Hey guys.
I missed this class and there are no examples done in the lecture notes so I have absolutely no idea how to do this type of question.
Basically, I don't know how to use the 3% (well, 5% really) multiplier table in calculating loss of future earning capacity.
So say the guy would...
What he said.
I didn't make any "notes" in first year.. and if I did I don't remember it. :P I pretty much just crammed all the lecture notes.
Law is so much easier.. you don't really have to 'know' or rather memorise, anything at all! :D
Completely agree. I went to most of the major cities of the world 3 months ago and I absolutely loved San Francisco. Can't wait to go back when I'm 21. :)
I thought O Party was great! :D
I have no idea how good the band were - I was well and truly off my face. I do remember dancing like a knob though, so I'm thinking I didn't mind the band that much. :P
So many hot boys - this year will be great, eye candy wise! :P
Hey everyone!
This is my first post in ages! :P
I'm doing B Medical Science/B Laws.
I was doin' straight Med Sci but transferred to the combined degree this year. So technically I'm third year Med Sci, and first year Law, which I'll be starting this year. :)
This is the first time I've been on bos for aaaaaaaaaages. It's all perty now.
What's this 'Reputation' button thingy in the corner of everyone's posts? :confused:
Is it some big ego booster thing? lol
Does anyone know if we can pay HECS by cash?
I think I read about someone paying it at the bank at uni - but because I enrolled late I never got a bill in the mail so I have nothing to give to the bank with my money to say it was from me (does that make sense?)
Can we also pay by...
Why do people like you insist on typing like a 10 year old moronic kid who can't speak properly?
Mayb i shud start tawkin lyke ewe, den mayb i can be kool yer?
Yep. I'm doing Medical Science at UOW... and I don't want to be a doctor. With this degree I'm thinking of doing pathology, or immunology or histology. Haven't decided and don't need to. Autopsy's would be cool. But yeh, I'll prolly just do blood/cell/tissue testing.
Then again I might end up...