CSSA 3unit paper. (1 Viewer)


Oct 28, 2007
geez wtf with people bagging out 4 unit cssa? If they have actually done the paper under exam condition, I reckon only very few would get over 100.


Sep 23, 2008
geez wtf with people bagging out 4 unit cssa? If they have actually done the paper under exam condition, I reckon only very few would get over 100.

If your confident about ur ability, exam conditions wont make much of a difference. Face it, it's nowhere near as difficult as other trials and certainly not the HSC. Even this years independent is a much more reasonable paper.


Oct 28, 2007

If your confident about ur ability, exam conditions wont make much of a difference. Face it, it's nowhere near as difficult as other trials and certainly not the HSC. Even this years independent is a much more reasonable paper.
You obviously haven't had much experience with exams. I have certainly done two HSCs before and other high-order exams. It's a pretty much proven fact that people perform relatively worse in such high-order exams than they normally do.

And whether cssa is easier than HSC or not really depends on individuals. I for example find HSC to be substantially easier than cssa (in 4 unit). Well that's my view. Why don't you just face the fact that you are just biased?

I don't know how smart you are, but my best guess is that you are not smart enough to make non-judgemental statement.

P.S. I have just read your earlier posts. I am not trying to back up what I got in my CSSA. I have established my strong stance that this year CSSA 3 unit paper was indeed an easy paper (well at least easier than the earlier ones imho). I think YOU are the one who is trying to back up your results by saying your paper is harder than CSSA.
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Bored of
Feb 8, 2008
geez wtf with people bagging out 4 unit cssa? If they have actually done the paper under exam condition, I reckon only very few would get over 100.

If your confident about ur ability, exam conditions wont make much of a difference. Face it, it's nowhere near as difficult as other trials and certainly not the HSC. Even this years independent is a much more reasonable paper.
You obviously haven't had much experience with exams. I have certainly done two HSCs before and other high-order exams. It's a pretty much proven fact that people perform relatively worse in such high-order exams than they normally do.

And whether cssa is easier than HSC or not really depends on individuals. I for example find HSC to be substantially easier than cssa (in 4 unit). Well that's my view. Why don't you just face the fact that you are just biased?

I don't know how smart you are, but my best guess is that you are not smart enough to make non-judgemental statement.

P.S. I have just read your earlier posts. I am not trying to back up what I got in my CSSA. I have established my strong stance that this year CSSA 3 unit paper was indeed an easy paper (well at least easier than the earlier ones imho). I think YOU are the one who is trying to back up your results by saying your paper is harder than CSSA.
LOL.. An argument, huh?

I actually agree with Michaelmoo. Yes, in exam conditions, it would be logical to say that one would make a few more silly mistakes than he/she normally would. However, in such a paper, getting over 100 isn't difficult if one knows the stuff. (Well, to be honest, a person who did all the work and revised them should be able to get over 110)

However, in the HSC, it would not be so.

"I for example find HSC to be substantially easier than cssa (in 4 unit)"
Regarding this quote, I doubt it. But your results in the HSC would perhaps prove it if it's true.
And too bad, raw marks are not published. But I guess with your statement, you should be able to get very very high 90's or even 100 if lucky.

I am not trying to offend you or whatever, but to me, that statement sounds unreasonable, when I recall the difficulty of 2008 CSSA and 2009 CSSA paper for 4u. (I tried about 3 HSC papers, too.)
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Oct 28, 2007
LOL.. An argument, huh?

I actually agree with Michaelmoo. Yes, in exam conditions, it would be logical to say that one would make a few more silly mistakes than he/she normally would. However, in such a paper, getting over 100 isn't difficult if one knows the stuff. (Well, to be honest, a person who did all the work and revised them should be able to get over 110)

However, in the HSC, it would not be so.

"I for example find HSC to be substantially easier than cssa (in 4 unit)"
Regarding this quote, I doubt it. But your results in the HSC would perhaps prove it if it's true.
Dude....wtf? Seriously. Let's face it. Statistically, 110+ will pretty much get you a state rank. Simply doing "all the work" and revising them DOESN'T GET YOU 110+ in 4 Unit Mathematics.

110+ definitely requires talent. No let me take that back. It requires "tremendous level" of talent which most people don't have. It's not the matter of picking up the paper, study smart & and alot (24/7) and get such mark.

In 2 unit and 3 unit, you might have some book worms getting State rank, ye....but in 4 unit, no way.

You guys are way-overestimating yourself.

P.S. Substantial level of luck is also required.


Sep 23, 2008
You obviously haven't had much experience with exams. I have certainly done two HSCs before and other high-order exams. It's a pretty much proven fact that people perform relatively worse in such high-order exams than they normally do.

And whether cssa is easier than HSC or not really depends on individuals. I for example find HSC to be substantially easier than cssa (in 4 unit). Well that's my view. Why don't you just face the fact that you are just biased?

I don't know how smart you are, but my best guess is that you are not smart enough to make non-judgemental statement.

P.S. I have just read your earlier posts. I am not trying to back up what I got in my CSSA. I have established my strong stance that this year CSSA 3 unit paper was indeed an easy paper (well at least easier than the earlier ones imho). I think YOU are the one who is trying to back up your results by saying your paper is harder than CSSA.
Way to be hypocritical. I'm no pro at maths but I can certainly differentiate between the relative difficulty of papers. I have nothing to back up, I'm happy with my results and have nothing to prove to eny1. And I wasn't necessarily referring to you when I said people back up their results.

Yer it does depend on the individual, and for a lot of people, exam conditions do not substantially affect ability. I think you should review your sources. Do you mind sharing with us where you got your information?

O and as far as me being biased goes:
IMO, the other paper is harder (i.e. non-CSSA one).
i agree, the cssa paper looks very basic
Question 6a) of CSSA is ridiculous...The CSSA standard is deteriorating.
CSSA Maths Ext1 papers were never particularly difficult. The CSSA Maths Ext2 papers tend to be the killer exams. However, ever since 2008 onwards they have declined in difficulty.
This is ridiculously easier than the independant paper in my opinion.
2009 CSSA paper looks jokingly easy...
What your saying is that we're ALL biased because we criticise CSSA. You on the other hand are COMPLETELY objective by saying its (4u) is relatively difficult. Ok...... makes sense doesn't it?

But thats OK. Facts can be hard to face sometimes. I understand that.


Bored of
Feb 8, 2008
Dude....wtf? Seriously. Let's face it. Statistically, 110+ will pretty much get you a state rank. Simply doing "all the work" and revising them DOESN'T GET YOU 110+ in 4 Unit Mathematics.

110+ definitely requires talent. No let me take that back. It requires "tremendous level" of talent which most people don't have. It's not the matter of picking up the paper, study smart & and alot (24/7) and get such mark.

In 2 unit and 3 unit, you might have some book worms getting State rank, ye....but in 4 unit, no way.

You guys are way-overestimating yourself.

P.S. Substantial level of luck is also required.
110+ for CSSA, I'm talking about. NOT the HSC


Oct 28, 2007
Way to be hypocritical.
Get the definition right. Biased =/= opinion.

I'm no pro at maths but I can certainly differentiate between the relative difficulty of papers. .
Yeah, that is true. But you are certainly generalising and making biased statement that your paper is harder than CSSA 4 unit.

And I wasn't necessarily referring to you when I said people back up their results
Your post certainly included me.

Yer it does depend on the individual, and for a lot of people, exam conditions do not substantially affect ability. I think you should review your sources. Do you mind sharing with us where you got your information?
Dude, there are million articles about the effect of exam stress on exam performance.

O and as far as me being biased goes:
As I said, get the definition right.

What your saying is that we're ALL biased because we criticise CSSA. You on the other hand are COMPLETELY objective by saying its (4u) is relatively difficult. Ok...... makes sense doesn't it?
Yes, I find that it's very hard to argue with the illiterate.

110+ for CSSA, I'm talking about. NOT the HSC
Then next time you say it, make it CLEAR.

And tell me that after you actually got 110 in CSSA.
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The A-Team
Nov 16, 2006
Albury-Wodonga, NSW

If your confident about ur ability, exam conditions wont make much of a difference. Face it, it's nowhere near as difficult as other trials and certainly not the HSC. Even this years independent is a much more reasonable paper.

You obviously haven't had much experience with exams. I have certainly done two HSCs before and other high-order exams. It's a pretty much proven fact that people perform relatively worse in such high-order exams than they normally do.

And whether cssa is easier than HSC or not really depends on individuals. I for example find HSC to be substantially easier than cssa (in 4 unit). Well that's my view. Why don't you just face the fact that you are just biased?

I don't know how smart you are, but my best guess is that you are not smart enough to make non-judgemental statement.

P.S. I have just read your earlier posts. I am not trying to back up what I got in my CSSA. I have established my strong stance that this year CSSA 3 unit paper was indeed an easy paper (well at least easier than the earlier ones imho). I think YOU are the one who is trying to back up your results by saying your paper is harder than CSSA.

Firstly, I agree with Michealmoo on this one. If you know the course absolutely inside-out you will get almost identical marks, whether sitting in under exam condition or at home. Under pressure ( last 20mins of exam), some (i for one), seem to have an ability to get out Q that i couldn't earlier on. So i think you'll find that's also based upon the individual.
Secondly, to me, this years CSSA <<<< Independent. This is not biased considering i didn't sit either exam + i seriously doubt that you would find a HSC exam paper thats much easier than this. I also think that a fair few students would get 100+ in that exam.
Lastly, just because Michealmoo thinks that this years independent paper was much harder than the CSSA doesn't mean "[he's] not smart enough to make non-judgemental statement". I thought you more of you than to say that
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Bored of
Feb 8, 2008
Get the definition right. Biased =/= opinion.

Yeah, that is true. But you are certainly generalising and making biased statement that your paper is harder than CSSA 4 unit.

Your post certainly included me.

Dude, there are million articles about the effect of exam stress on exam performance.

As I said, get the definition right.

Yes, I find that it's very hard to argue with the illiterate.
I don't know about other comments, but certainly this involves emotion - a very strong one. This kind of statement, I believe, indicates that you don't have anything better to say.
Again, prob my comments may involve emotion as well, but I hope you get what I mean.


Bored of
Feb 8, 2008
Then next time you say it, make it CLEAR.

And tell me that after you actually got 110 in CSSA.
I thought it was clear enough because I was talking about CSSA all the time but okay, if you found it unclear, it may have been.

But how unfortunate. I can't prove that I can get over 110 in a CSSA paper since I'm not in a catholic school!
But in doing 4u exam paper, I am confident that I have more experience than you, who have been doing other acceleration courses.


Active Member
Mar 25, 2008
Get the definition right. Biased =/= opinion.
one's opinion reflects one's bias, no?

Yeah, that is true. But you are certainly generalising and making biased statement that your paper is harder than CSSA 4 unit.
and "you are generalising and making biased statement that CSSA 4 unit is harder than your paper"
Dude, there are million articles about the effect of exam stress on exam performance.
indeed there is...

Yes, I find that it's very hard to argue with the illiterate.
i sure do love ad hominem attacks; nice and logical


Oct 28, 2007
If you know the course absolutely inside-out you will get almost identical marks, whether sitting in under exam condition or at home. Under pressure ( last 20mins of exam), some (i for one), seem to have an ability to get out Q that i couldn't earlier on. So i think you'll find that's also based upon the individual.
Isn't that obvious though? Of course if you know the course INSIDE OUT, you will obvously get identical mark (if not almost identical). But that case is near impossible even for the best of the best students.

Secondly, to me, this years CSSA <<<< Independent. This is not biased considering i didn't sit either exam + i seriously doubt that you would find a HSC exam paper thats much easier than this. I also think that a fair few students would get 100+ in that exam.
huh? Yeah, you may not be biased. But you haven't done the paper. That's simply arrogance.

Lastly, just because Michealmoo thinks that this years independent paper was much harder than the CSSA doesn't mean "[he's] not smart enough to make non-judgemental statement". I thought you were lesss big headed than that namu
His statement didn't sound as if he was just referring to this year.

Addison mate. In exam, people tend to do worse. You yourself proved that. If last year HSC 2 unit was relatively easy (as you mentioned to me the other day), you should have got full mark or something (And I also remember you saying that you got full mark for many 2 unit hsc papers). If you think I am being big-headed, why don't you consider what you say first?

one's opinion reflects one's bias, no?
In many cases, no.

and you are generalising and making biased statement that CSSA 4 unit is harder than your paper
huh? come again?

I thought it was clear enough because I was talking about CSSA all the time but okay, if you found it unclear, it may have been.

But how unfortunate. I can't prove that I can get over 110 in a CSSA paper since I'm not in a catholic school!
But in doing 4u exam paper, I am confident that I have more experience than you, who have been doing other acceleration courses.
You know...that makes no sense at all. The fact that I accelerated means that I have had more experience than you beacuse this year, I only had to concentrate on 4 unit papers.
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Bored of
Feb 8, 2008
Isn't that obvious though? Of course if you know the course INSIDE OUT, you will obvously get identical mark (if not almost identical). But that case is near impossible even for the best of the best students.

huh? Yeah, you may not be biased. But you haven't done the paper. That's simply arrogance.

His statement didn't sound as if he was just referring to this year.

Addison mate. In exam, people tend to do worse. You yourself proved that. If last year HSC 2 unit was relatively easy (as you mentioned to me the other day), you should have got full mark or something (And I also remember you saying that you got full mark for many 2 unit hsc papers). If you think I am being big-headed, why don't you consider what you say first?

In many cases, no.

huh? come again?

You know...that makes no sense at all. The fact that I accelerated means that I have had more experience than you beacuse this year, I only had to concentrate on 4 unit papers.
But I had the whole of Year 11 to concentrate on 4u
i.e. you are not the only one studying ahead of normal routine.
AND you surely have other subjects now such as cosmology which would take up quite a great deal of time.
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