 'small part of life'...
  5. H

    Now that the major work is handed in how do you feel?

    lol my teacher even rang vogue n thy just got all smartassy on her so she rang the a girl who did the same pattern last yr she was overseas... so we endded up, well she endded figuring out what to do n confirmed it with another marker... huh so much trouble i thought i would be same with a vouge...
  6. H

    Creative Writing Cliches

    lol thats true my teacher told us the yr of he bali bombings she marked so many creative about it it bored her to death:D but shes a fair marker :) fortunate for u lot:P
  7. H

    What pen have you been using for you HSC exams?

    i love artline felt tip black pens but not for essays i like medium pens at the moment i have a pilot begreen ballpoint pens,,, made form 96% recycled materials :D
  8. H

    context for BNW/BR

    context as ine what was happening during the time of the composers? about 2-3 lines for bnw n 3-4 for br we were told anymore there wasnt a point
  9. H

    I am scared

    dont use pencils! has to be blue or black pen! get used to it now cos external markers prop wont mark it n i know teachers at my school dont for school based exams/ assessment
  10. H

    Is sport compulsory?

    sport is only compulsory by the bos in yr 7-10 from yr 11 - 12 its an elective for my school and in pretty much all catholic schools its compulsory to do at least 1 unit of religion. if u dont want to they simply just ask u to leave the college but i have never heard of such a case where...
  11. H

    Private Schools will dominate UAIs of Public Schools. Discuss

    is urs a government school (public) or non-government school (private) generally speaking non-government is not fully funding by the government hence compulsory school fees/ donations etc i dont know of any private schools that is selective someone correct me but i dont think its possible? i...
  12. H

    my biggest hurdle! - The justice game!

    its not that i don't get the justice game its just i dont get the complete scope of the topic... im also struggling with a 2nd source :( hmm :cold:
  13. H

    SC Monitors are they strict???

    :D we got the same lady at the one we had in yr 10:D hehe 'cease writing'....
  14. H

    King Lear Help A.s.a.p On Context And Essay Structure

    readings and productions arent required this yr. however it wouldnt hurt to refer to one or too IF u know how to use it
  15. H

    Who loves the HSC?

    its short term too.. thank god...:uhhuh:
  16. H

    Was Text 3, Section 1 a Dog or Human??

    Re: The Poem Was About A Dog? i had never thought it was a dog until this post...
  17. H

    Who loves the HSC?

    ha i wish i could put rank and funny in the same sentence... try heartbreaking:P... id go with my half-yearly ranks anyday:P i still dont know my assessment marks out of 100 yes tho :D...
  18. H

    Creative Writing Cliches

    that sounds really interesting:D nnn creative too! reminds me of that i think it was a hans Christiansen story, of that statute who had emotions and a bird sacrificed himself for him in the end.... lol cant remember...
  19. H

    Creative Writing Cliches

    i got 13/15 for it then for trials i got a 9/15... tht goes to show i suppose that it varies on the person who reads it.... i hope they dont think mine was a dream... i didnt write then i woke up or anything but i had something like "the door shattered to announce his arrival, i recoiled on...
  20. H

    sorry for another uai/hsc marks question.

    oh ok so i would have an exam mark of 96 and my internal mark initially 89 will be averaged with 92 giving me a 90.5 90.5 will then be averaged with my external mark of 96? so for that subject it would give me the total of 93.25?