I hope not.
It would be listed together because digital media and the comp sci/digital media combination both had the same UAC course code.
I presume they'll let us pick what we want when accepting the offer - though I really don't know, I was meaning to check on this before but forgot about...
Not really, but I do like to be difficult
- however now I realise that the advertisment will be seen more people, as this thread has been more active, and thus will be more appealling to passers by.
Dammit, you win.
Possibly because you can't tell that it's an ad before you've opened the thread.
It is very obvious when you are watching an ad on TV, or looking at one in a magazine - whereas here you don't know that you are looking at an ad until you reach the last line of the post.
The differences between your school assesment mark and the one you got today has nothing to do with scaling. BOS just take your assesment rank and look at how your whole class does externally in order to give you an assesment mark that can be compared to everybody else in the state.
Okay, my bad - I don't know anything about The Crucible, and I read the other post backwards :shy:
If you acknowledge that the text wasn't composed or set in the nineteenth century, and justfy how it aids in understanding the 19th century, then it might work alright.
But since the syllabus...
A text wirtten in the 19th century about another time will have still been influenced by the 19th century context.
So IMO you could use it, but it would require you to analyse it in a different manner to other texts which are actually set in the period. The whole idea is to write about the...
Well, I think in the end they can ask for just about whatever they want in the exam. But generally it is just the "TWO" prescribed texts.
I do remember one question where it said, this was for the individual and society, that if you used Browning's poems you had to include 'Porphyria's Lover' -...
Yeah, you can do whatever you like. I did 2 unit last year, but ended up not doing well with 4U so just doing 3U and I sat the 2U paper again the other day. {That sentence sounds much more complicated than it should be}
All that sounds almost exactly the same as what I wrote.
EDIT: yeah, like he ^ said.
I did that, what drewgcn said, for the division one too.
I just put header and trailer for iii.
I think contigency theory would be alright, but I think keeping the hierachical structur would be a no-no, since in the stimulus it says "structure based on behavioural theory would be more beneficial than the existing hierarchical structure".
Thinking about it, and looking at wikipedia, transfer pricing is exactly as zedzed has said above:
"the price charge for a good or service traded amoung a business and it's subsidiaries"
Now the question asks how a B can reduce the amount of tax it pays through transfer pricing.
A gives...
(just copying out my plan I wrote underneath the question)
I did all the elements of a Marketing plan:
Situational Analysis
Establishing objectives
Identifying target markets
Developing marketing strategies
Implementing, monitoring and controlling.
Then I didn't really understand the second...
I think they'll avoid it all together, because it's so politicised.
I think I'm pretty much ready, apart from the whole case study thing - but that's what today's for.