Maybe God gave ppl common sense? anyways, my sisters best friend's dad was a full on biggest athiest (like alot of u

) was completely against a whole lot of ppl becos they were christians, would not under any circumstances change his mind. he was doing some work stuff in fiji and got really sick, and died.
clinically dead.
completely and utterly dead.
he came back to life.
sure thats a miracle but that isnt wat iis so "good" bout this.... becos i know doctors and medicine are heaps advanced now. when he came back to life, he knew there was a God. he died an athiest. he came back to life a christian.
wat would b the point in becoming a christian when he came back to life, unless he had encountered GOD on the "other side"
i know he was dead. iknew him before and i know him now. and even tho i was completely a dedicated christian before that, that sort of thing confirms that its right
do u believe in absolute truth?