Aussies racist - Japan's pro whalers supporters + (Youtube) (1 Viewer)


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Funny how your reasoning constantly switches between "humans are savage beasts who should give into their primal instincts" and "humans are sophistacted and intelligent and can control themselves".
Sophistication and intelligence has nothing to do with human nature. What I argued was that human nature dictated that humans do not have some sort of inherent role to protect every little species. Preserving a species (genetically) would be another thing entirely, but once a species can no longer live in this changing earth, we can't modify the earth to accomodate them. Millions and millions of species have become extinct in the past, who was at fault there? I believe somebody as intelligent as you make yourself out to be would accept that natural selection does.

You like contradicting yourself to try and make somebody else look bad, don't you? Well, come back when you've cleared your stance up and can stop resorting to double-talk and ad hominem arguments.
You're the one resorting to ad hominem, infact you're also slandering me by misquoting me. Wow, that's quite contradictory don't you think? It's almost as if you're doing exactly what you're accusing me of.

The problem with people like you is that you think that evolution has some savage underlying violence. It doesn't. It's based purely on selective pressures.
There is no problem with people like me. I just understand the reality of it all. Millions of species have come and become extinct, it's the fate of all species, including our own.

A species like humans is advanced to the point where we can create our own pressures and eliminate natural ones.
We can't eliminate natural pressures. We can't control volcanic eruptions on oceans surface, we can't control the different continents dispersing equally to balance the earth's mass. We have no control of the atmospheric pressures which exist as a result.

That's just one example, and we can not eliminate those pressures.

That doesn't make it our God-given right to do so
Where does god come into this argument? If we were to use god in this argument (atleast that of abrahamic religions) we would be expected to believe it is our responsibility to preserve animal life. (Noah's Ark, etc.)

and careless moronic exploitation in that way leads to the problems this world faces with slavery, sexual abuse, murder and environmental damage.
What do these have to do with anything? You're so retarded.

Furthermore, it means that we can choose to create our own purpose in the world - one separate from the seemingly violent "natural" urges of animals. The fact that we've evolved (and continue to) from an aggressive species to a more moderated, passive species (genetically as well as socially) supports this idea.
I can't believe you accused me of being contradictory, and then you make this post. Didn't you just suggest that humans enjoyed killing one another? now you're suggesting that humans have 'genetically' become a more passive species. What evidence do you have to support this outlandish and moronic claim? Humans can create their own purpose, and I for one do not want to exist to protect the survival of every species. Because millions and millions of species have become extinct before them, we have to accept that these species as well as our own will meet the same fate.

Your attitude to the world around you is that of the slave owners 100 years ago - that blacks are nothing but animals, less than whites, and thus it is your right to force them to work under you and kill them if they get in your way.

It is people like you who make humanity stupid, with your arrogant trust in the idea that you're the most supreme being around and anybody who disagrees with you is less than you and anything less than you deserves to be controlled or destroyed.
Lies. Whales are food, prove me wrong.


May 3, 2005
Race has nothing to do with this issue. if i ever saw the person who made that youtube video i would knock the sonofabitch out. its a war between anti-whalers and whalers not Aus vs Jap. I dont support the anti-whalers neither do i support the whalers because really i dont give a sh*t about it. I just hate how people incite racial tension to gain peoples support, i dont buy into this crap but it doesnt mean im not patriotic. if people were to invade aus and our ways of life ill put a cap through their head.
The reason why i dont support the anti-whalers because originally they were Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd Conservation Soc.
Greenpeace is hypocritical, stop using modern tech. and go live in the bush if you care so much about the environment.
Sea Shepherd Conservation is led by a maniac whos willing to risk human lives to save a few whales.
thats just my view if you dont like it go f*ck yourself


Aug 19, 2007
there just little whingers, and looking for a way out of there unneeded killing. They should shoot there boats.


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
sam04u said:
Sophistication and intelligence has nothing to do with human nature.
Oh, OK. That's a good one! Ha ha.

Seriously, it has everything to do with human nature. even if you're going to assume human nature is comprised solely of negative things, jealousy, anger, hate, those things are directed, have a purpose and are a result of our intelligence. Seriously, stop trying to make 100% of humans out as savages.

I didn't call you a moron, you moron. You're the one insulting me, retard!
(A paraphrase of your recent posts w.r.t. to the argumentum ad hominem contention - Slidey)
Need I say more?

There is no problem with people like me. I just understand the reality of it all. Millions of species have come and become extinct, it's the fate of all species, including our own.
A pretty nihilistic view. Species come and go, naturally, certainly, but humans aren't natural anymore. Your continued delusion is that we are and thus everything we do is also natural. We are above and beyond nature - and a lot of us as humans can see the problem with going around wreaking havoc on the environment in the name of "we're superior, we have the right to". Enough to oppose the morally hollow minority (tongue-twister) on this planet, at least.

And no, I don't oppose natural extinction. But the vast majority of extinction events in the last thousand years have been due to being hunted to extinction (often purely because a bunch of redneck farmers didn't want a species around). That's not natural selection.

We can't eliminate natural pressures. We can't control volcanic eruptions on oceans surface, we can't control the different continents dispersing equally to balance the earth's mass. We have no control of the atmospheric pressures which exist as a result.

That's just one example, and we can not eliminate those pressures.
We can prevent two species from killing each other. We can make one species dominant enough to wipe another out where it wouldn't have before. We can bring species back from the brink of extinction we created, we can terraform some areas of land from forests to deserts, or desert to grasslands. We can alter/eliminate many natural pressures.

I certainly didn't specify all natural pressures.

Where does god come into this argument? If we were to use god in this argument (atleast that of abrahamic religions) we would be expected to believe it is our responsibility to preserve animal life. (Noah's Ark, etc.)
English lesson 1 for sam04u: "God-given right" is an idiom. An idiom is a term or phrase whose meaning cannot be deduced from the literal definition. "God-given right" is typically used in reference to people or groups who think that everybody/anything else is wrong or inferior and that they alone are right.

What do these have to do with anything? You're so retarded.
Is that what you always call things you don't understand?

Slavery is a result of a human being failing to recognise another human being as having rights. It results from the former believing they are superior to those who are weaker than them and thus deserve to control them; the very same attitude you are holding about animals.

Sexual exploitation is again a result of one human thinking they have the right to own and control another human being in some way.

Murder is a result of one human thinking another human life is unimportant - that they have the right to take it. And what are you advocating here? That animal lives are unimportant and that you have the right to take them.

When humans think in these ways, they ARE nothing more than the primitive savages you describe. But they are not humanity as a whole. You constantly refer to humanity as animals because you know some people who are. How does that validate your claim that we should act like these people because it's what we as humans are? It's what a small barbaric minority are - most people never even show traits of psychopathy like this.

And finally, I'm sure you're aware of the verified strong link between animal abuse and psychopathy:

Lies. Whales are food, prove me wrong.
If you think that animals are mere tools for you, then what makes you stop at animals? You obviously think yourself better than some other people, so why aren't those people also food for you? Or slaves perhaps? Why should you suddenly stop at at human beings? Moral reasons? "It's a horrible thing to hurt a human - a being who can think, feel pain... but hey I'll gladly go slaughter that whale and its kids because everybody knows they're dumb and can't feel pain!" No, seriously where do you draw the line and why?


Oi, guys;
sam04u is a troll.

and also
Bruce Willis is actually dead.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Slidey said:
Seriously, it has everything to do with human nature. even if you're going to assume human nature is comprised solely of negative things, jealousy, anger, hate, those things are directed, have a purpose and are a result of our intelligence. Seriously, stop trying to make 100% of humans out as savages.
You seem to forget that earlier in the thread you were arguing that humans were stupid, and now you're arguing that humans are intelligent? Make up your mind Slidey. Your correlating savagery with apathy to the extinction of certain species that are inept in some way. That's absolutely moronic in my opinion.

A pretty nihilistic view. Species come and go, naturally, certainly, but humans aren't natural anymore. Your continued delusion is that we are and thus everything we do is also natural.
Humans are very natural. We still eat from our mouths and shit from our arses. We haven't magically become super beings.

We are above and beyond nature - and a lot of us as humans can see the problem with going around wreaking havoc on the environment in the name of "we're superior, we have the right to". Enough to oppose the morally hollow minority (tongue-twister) on this planet, at least.
No we're still very much bound by nature. You'll die a natural death some day, and maggots will decompose your body very naturally. Whether there is something beyond the natural is debateable. I'm not suggesting wreaking havoc on the environment, because we need the environment to live. You have some sort of delusion that animals are equal to humans, and that's fundamentally wrong. You're probably a vegetarian, who thinks it's their personal job to protect every animal. But I just ate some delicious chicken, with "chick pea sauce", to bad it's not made out of "chicks".

And no, I don't oppose natural extinction. But the vast majority of extinction events in the last thousand years have been due to being hunted to extinction (often purely because a bunch of redneck farmers didn't want a species around). That's not natural selection.
Actually if you were intelligent enough to read a few of the posts made in this thread (by people more intelligent than you) you would have known that infact, many species become extinct due to the introduction of more adept species. Who are more capable of surviving and are thus more efficient. That's very natural, everything except the introduction of the species is very natural.

In the Australian outback, in every corner of the outback you might be able to find cats. These cats have managed to reach every corner of Australia in a few centuries. Just like mice, and even humans. Efficient species live, and they kill off other inefficient species. Again, I'm not suggesting we kill off every species other than humans. We need birds and bees and worms to help grow our trees, and there are other species that we need and can coexist with. Whales are hardly one of these species.

English lesson 1 for sam04u: "God-given right" is an idiom. An idiom is a term or phrase whose meaning cannot be deduced from the literal definition. "God-given right" is typically used in reference to people or groups who think that everybody/anything else is wrong or inferior and that they alone are right.
You need internet lessons. :lol:

Is that what you always call things you don't understand?
I understand you better than yourself, I bet you think beastiality is not all that bad either don't you? Almost as if we have some sort of "animal country club".

Slavery is a result of a human being failing to recognise another human being as having rights. It results from the former believing they are superior to those who are weaker than them and thus deserve to control them; the very same attitude you are holding about animals.
I'm a human, I'm superior to these animals that are my food. My cat just walked right past me, I know it's a stupid creature. But I still wouldn't want it dead. I don't control it, I feed it and take care of it. In return it provides me with humour and the occasional company. I like the fact that it hides on top of the fridge and surprises me late at night when I'm getting a drink out of the freezer.

But I know that I'm superior to that cat. I know that genetically, in every way we're different, and exuse the pun, but I'm top cat in that relationship.

Sexual exploitation is again a result of one human thinking they have the right to own and control another human being in some way
Humans are different than animals. All humans deserve some sort of respect for on another, if only because we understand that we're too similar, and the effects of the tables being turned. "Do unto others", etc.

If you think that animals are mere tools for you, then what makes you stop at animals? You obviously think yourself better than some other people, so why aren't those people also food for you? Or slaves perhaps? Why should you suddenly stop at at human beings? Moral reasons? "It's a horrible thing to hurt a human - a being who can think, feel pain... but hey I'll gladly go slaughter that whale and its kids because everybody knows they're dumb and can't feel pain!" No, seriously where do you draw the line and why?
Wow, what a great summary of my thoughts. Yes, animals are stupid and they can't feel pain the same way that humans do. I'm not suggesting torturing an animal, there should not be unneccesary torture or suffering of animals. But I'm not like you, willing to get on my knees to please these lesser beings. I understand that animals can be used to the advantage of humans, and no I probably wouldn't let a horse ride on my back. I also wouldn't like the idea of being cow food, but I sure do love a nice piece of steak being grilled. Cow flesh sure does taste delicious.

Just because some butt-hurt, animal lover tries lecturing me, I'm not going to stop eating meat, because I like meat. Japanese people like eating whale. I don't particularly care about whales, I care more about Japanese people. If they want to eat some delicious whale in their soups with noodles and say "ITADAKIMASSSS" while chowing down on some delicious whale. Then good on them.

Damn I could use some whale right about now. A whole one actually.


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
sam04u said:
I'll selectively reply to pieces of your argument, even cutting key out parts of your sentences, whilst ignoring your main points; because I'm THAT GOOD.
Some groups have recently done independent studies of people who feel a superiority about themselves with respect to animals. The studies are fairly dense, but some of the most fascinating conclusions are that there's a strong correlation with belief in human supremacy and decreased brain cell density. One such study is here:

What's perhaps more intriguing is the tentative causal link between between decreased brain cell density and sociopathic behaviour as elucidated in this article:


hahaha. i was going to say i thought there was a link between animal cruelty and sociopaths.

sam isnt a sociopath though, just silly.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Slidey said:
I like sucking off animals
url= - Come on, you didn't think I would fall for that did you stupid?


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
sam04u said:
url= - Come on, you didn't think I would fall for that did you stupid?
The funny thing is you probably did fall for it and are here now posting that because you embarassed yourself. :shy:


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Slidey said:
The funny thing is you probably did fall for it and are here now posting that because you embarassed yourself. :shy:
You're intelligent. I respect you.
Animals have rights. (I fuck around way too much, and people take me seriously.)


Aug 17, 2006
sam04u said:
You seem to forget that earlier in the thread you were arguing that humans were stupid, and now you're arguing that humans are intelligent? Make up your mind Slidey. Your correlating savagery with apathy to the extinction of certain species that are inept in some way. That's absolutely moronic in my opinion.

Humans are very natural. We still eat from our mouths and shit from our arses. We haven't magically become super beings.

No we're still very much bound by nature. You'll die a natural death some day, and maggots will decompose your body very naturally. Whether there is something beyond the natural is debateable. I'm not suggesting wreaking havoc on the environment, because we need the environment to live. You have some sort of delusion that animals are equal to humans, and that's fundamentally wrong. You're probably a vegetarian, who thinks it's their personal job to protect every animal. But I just ate some delicious chicken, with "chick pea sauce", to bad it's not made out of "chicks".

Actually if you were intelligent enough to read a few of the posts made in this thread (by people more intelligent than you) you would have known that infact, many species become extinct due to the introduction of more adept species. Who are more capable of surviving and are thus more efficient. That's very natural, everything except the introduction of the species is very natural.

In the Australian outback, in every corner of the outback you might be able to find cats. These cats have managed to reach every corner of Australia in a few centuries. Just like mice, and even humans. Efficient species live, and they kill off other inefficient species. Again, I'm not suggesting we kill off every species other than humans. We need birds and bees and worms to help grow our trees, and there are other species that we need and can coexist with. Whales are hardly one of these species.

You need internet lessons. :lol:

I understand you better than yourself, I bet you think beastiality is not all that bad either don't you? Almost as if we have some sort of "animal country club".

I'm a human, I'm superior to these animals that are my food. My cat just walked right past me, I know it's a stupid creature. But I still wouldn't want it dead. I don't control it, I feed it and take care of it. In return it provides me with humour and the occasional company. I like the fact that it hides on top of the fridge and surprises me late at night when I'm getting a drink out of the freezer.

But I know that I'm superior to that cat. I know that genetically, in every way we're different, and exuse the pun, but I'm top cat in that relationship.

Humans are different than animals. All humans deserve some sort of respect for on another, if only because we understand that we're too similar, and the effects of the tables being turned. "Do unto others", etc.

Wow, what a great summary of my thoughts. Yes, animals are stupid and they can't feel pain the same way that humans do. I'm not suggesting torturing an animal, there should not be unneccesary torture or suffering of animals. But I'm not like you, willing to get on my knees to please these lesser beings. I understand that animals can be used to the advantage of humans, and no I probably wouldn't let a horse ride on my back. I also wouldn't like the idea of being cow food, but I sure do love a nice piece of steak being grilled. Cow flesh sure does taste delicious.

Just because some butt-hurt, animal lover tries lecturing me, I'm not going to stop eating meat, because I like meat. Japanese people like eating whale. I don't particularly care about whales, I care more about Japanese people. If they want to eat some delicious whale in their soups with noodles and say "ITADAKIMASSSS" while chowing down on some delicious whale. Then good on them.

Damn I could use some whale right about now. A whole one actually.


New Member
Jun 2, 2007
I think you should get back to the real reason this thread was created, so we could rant about Japanese in a racist way to make ourselves feel superior. Dont forget to rant about Indians too after the recent cricket drama.

Did anyone see the episode of Drawn Together where they tried to teach Ling-Ling to drive. Soo good!


New Member
Jan 17, 2008
hahaha, did any of you know that Australia has the world record for making the most animals extinct?!?! :rofl::rofl: What a marvelous record you all have! lol..


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
JapaneseGirl said:
hahaha, did any of you know that Australia has the world record for making the most animals extinct?!?! :rofl::rofl: What a marvelous record you all have! lol..
I think you'll find that Aboriginals are technically human beings.


Passive-aggressive Mod
May 10, 2004
JapaneseGirl said:
hahaha, did any of you know that Australia has the world record for making the most animals extinct?!?! :rofl::rofl: What a marvelous record you all have! lol..
Mammals, maybe.

But of course, you wouldn't care about the thousands of species of beetle that have gone extinct since the Amazon started being logged.
Aug 16, 2007
That video boiled down to some half-truths displayed through shock clips of sickos that are in every country, not just Australia.

The person crafted that video well though, we must look horrifically racist and hypocritical to someone who doesn't know the facts.

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