if you guys are interested, I'm going to have a hsc interactive answer/ discussion thing
Probably just for discovery. We can collectively analyse texts and attempt at responding to the questions (I got some sample paper 1s)
Also, there could be a sharing of random stuff we find and then relating them to discovery (whether this is from past AOS papers or something you've come across online)
Why am I doing this?
Well just answering questions after questions is boring and having group interaction makes you actually do stuff. There's no marking criteria/ sample answers set for these practice discovery papers so it's best to hear answers from other people. It'll be good to have discussion on how we can answer the questions which is giving feedback to whoever wrote that response. I would make a marathon thread but that isn't going to be flexible as this idea. More importantly, you can be anonymous since it doesn't state the contributor unless you specify yourself
so interested?
contact this email for more info and I'll give you an invite:
mythologicalsnow@gmail.com (note this is a random spare email, not my real details)