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  1. Sarah182

    3 hours a night is not enough!

    I am getting overwhelmed already! 3 hours a night isnt enongh to keep notes from the syllabus and for homework aswell. Im driving myself mad by doing up to 5 hours a night at the moment just to stay on top of everything. What I've been doing is looking at the syllabus, making notes, doing some...
  2. Sarah182


    I'll just post up one of the key points we have looked as so far. I have the same notes as ek anyways :) 1. The price of progress and scientific development socially when the novel was written was "the enlightenment" which valued progress/ science/ through reason and rational thinking...
  3. Sarah182

    Why is education a competition?

    Competition spurs alot of people on and drives them to acheive their best. If the HSC upsets people, leave school. Otherwise knuckle down and do your best I reckon.
  4. Sarah182

    new english syllabus.. textbooks?

    I have an amazing English teacher, she is all the textbooks and study guides I need. Seriously I can not imagine a better or harder working teacher than her. My maths teacher on the other hand......
  5. Sarah182


    Maths and English seem to be stealing all my time :( My maths teacher cant teach so Im teaching myself and we have gotten heaps of English homework. I spent 5 hours just on maths and english last night!
  6. Sarah182

    4 U maths and 4 U english??

    I dont see the point in doing 4 units of both, I would hate doing those subjects knowing some of the units I'm doing is worth nothing at all (in regards to your uai) Extension 1 in both is hard enough as it is! :)
  7. Sarah182

    Subject Choice Help

    I would suggest keeping legal simply because of the teacher attention you would recieve, but you have to keep in mind your marks, rankings and what you want to do after school (uni) as to what subjects would be more beneficial for you and your uai. Maybe you could keep both of them to start...
  8. Sarah182

    Is sport compulsory?

    We have to do sport this term however its optional next year. I dont know, it seems silly to me because this is year 12 just like next year will be.
  9. Sarah182

    How do you feel?

    I've been in a really good pattern so far. In Year 11 I didnt do much general study at all, just did homework and assignments and studied for exams and such. This year I'm averaging about 3 hours a night on just general study, that was my goal and now I want to keep it :)
  10. Sarah182

    Maths Question: Newtons Method of Approximation

    Nope that makes sense to me Thanks :) I'll see how I go.
  11. Sarah182

    Maths Question: Newtons Method of Approximation

    Nope its just a challenge question out of my Year 12 maths in focus textbook.
  12. Sarah182

    Maths Question: Newtons Method of Approximation

    I know how to use this method and all that, not a problem but Im curious how the best way to approach this question is: Estimate the roots of equation x^4- 6x^2 +8x +1=0 by choosing appropriate approximations for the roots and using 1 application of Newtons Method What is the best way to...
  13. Sarah182

    Excel Guides

    The new ones look very different from the old ones, they are a kinda sparkly light blue colour and yellow, they say like "new format" and stuff on the front. My Chem one is bigger than my chem textbook :S
  14. Sarah182

    Excel Guides

    My new Excel guide for chemistry is very useful I've found. I have the old Biology one and that is very poor compared to the new ones.
  15. Sarah182

    15% of Prelim maths counting for hsc o.O

    Is it 15% or 30% I am confused???
  16. Sarah182

    does your family encourage you to finish year 12

    My family are very laid back, I think they would have been disappointed if I didnt go on but if they knew I didnt like school then I dont think they would have made me stay. You have to remember its YOUR education, not your parents or any of the people saying you wont make it. Just do as...
  17. Sarah182

    School Not Allowing Us To Drop A Subject

    I think it is ridiculous that a school is stopping students dropping subjects. It is the students HSC and their UAI, not the teachers or principals. If I were you I would see if I could talk personally with the vice principal and explain your situation.
  18. Sarah182

    should i drop 3unit maths?

    Ypur results seem pretty good and I think that doing 3 unit does help your 2 unit mark because you are spending more time working on maths and developing skills, that's why I kept 3 unit. Keep it I say :)
  19. Sarah182

    Subject Help

    They are both pretty close so maybe you shouldn't worry too much about the scaling. Which one do you like better? And which one are you doing better in?
  20. Sarah182

    Worst textbooks

    Worst Textbook? Definately Maths In Focus for Extension 1 (both prelim and HSC) The questions are not remotely like they are asked in Exams, the examples hardly ever cover any of the harder work and the Extension and 2 unit stuff is all jumbled up together. I barely touched my Chemistry...