No. You don't need spotters either, if you drop the weight it hits the floor, not is ur back supposed to be completely vertical the whole way thru? as in perpendicular to the floor for the entire lift?
Basically set the bar up, stand in front of it, plant your feet (width etc, get them in your comfy position), bend at the hips and set your grip. Keep your spine neutral and your back tight, drive through your heels and break at the hips, pull that motherfucker up. When you have the bar up and locked out (you will be standing slightly leaning backwards) you lower it.
If you are having trouble with keeping your back straight, you can look up a little bit, but its prob better to ask someone to check out your form. Depending on your build, you may scrape the bar up your shins, that's normal. The closer the bar is to your body, the better your leverage.
Depending on the variation of it you are doing, your legs can be bent or straight at the start. Straight legged is sometimes referred to as Romanian deadlift.
There are plenty of youtube vids up to help, articles to read.