Hey Everyone
I had my car (Burgundy/Red Honda Civic) parked on the Parramatta Campus from around 8:30am until 8:00pm in the car park next to the tennis court. A car (white one) has hit the whole passenger side from front to back and scrapped the whole paint off.
The damage will cost me...
I have been working for a very small firm for 7 months and the boss hired his ex and when he is not in the office she takes control and she picks on me about everything I do and never says anything to the other paralegals.
I was trained by the boss and I trained the new paralegals we have...
so what happened ? did you learn anything?
I could not go because I have mid semester exams all next week and not all my notes are done :o
any information would be much appreciated :)
Dear Students,
UWS would like to issue a warning to all students to use caution when
replying to email sent to their UWS student email accounts. Students at
the University of Technology Sydney have recently been targeted by hoax
emails seeking to obtain students login details for their...
did any one else see these bags today around the parra campus?
personally I think if some one is carrying them around in the street it sends the wrong message that we think low of the education standards at UWS. Although, yes I did laugh when I first did see it, I realise that...
When you can register for your tutorials
Tutorial registration opening times for units within the schools are staggered to spread the load on the system. If you're not sure of the school for your units, your tutorial enquiry screen on PlatformWeb (PWeb) will show the units in which you are...
firstly i apologise if this is posted in the wrong forum
ok i am looking to buy a digital camera something smallish and lightweight so i can take it when i go out heaps of places these holidays somewhere in the range of $100-$200
any suggestions?
ok guys with the third one it is
the same person must not own and occupy the dominant and servient tenement
ok my question is say if person A owned property 1 and 2 but leased out property 2 to person B.
how do scenarios like this affect this 3rd element?
thanks :)
two rejections in the one day :) feel free to post up your rejection emails :P
Thank you for your recent application for paralegal employment at Allens Arthur Robinson. We receive a large number of paralegal applications throughout the year and only have limited...
ok well i was studying for uni exams for about 2 hrs using my laptop and i had my desk lamp on and then i looked up and noticed the light from the lamp had melted the corner of my laptop!!! its like physically melted it the laptop still works like normal etc, my question is can anything be done...
it's been happening to me a lot lately, I go in to apply for a paid job, get to the interview stage and then they say 3 months unpaid work first then we MIGHT keep you on for paid work...is this happening to anyone else?
and i also noticed like on seek and stuff they have "unpaid internships"...