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  1. M

    Autumn semester 2010 results

    Yuck, why did you take approaches? One of my least favourite classes ever.
  2. M

    Is UWS actually a university?

    Aw, kids are still bitching about this? How quaint. Funny since the last student media day I went to all the really stupid questions were coming from USYD and UNSW students and their questions tended to be about things we did in first year... huh. Then again, that's just one course. Don't you...
  3. M

    star signs

    Capricorn who's frankly surprised not to see more Virgos in this thread. So many Aries'/Taurus'/Geminis/Cancers. What the hell were all your parents doing it in July/August/September/October for? Every second person I meet is a Virgo and a friend and I decided a few years ago that most...
  4. M

    Short Stories?

    That's what I was going to say. A teacher read Lamb to the Slaughter when I was in about year six. Excellence. And "The Bachman Books" if you can get a hold of it. Stephen King stopped publication because the first story, Rage, had been read by three high school shooters and he didn't want to...
  5. M

    Autumn semester 2010 results

    Cultural Paradigms and Music: High Distinction (90) Media Analysis: Distinction (76) Radio Journalism: Pass (62) Television Journalism: Pass (63) To hell with group work dependent marks. First high distinction in an elective I wasn't even going to take because I didn't think I'd pass it, awesome!
  6. M

    Julia Gillard new Prime Minister

    Okay so I thought this news made my day but this... I think I died a little. :lol: Thank you!
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    Dr Who

    Just rewatched the first season with Christopher Eccelston. I remembered absolutely loving him and then David Tennant happened and I forgot all about him. I'm not sure why, because he was a fantastic Doctor.
  8. M


    Yes it's true. I have a friend in the States who ordered it the other day. About to do the same myself.
  9. M

    Download or Buy?

  10. M

    what was the first song you learnt on the guitar?

    Heart Shaped Box.
  11. M

    Whoever did the Autumn Session timetable for Communications is stupid

    I lived in Port Macquarie and moved for uni. Looked on for share accommodation and lived in Werrington Downs for a year. Easy as pie. 20-40 minutes to uni (it was five minutes by car but I don't have one) by bus/train. Live in the Blue Mountains now, takes me two and a half hours...
  12. M

    How much money do you spent on clothes every month?

    I don't get it either. Obviously none of these people have other expenses. +1 Actually, it all really depends on what I need for the season (i.e. don't need a new coat this year, bought three last year) and whether or not I can find anything I like. Which quite often I can't.
  13. M

    Ladies: Is there such thing as a good-looking ginger male? Examples?

    Sometimes this whole "Australians hate redheads" thing really irritates me. I'm a redhead and I'm married to one. Fear our future-babies. Nobody said Josh Homme from QotSA? Edit: Ewan McGregor
  14. M

    Phillipa Gregory: What are your favourite novels and characters?

    Don't mean to be picky, but Catherine of Aragon isn't a character, she was a person. :P I do feel inclined to agree though.
  15. M

    where to get cheap/discounted books?

    I've noticed lots of A&R discount stores around lately.
  16. M

    Scholarship money

    I've already gotten one, about three weeks ago. The other is always 3-4 weeks after the census date.
  17. M

    Attendance to tutorials?

    Most of my lecturers say they'll accept 2 unexplained absences and after that, you require a doctors note and you're only disadvantaging yourself.
  18. M

    Another twilight dicussion. Love it? Hate it?

    This and she (though probably accidentally) manages to describe Edward at such length I threw down the book in frustration but keeps Bella amazingly simple, so much so that any girl could relate.
  19. M

    "Stephenie Meyers can't write" - Stephen King

    If you want to get really technical, and this is the fun conversation I always have with my fiancé regarding Buffy and Angel, they shouldn't even be able to get it up; no blood blow. :P
  20. M

    "Stephenie Meyers can't write" - Stephen King

    I read about a line of that and decided I already waste enough brain cells on the internet without trying to decipher trash.