Hey everyone,
Just Wondering Can I Study A Unit At MQ City When I'm In The North Ryde Campus? Mainly because of the different times the unit offers also wanted to asked would this be recommended? Any help would be greatly appreciated :smile:
Today I had my stat lect and my pro said we probably dont need a textbook for this unit and i was like :speechless:, nah seriously I was kinda thinking that a textbook would be helpful but can i get some feedback from people who did this topic, like was it useful or should i not buy one...
Hey everyone I just surfed the macquarie website and they said to change my name i had to go to the student enquiry service and fill out a form there along with identification so today i when there and they was only a cashier and hecs help stall so were do i go? Help will be greatly appreciated...
Hey i was just wondering is it possible to transfer to macq mid year and then transfer to unsw after finishing the second semester at macq? (considering i get the marks) i read the unsw website but im unsure =\
"To have your university studies considered for admission, you must complete at...
Hey guys,
With my atar i can either get into arts at unsw or commerce (which i want to do) at uws either way i was thinking about transferring to unsw although transferring through arts is easier im kinda afarid taht i might do bad in the first year and wouldntt be able o transfer what are your...
Hey guys i was just wondering if i do for example commerce/economics and i do really bad in commerce but good in economics can i still transfer to commerce at unsw? or is it better chancing it and do 1 subject?
hey guys,
I'm kinda noob at this but i was thinking about doing commerce at macquaire or uws (lol whatever) and then transferring to unsw but a few peeps of mine say its easier to do an arts course or something and then transfer to commerce at unsw is this true?
Thanks in advance
I've been having this thought recently of moving to China after i finish uni cause all my family's there (my uncles, aunts and cousins) i don't know why but sometime in aus i don't feel i belong because there always that handful of people that are racist dicks unlike in china were i can...