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  1. Vindictus

    is time travel possible?(not including twins paradox)

    Isn't it like this.. Like travels totally indifferent to time. In light's plane of reference, time is undefined. In addition, as you approach the speed of light, time slows down until it becomes undefined (the speed of light). Disregarding mass dilation and everything, if we were to somehow...
  2. Vindictus

    Paper 2

    Take solace in the fact that there are lots of people that won't and haven't studied for this.. At most, I'm only memorising 1 essay and quotes/techniques for others. But hopefully they won't ask something ambiguous again..
  3. Vindictus

    SOR I - Section 3! YOUR THOUGHTS

    I put that in, but it definitely wasn't 8 pages of content, I only managed 4 with waffling on BS. It was a kinda crappy question. From my point of view, it was just asking (for christianity at least) "why is christianity still alive in people's lives and how".
  4. Vindictus

    How to tell if SHE loves you?

    zing /popcorn
  5. Vindictus

    How to tell if SHE loves you?

    Tells you you're a better screw than his last GF? But if you're honestly wondering, he'll generally adore you in his own ways. It's not hard to tell with men.
  6. Vindictus

    relationships with other races: WHY NOT?

    There's no reason why you shouldn't. Racial bigotry stopped being funny a while ago *shrug*
  7. Vindictus

    Birth Order and Personality, are you an exception?

    This wasn't already obvious, right? What are they going to waste time analysing next? Maybe human stupidity? They'd learn a thing or two.
  8. Vindictus

    Good Luck for English Standard HSC 2009

    It only scales well because everybody generally lands in the same bands, and those who get ahead are very few in number, thus good scaling for exceptional students. However, people that just cruised through the 2 years or didn't put in a lot of work, or were simply lazy, will be in the big...
  9. Vindictus

    IPT Study Thread

    Processes, the action taking place. Denoted as a circle. Arrow, represents the flow of data. Denoted (obviously) as an arrow. An external entity. An entity that is separate to the database that provides data or receives data from the database. Denoted as a simple square. A data store. This is...
  10. Vindictus

    The benefits of climate change

    No one said Co2 is bad. People have been saying, however, that LOTS of Co2 is bad. Like, the Co2 of car emissions x the total amount of cars running in the world. That's pretty bad. And it doesn't compare to us breathing. I'm guessing it's purely coincidental that in the last century, when...
  11. Vindictus

    The next revolution?

    Next revolution: 2012, when the poles reverse! Or something.. Omg onoz
  12. Vindictus

    The benefits of climate change

    Pretty much everything on Earth is interrelated in some way. Sure, some crappy little species of plant that nobody cares about may go extinct. But what if that plant feeds another creature, which feeds another creature, which in turn spreads the seeds of another plant, which feeds another bug...
  13. Vindictus

    Pedophile Ferguson can't be forced to move

    Chill pill, bro Revenge only chains revenge, which chains revenge, and then more revenge. To err is human, to forgive is divine.
  14. Vindictus

    The benefits of climate change

    Most of worlds population living on the coast + Sea levels rising significantly = Many people displaced at best, and many more having lost their lives, at worst.
  15. Vindictus

    The benefits of climate change

    This thread is pointless. It's full of misinformed r-tards flaming others who may, or may not, have a point. OP, you knew what was going to result from a thread like this on these forums. Why post it? The simple truth is: Climate change will have both Pro's and Con's. Everything does...
  16. Vindictus

    UNSW open day.

    Was a pretty good day! Met Namu (was the guy with Kevin), stole 8 V's, cups of liquid Nitrogen ice cream, and watched the building blocks game. Great lectures, too! Very helpful and enthusiastic lecturer's and students. Really enjoyed it.
  17. Vindictus

    just not caring.

    Pretty much. Throughout life willpower and motivation will be the two factors that will award Intelligence. I'd imagine many would be burnt out about now, just when it matters most. All I can say is keep trying..
  18. Vindictus

    whats the most evil subject?

    Get out of here with your logic.
  19. Vindictus

    Need help with new topic

    First, what are you actually asking for help with? As for movies, choose one you comprehend well.
  20. Vindictus

    UNSW open day.

    For me, I guess it just didn't have the laid-back-ness of UTS. That and their booths and info sessions weren't quite as good as UTS's. UTS was just more user friendly. I guess that's the way both Uni's are, though. I'm also going UNSW Open Day.