I was wondering how do you get past continuer's exam's listening tasks? Coz like they give you the script but it is just reading it and its not the same as listening to it so yea ... i want to know were to get these past exam listening tasks so i can practice from the past exams since...
Is watching things in different languages example LOTE television programs with SUBTITLES beneficial?
Because my teacher said it isnt purely because you tend to read it instead of listening to it, however,
what happens if you dont know certain words or alot words (technical terms) or they...
Heys you guys all do japanese and have probably heard of the JLPT test There is news (not rumors) that there adding a new level between level 3 and 2 since theres a gap in between them just want seeking some advice should i do jlpt 3 or wait until this new level arrangement comes out and do...
Heys Japanese Language Lovers
Im not from New South Wales, From Victoria, there arent many people doing Japanese here however it is becoming more popular, and there arent many resources. I was just seeking advice before the examinations in october(oral) and november(written) is it possible...