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  1. Tulipa

    i think i may have ruined the best thing that ever happened to me.

    What you did was incredibly selfish and stupid. But you know that already. What you need to think about now is how to fix it. This does not mean apologising left, right and center. Apologise once and make it sincere and succinct. Accept that they will probably be very upset with you for awhile...
  2. Tulipa

    When do i go in?

    You mean fuck her? If you haven't talked to her about it first, then you shouldn't be "sticking it in" yet. See if she's comfortable first. Asking an internet forum if your girlfriend is ready for sex isn't really the right way to find out.
  3. Tulipa

    Love at first sight?

    Love takes a little more than a simple glance. It's pretty much just lust+pheromones.
  4. Tulipa

    Schoolgirl, nurse or frenchmaid?

    QFT Especially when friends of mine are actually dating schoolgirls and they've been out of school for four years.
  5. Tulipa

    best sex scene

    10 Things I Hate About You. Classic scene.
  6. Tulipa

    His Dark Materials anyone - Philip Pullman

    I actually don't think they're going to do any sequels since Golden Compass didn't do too well. Check it out on Wikipedia but it doesn't sound good. I haven't seen the movie but I don't want to. The books are extremely well done the way they are and Nicole Kidman pretty much ruins any movie...
  7. Tulipa

    need some stylish girls to help me

    ... I wore one to work the other day and it was fine? I think you're thinking of something else - it's basically just a vest.
  8. Tulipa

    need some stylish girls to help me

    Do you need a cardigan if it's going to be so warm? Otherwise, sounds pretty good.
  9. Tulipa

    I have a friend...

    Definitely give him space. He's dealing with his own stuff and you're probably presenting a bit of a confusing situation to him - he's gay but religious and can't deal with that being presented to him which is what you're inadvertantly doing by being his friend. It might be a good idea to...
  10. Tulipa


    Fucking DIED laughing at that shit. I actually think it's progressively getting better.
  11. Tulipa

    UOW #1 Most Satisfactory?! ... NO

    There is absolutely no point to comparing anything about the American system with the system here. First of all, the internet for everyone is cheaper and faster over there. Secondly, they pay ridiculously higher fees up front. You about ready to do that? Or are you pretty comfortable with a HELP...
  12. Tulipa

    Whats your major?

    I get two majors in Arts :) I'm doing a double degree (Bachelor of Creative Arts/Bachelor of Arts) with a triple major (Creative Writing with the BCA and English Lit & History with the BA). It's pretty sweet.
  13. Tulipa

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    I've worked fulltime during the holidays and any free weekdays when I've been at uni since I started uni. I've got a D average and the two jobs I've worked have been at a law firm and a publishing company respectively. If you work hard enough it's not a problem. Most people are too lazy to get...
  14. Tulipa


    "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ur_inner_child again." QFT anyways.
  15. Tulipa

    Sunburn :(

    I know right? I always find that if I slather myself in aloe vera - the green gooey gel - for two days (at least 4-5 times a day) after a sunburn then it just goes brown and doesn't peel.
  16. Tulipa

    What have you eaten today?

    Chicken, cheese, lettuce and dijonaise sandwich on a nine-grain english muffin. I was too hungover to eat breakfast :( But lunch was awesome.
  17. Tulipa

    Would you everr get plastic surgery?

    You can I think. Have to go somewhere in Eastern Europe and it costs thousands of dollars but they break your legs and then set them so the bone elongates while it heals. Takes six months, tons of money and a helluva lot of pain but people are doing it. I might be a nose job one day. I've...
  18. Tulipa

    UOW 2009 Roll Call

    Wow I feel old. Fourth year/last year :) Bachelor of Creative Arts (Creative Writing)/Bachelor of Arts (English and History)
  19. Tulipa

    uni in america

    No shit. You're making some big generalisations there. If you fucked around at Harvard and ended up with a 2.0 GPA next to someone who graduated top of their class, the name is only going to do so much. Where you go is important for a variety of reasons - location, facilities, programs, cost...
  20. Tulipa

    Creative Arts Tutorials

    Creative Arts tutes normally aren't put on the web because there aren't a lot of students in each CA course. You usually turn up to the first lecture and get sorted into them there.