So basically I got my ATAR which was a lot higher than I expected (I had plans for getting an ATAR of 60 and then a secondary plan in case i got over 60 but below 70), 87.60 which isn't a lot by this forums standards but i was so stoked.
Anyways my question is has anyone actually rethought...
So last year I did 2 subjects for HSC, Biology (82) which i was pretty happy with and then a 69 for mathematics which i never want to count for my ATAR.
This means that i'm back down to the 12 or 10 unit debate, should I pick up another subject (general mathematics) to replace my poor...
Who's up for another year of IPT :D
:cook: (lol at the panckake flippy thing :P)
i pretty much love the prac (minus databases :evilfire: ) and only just find the written stuff bearable but fairly boring
Who else is Business Studies Class of Twenty-Ten???
What do you think of the subject?
I find it fairly achieveable, not really challengeing but definitely interesting at times :D
I've never really seen a reason to take everything that we're allowed to take in, but i don't want to rsisk there being a random change in the exam that requires something i should've taken :S
So who is taking in?
A pair of compasses
Set squares
(optional) a curve sketchig drawing...
In response to a heap of threads on the issue of images being an X and all that stuff i asked the Mod's:
Thanks Townie : ) so dw everyone, things will be back to usual when exams are over or as interest starts to dwindle.
Since I only began HSC Bio at the start of last term i missed out on doing pretty much all of the experiments. These are the ones that i just do not understand, basically the ones i couldn't make up stuff for.
It would be really, really helpful if anybody could answer some of these, even if you...
I'm having difficulty with this q & don't know where to go at the end of the last step below:
Thanks :)
\int x^2 \sqrt{x^3+1} || \; Let\:u=x^3 +1 || \; \frac{du}{dx}= 3x^2 || \; \frac{du}{3x^2}= dx || \; x^2 \int \sqrt{u}\; \frac{du}{3x^2}||
I just can't remember how to do Simpson's and Trapeziodal questions. It would be really helpful if somebody could please go through at least one of these questions step by step.
Trapeziodal Question
Use the trapeziodal rule with four function values to find an approximation to the indefinite...
I was just messing around with SAM and put the following in:
English Advanced
Business Studies
I made my mark 99 for all of them & Maths and Business scaled down to 97.2 & IPT doesn't count
But if i make my mark for all of them 50 i get the following...
I was wondering if someone could please explain these probability formulae:
in language a 2U student could understand :)
-Permutations nPn=n!
-binomial probability distribution P(r successes) = <SUP>n</SUP>Crp<SUP>r</SUP>q<SUP>n-r</SUP>
Examples would also be helpful...
For the business research task in prelim. business studies i have to do a business plan for a hypothetical business.
My first question is what are the basic components of a business plan that i should include?
So far i'm doing a ski hire shop, which is the sort of business that begins...
How many points does it take to move up a square?
How many points can u give on each square?
When u get more squares are you allowed to give more ppl rep in that 24hrs?
Thanks :)
Is anyone else doing the hypothetical business option for Business Studies.
If so, whats your chosen business and what are you including in the plan? :)
atm i've chosen a ski hire business as my hypothetical business
Does anyone on BoS have a subject that they really dislike i.e. due to teacher, content etc... but also do really well in??
cause i'm beginning to wonder if its just me, in IPT so far i've had two assessments and gotten 90% and 84% but i really dislike the subject.
what's the difference between doing the Bachelor of education (primary) and the Bachelor of education (early childhood and primary)?
Does the course content greatly vary and would i be disadvantaged for choosing the latter if i want to be a primary school teacher?
also are there any courses...