man are u serious? well i am probably going macquarie. nah not racist just been in a 95% chinese high school for 6 years and would like to meet more aussies (i am aussie)
Ok here are my prefs for the main round:
1. Arts (psych) at USyd- this year's cutoff 98.1
2. Psych (hons) at UNSW- this year's cutoff 95.85
3. Arts (psych)/Dip Ed at Macquarie- this year's cutoff 84.75
I got offered the Arts (psych)/Dip Ed at Macquarie but I really want my 1st or 2nd.
halloween I suggest you do this, and if you don't get it DO NOT go to uni doing communication if you don't want to do it and waste money on HECS, you should just wait for the next enrolment
Re: Who got a shit uai? Cmon share your pain
Don't even bother with UWS IT, it will be too hard to get a job. You're a guy, you're lucky, just do a trade and you can earn shitloads. My brother got 30 something and did an apprenticeship, he was recently promoted and is now earning 100,000 a...
88 :( :(
SAM predicted like 60 when I put in my trial marks?? and then the day I got my HSC results it predicted 86.55 which was close but whats the point if it only works one day before?
80, your general maths mark and business studies mark were band 5 and those subjects are some of the easier and more popular, so they would have brought you down