School rank: Top 15 last year, overall top 20 for the past few years.
English Adv: 120s/167
Math Ext 1: 87/115
My current dilemma is whether to focus on improving my english rank more than my other subjects or should I focus on my other...
These are only estimates of my school ranks (albeit fairly accurate):
Eng Adv: ~120/167 (disgusting, yea I know :L)
Mathematics: 57/113 (known)
Mx1: 87/118 (known)
Chem: ~2 /98
Bio: ~10/49
Phys ~40/95
School rank: ~15
Are they a general indicator of what mark you are going to get? As in will the marker know what mark to give you with little regard to the rest of the essay?
Also, will an essay with a brilliant intro but mediocre body and conclusion, be better than an essay with a mediocre intro and brilliant...
I'm currently on 13 units and I would like to drop down to 11, but at the moment I'm in a dilemma or either dropping Physics or Legal.
Pros for legal:
- It's a moderately enjoyable subject with a good teacher.
- I have a moderate amount of knowledge in terms of the concepts etc.
- I...
Hi, my name is Zhertec and I am currently in year 12 (1st term) and about to start the *cough* wonderful *cough* journey of the HSC.
School Rank: Top 20
English Advanced
Math Ext 1
Chem (accel, hoping to finish with a b6 this year, although have fairly crappy...
I'm starting year 12 soon, so I wanna make the best of these holidays. Currently maths is one of those subjects which I have neglected in 9 & 10, and sadly it's come to bite me back on the @$$. One of the main issues with it is that I don't practise enough (obviously) but when I do, I feel that...
I'm currently nearing the end of my preliminary years, and I want to establish a better study routine for y12 (not so organised in year 11 >.< ). So I'm just asking for some advice on how to achieve an ATAR >99, I know obviously that there is no guarantee even if I study like 24/7 etc, but like...
I was wondering if a band 6 for chemistry would still be achievable with these marks/ranks:
Rank: Semester 1: 52/106
Average Mark: 83
Rank: Semester 2: (haven't received the ranks but just an estimate of future rank) 60-70 dunno hard to estimate, if I'm lucky maybe it will increase...
Was just wondering if it were possible to obtain like an estimate of moderated, scaled etc marks for a single subject, in this case chemistry, by my internal chemistry rank and marks (including weightings) of each assessment? So basically an estimate of what mark BOS will give me for this...
I Currently have a HSC Chemistry Practical assessment coming up, so I was just wondering if anyone had any tips that helped them through this daunting exam (imo hardest Chem exam). Like what should I focus on, besides obviously learning all practicals, but other stuff? Like trends in terms of...
I'm currently at around the end of my prelim years of Chemistry and I was wondering if it were possible to achieve a state ranking if you weren't rank top 10 in your cohort. So like hypothetically you did not too well on one of the tests and got around rank 15 at the end of the year, would it...