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Does God exist? (1 Viewer)

do you believe in god?

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Apr 25, 2004
Salima said:
That;s not the wya it works. If it is to be then it will be no one can push. That's a christian htign and i am not that. I am just here to make you understnad the possibilities and inshallah oen dya you'll be muslim of course i hope that on all poeple as you'd hope i''d stop believing in crap, i know i was on your end once saying the same htings you said.

But if you aren;t to be then you aren't.

Islamic magic cured my firend. He wasn't praying, got slack in islam and said i'll worhsip it my own way. Wrong! He then became sick adn in indoneisa got worse when his family went on a trip over htere. Then his high in iman (faith) uncle said somthign, ouched his thraot and it was gone just like that. Sma ehappened to my turkish firends bro. Her strong in iman grandmom healed her bro by saying soemting while palcing her hand over his ganglion on his wrist and it was gone the next day. LIek i siad guys in indo can't be touched by knives or bullets, adn my a guy i know can kill an elephant with one punch.

i just understood why its impossible to make a proper arguemnt with you. When u believe such crap as quran deflecting bullets, people killing elephants with a punch , etc etc.

no wonder yuor muslim, people who believe such ridiculious fairy tales, will follow anything, if it looks mystical enough.


Aug 15, 2005
Islamic magic cured my firend. He wasn't praying, got slack in islam and said i'll worhsip it my own way. Wrong! He then became sick adn in indoneisa got worse when his family went on a trip over htere. Then his high in iman (faith) uncle said somthign, ouched his thraot and it was gone just like that. Sma ehappened to my turkish firends bro. Her strong in iman grandmom healed her bro by saying soemting while palcing her hand over his ganglion on his wrist and it was gone the next day. LIek i siad guys in indo can't be touched by knives or bullets, adn my a guy i know can kill an elephant with one punch.
I was going to reply to your inane comments on why the quran is scientific but then I read this and now I just cant be bothered. Whats the point?

A billions years of evolution has only gotten us this far. If this is the best the human race can do then why bother.

With this one post you have thrown me into existential crisis.


Aug 17, 2002
Salima said:
So why not open up your mind ot the possibility of a god?
Of course I am open to the possibility. I am open to the possibility of aliens too. But until there is credible evidence and reason for believing in such phenomenon, it is best to either withhold judgment or consciously take the position that, to all of our knowledge, such things to do not exist.
Salima said:
or will you live forever in nothingness? Inshalllah, whatever be the will of god!
The above statements are meaningless.
Salima said:
withoutaface said:
He is open to the possibility of a god, that's why he's an agnostic.
That's not truely open because you won't believe with the text right there witht he kowledge, he has to see god first to believe, that's weak. That's why it's faith! You don't have ot see to understnad, becuase your heart is open to such htings already and when your time is here it's here adn you just believe.
On the contrary, faith is weak. Faith is belief without evidence. There is no justification for believing something so unfounded, extreme and controversial without evidence or logical proof.
Salima said:
you have these words you use, you have these rules you use, you have htis picture in your mind which you will never break free from.
These are rules of logic and argument. Simply because you have no understanding of them does not mean that they are incorrect. I would strongly recommend you read up on them, as they are the conventions and proofs by which we base our entire civilisation. (Alternatively, you may like to take a basic philosophy course in reason, as such courses are very beneficial.)
Salima said:
You will say you'll never and haven't proved anything. But liek i say the blind will see this but the ones with open hearts won't.
Emotional language. This is not in anyway a meaningful contention. By proverbial heart, you can only mean feeling. We do not obtain truth by what we feel, we seek truth through applications of reason (a faculty of the mind).
Salima said:
If you ask questions the answers will come. But you cannot deny the answer, for htis is only fear.
If we deny your claims based on logical reasoning and valid counter-arguments, then they are likely to be wrong. This is not fear, it is critical thinking.
Salima said:
We give you answrs, I'm sorry it's not what you want to hear, but this is only because you don't know what you're meant to be hearing.
Your answers have been consistently refuted.
Salima said:
It;s like someone syaing "there's so adn so!" You say where they say over there.... You look throughthe crowd and cannot see them, becuase you don't know what they look like, you cannot remember, and you weren't given a direction to look in and hte mass of people is to large and engulfing ot see. Unless you've tkaent o them you won't know. Thsi is the opening of the heart the muslims speak of. I am happy and clear in life, I don't know but you, but your false happiness won't get you anywhere in hell.
With respect, that is just emotional blather. It conveys no meaningful, logical utterance.
Salima said:
withoutaface said:
Your post makes no sense. As the agnostic there is no onus upon me to prove anything. If you can give me an argument, that doesn't break any of those fallacies, I will convert to Islam tomorrow.
That;s not the wya it works. If it is to be then it will be no one can push.
By "push" I assume you mean prove. And yes, this is the belief of agnostics. We do not believe it possible for us to have knowledge of the extistence of God. You evidently disagree, but you fail to say why.
Salima said:
That's a christian htign and i am not that.
No, it is not a "Christian thing". A Christian would actually believe in God (theism). An agnostic believes that we cannot know whether a God exists or not.
Salima said:
I am just here to make you understnad the possibilities and inshallah oen dya you'll be muslim of course i hope that on all poeple as you'd hope i''d stop believing in crap, i know i was on your end once saying the same htings you said.

But if you aren;t to be then you aren't.
If you are trying to assist us in the views of your religion, might I humbly suggest that you try to make your posts a little clearer. Personally I find them difficult to read due to the substance, structure and grammar/punctuation.


Dec 22, 2005
MoonlightSonata said:
Of course I am open to the possibility. I am open to the possibility of aliens too. But until there is credible evidence and reason for believing in such phenomenon, it is best to either withhold judgment or consciously take the position that, to all of our knowledge, such things to do not exist.
The above statements are meaningless.
On the contrary, faith is weak. Faith is belief without evidence. There is no justification for believing something so unfounded, extreme and controversial without evidence or logical proof.
These are rules of logic and argument. Simply because you have no understanding of them does not mean that they are incorrect. I would strongly recommend you read up on them, as they are the conventions and proofs by which we base our entire civilisation. (Alternatively, you may like to take a basic philosophy course in reason, as such courses are very beneficial.)
Emotional language. This is not in anyway a meaningful contention. By proverbial heart, you can only mean feeling. We do not obtain truth by what we feel, we seek truth through applications of reason (a faculty of the mind).
If we deny your claims based on logical reasoning and valid counter-arguments, then they are likely to be wrong. This is not fear, it is critical thinking.
Your answers have been consistently refuted.
With respect, that is just emotional blather. It conveys no meaningful, logical utterance.
By "push" I assume you mean prove. And yes, this is the belief of agnostics. We do not believe it possible for us to have knowledge of the extistence of God. You evidently disagree, but you fail to say why.
No, it is not a "Christian thing". A Christian would actually believe in God (theism). An agnostic believes that we cannot know whether a God exists or not.
If you are trying to assist us in the views of your religion, might I humbly suggest that you try to make your posts a little clearer. Personally I find them difficult to read due to the substance, structure and grammar/punctuation.

sashatheman said:
Originally Posted by Salima
or will you live forever in nothingness? Inshalllah, whatever be the will of god!
The above statements are meaningless.
You say this? ANd I suppose ths is logical? I think not! You only say this because turth hurts. And I'm sure you'll say some crap that you say is logical and say it's not true, blah blah blah, heard it all before. This is why I don't want ot post here anymore, beucase you won't try to understand, (you only say soemthign stupid when I tyr to make you sunderstand why msulims do such things or why they believe this and that as you ask questions, you cannot just ignore the answers given becuase they are answers to your questions. You can't ignore what is given to you just a you cannot ignore a deadly allergy one may have) what I haev given, and only want to say what you think and nothign else, adn you are right no matter what happens, even if god told you himself!

All the crap you've said here only proves all my points. NAd I did mean push not prove, and when you say christians actually believe in god bit did you even know what you were refuting? No I was sayignot push someone into religion, like evangelical poeple, that you must convert everyone even against thier will. Muslims don't do this and muslims believe in god don't be insulting sutpid to yourself moreso than to me or opthers. You see your ignorance and by the way you're speaking here utterly proves all my points, and by the looks of things you'll nenver be open to god. You cannot say you'll never know if god exists. The rpoof is here. I know philosophy I didi a short course already. Logic and religion, science and religion all go in one. You think faith is utterly blind and stupid it is not. First you relise there is soemthing else and then you find the proof, al qur'an. Youc an go by feelings. Feelings have so often told me about things that I would not otherwise know. You cannot say felings are stupid in determining what is out there. I haven't seenany valid counter-arguements. Because all you say is false, the style of the kufr.

I do not need ot explain myself to you any furhter kufr. You will never understand.
What you say about being agnostic is athiesm. You cannot say your open and not be closed off. You say you see possibilities, but how can you see them if there will enver be any proof to you of such a thing being? You will never therefore, if htere is a way to worship a god or gods, worhsip them and reach heaven, you're forelorn.

So therefore, beucase of your idiocy to even understnad, i will no longer post here. I mean like i keep saying i want you to understand why msulims would believe and act the way they do within their religion, but you won't even do that, now that's truely stupid and illogical if you are talking about the mind and logic.

I knew all along there was soemhting else. For I could sense things and I have seen thigns not of human kind. So I knew there was somehting esle. I had freakishly seen the future before and predicted htings, even the other day it happened to me. So I knew there was something bigger than us, than the idea of aliens. The proof for me is in the qur'an, logically and sicentifically proven. I think it to not see htis, that there is something else and that they wouldn't give us proof is stupid. The signs are everyhwere! To not see the possibility would be hell for me, would be depressing. To think it is only here and now and nothing else, rediculous! You may be against organised religion, but it doesn't mean you should refuse ot understand why people choose to be part of one, and why peeople within the religion belive what they believe in and act the way they do due to thier religious texts.

We do not believe it possible for us to have knowledge of the extistence of God. You evidently disagree, but you fail to say why.
Agnostics lake illumination. You can't see the forest for the trees! I have said why, ebucase of me beliefs, and why woudl a god or gods not shwo they are their? That's not logical. Lettignyou wonder aimlessly through life not knowing, stupid. LIke I said: You can't see the forest for the trees!

I leave you all with this:

Treatment of Prisonsers of War:

Prisoners of wars were (and stilll should be) treated like guests. Prisoners of the battle of Badr were kept in Al-Madinah for a few days, one of the prisoners states the=at the Muslims treated them preferentially and even better than their own families. They gave them better food, and clothing, then they gave to their families.

The Qur'an on Clouds:

After speaking about rain and hail and lighting:
"...And he sends down hail from mountains (clouds) in the sky, and He strikes with it whomever He wills, and turns it from whomever He wills. The vivid flash of its lightning nearly blinds the sight." (Qur'an, 24:43)
Meterologists have found that these cumukonimbus clouds that shower hial, reach a height of 25,000 to 30,000ft like mountains, as the Qur'an said:"...And He sends down hail form mountains in the sky..."

This verse may raise the question. Why does it say "its lightning" in a reference to hail? Doe this mean that hail is the major factor in producing lightning? Let us see what the book entilted Meterology Today says about this. It says that a cloud becomes electrified as ahil falls through a region in the cloud of supercooled droplets adn ice crystals. As liquid droplets collide with hailstone, they freeze on contact and release latent heat. This keeps the surface of the hailstone warmer than that of the currounding ice craystals. When the hialstone comes in contact with ice crystal, an important phemomenon occurs: electrons flow fromt he cooler object toward the armer object. Hence, the hailstone becoems negatively charged. The smae effect occurs when supercooled droplets come in contact with a hailstone and tiny splinters of positively chraged ice breaks off. These lighter positvely chraged particles are then carried to the upper part of the cloud by updrafts. The hail, left with a negative charge, falls towards the bottom of the cloud, thus the loer part of the cloud becomes negatively charged. The negative charges are then discharged as lighting. We conlcude from this that hail is the major factor in producing lightning.

This information on lightning was discovered recently. Until 1600AD, Aristotle's ideas on meterology were dominant. For example, he siad that the stmosphere contains two kinds of exhalation, dry and moist. He also said that thunder is the sound of the collusion on the dry exhalation wht the neighbouring clouds, and lightning is the inflaming and burning of the dry exhalation with a thin and faint fire. These are some of the ideas on meterology that were dominant at the time of the Qur'an's revelation, fourteen centuries ago.

So this is why the lighting in the surah above says "its lightning": beucase hail si a major cause of ligtning, contray to aristole's ideas, which you have so recelty claimed ot be great, and which the qur'an, you say, stole its ideas from.

The Qur'an on the Cerebrum:

God has said in the Qur'an about one of the evil unbelievers who forbade the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from praying at teh kaaba:

"No! If he does not stop, We will take him by the naseyah (front fo the head), a lying sinful naseyha (front of the head)!" (Qur'an 96:15-16)

Why did the Qur'an describe the fron of the head as ebing lying and sinful? Why didn't the Qur'an say that the person was lying and sinful? What is this relationship between the front of the head nad lying and sinfulness?

If we look into the skull at the fron of the head, we wll find the prefrontal area of the cerebrum. What does phsyiology tell us about the function on this area? A book entitled Essentials of Anatomy & Phsyiology says about his area this: "The movtivation and the foresight to plan and initiate movements occur in the anterior portion of the frontal lobes, the prefrontal area. this is a region of the association cortex..." Also the books ays: "In relation to its involvement in motivation, the prefrontal area is also thought to be the functional center for aggression..."

So, this area of the cerebrum is responsible for planning, motivating, and initiating good and inful behaviour and is respinsible for telling of lies and the spkeaing of truth. Thus, it is proper to describe the front of the head as lying and sinful when someone lies or commits a sin, as the Qur'an has said: "...A lying and sinful naseyah (front of head)!"

Therefore, they new of cerebrum, and its make-up, chemicals in the body, and of the brain and the different functions of the several parts of the brain. This has only been discovered by sicenists in the last 60yrs!
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Dec 22, 2005
SashatheMan said:
i just understood why its impossible to make a proper arguemnt with you. When u believe such crap as quran deflecting bullets, people killing elephants with a punch , etc etc.

no wonder yuor muslim, people who believe such ridiculious fairy tales, will follow anything, if it looks mystical enough.
gerhard said:
I was going to reply to your inane comments on why the quran is scientific but then I read this and now I just cant be bothered. Whats the point?

A billions years of evolution has only gotten us this far. If this is the best the human race can do then why bother.

With this one post you have thrown me into existential crisis.

Well we can believe such things because we have seen them happen, because a god exists to give you the power if you ask for it, becuase it is true. Your fairy tales are worse than mine, beucase you have none, be cuase you have nothing else than the house you live in or the shirt on your back. That is not as bad though as the hell we belive you'll face later. If you asked god to tasted a second of hell to prove that it existed and that there was a god and qur'an and islam was the right way, you would go crazy in that instent.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
I hear that tripe goes well with a slab of pork and a touch of alcohol on the bbq.


Mar 9, 2004
Salima said:

Well we can believe such things because we have seen them happen, because a god exists to give you the power if you ask for it, becuase it is true. Your fairy tales are worse than mine, beucase you have none, be cuase you have nothing else than the house you live in or the shirt on your back. That is not as bad though as the hell we belive you'll face later. If you asked god to tasted a second of hell to prove that it existed and that there was a god and qur'an and islam was the right way, you would go crazy in that instent.
this thread works logically. most of the things you post either sound ridiculous, incredible, or too airy fairy to take in.

make a note of it.


Aug 15, 2005
Salima said:

Well we can believe such things because we have seen them happen, because a god exists to give you the power if you ask for it, becuase it is true. Your fairy tales are worse than mine, beucase you have none, be cuase you have nothing else than the house you live in or the shirt on your back. That is not as bad though as the hell we belive you'll face later. If you asked god to tasted a second of hell to prove that it existed and that there was a god and qur'an and islam was the right way, you would go crazy in that instent.
is that a threat?


Dec 22, 2005
And inner_child...i cannot make somehting sound mre logical to your ears if htis is what my religion says, and proves with science, mathematics and logic...i'm sorry you just cannot see and understand with your mind.:haha: :rofl: Ur_inner_child, how are the quotes and explinations I've proved you with at the bottom of my long post not logical? HWne it is explained with science and logic?

No threats, it's only truth...I can't say anthing other than turth with my nayesah. but I see you can speak lies and sins with your nayesah.

But it is interesting how you cannot refute as you say you can on the thigns I have really said. NAd my poitn long ago about how you can recreate shakespeare adn not qur'an, was never refuted, for you peeps never proved it. I posted a poem, and asked if it was real or not, no one ever said anything, fearing to be worng, becasue they did not know if it was or wasn't. I can tell you now it wasn't. Well I guess I've rfuted your so called refutes about the how the qur'an can be altered because you can make other verses just like the ones seen. But You cannot. AS I ahev proven.
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Mar 9, 2004
Salima said:
:jaw: Tripe is fish, that's halal, all sea animals are....:mad1: *shakes head at frustration of idiocy*!
And inner_child...i cannot make somehting sound mre logical to our ears if htis is what my religion says, and proves with science and logic...i'm sorry you just cannot see and understand with your mind.:haha: :rofl:

No threats, it's only truth...I can't say anthing other than turth with my nayesah. but I see you can speak lies and sins with your nayesah.

But it is interesting how you cannot refute as you say you can on the thigns I have really said. NAd my poitn long ago about how you can recreate shakespeare adn not qur'an, was never refuted, for you peeps never proved it. I posted a poem, and asked if it was real or not, no one ever said anything, fearing to be worng, becasue they did not know if it was or wasn't. I can tell you now it wasn't. Well I guess I've rfuted your so called refutes about the how the qur'an can be altered because you can make other verses just like the ones seen....:spaceshp:
1. you don't know what "prove"means

2. don't assume what i can or cannot understand. I am all for spiritual people and don't mind religious people, but you embarrass me.

3. how dare you fucking patronise me and others. You have accused people with idiocy, assume superiority through your religion, which is a total sign of intolerance, which would only deter people from your views. If I knew nothing more about your religion and you were the first taste of it, I would have no part of your religion.

4. None of the things you said about sins etc has either scared me, nor shown tolerance to people who think differently, whether religious or not.

5. Type slower because you are mixing up your letters and only making yourself less credible and more irritating, if at all possible


Dec 22, 2005
1. you don't know what "prove"means

2. don't assume what i can or cannot understand. I am all for spiritual people and don't mind religious people, but you embarrass me.

3. how dare you fucking patronise me and others. You have accused people with idiocy, assume superiority through your religion, which is a total sign of intolerance, which would only deter people from your views. If I knew nothing more about your religion and you were the first taste of it, I would have no part of your religion.

4. None of the things you said about sins etc has either scared me, nor shown tolerance to people who think differently, whether religious or not.

5. Type slower because you are mixing up your letters and only making yourself less credible and more irritating, if at all possible.
You have an aggressive naseyah! I only speak becuase I must defend the rediculous accusations made. My words won't sound clear unless you're a believer. And you only believe becuase wills it, inshallah! as i said before. Yous till don't "logically refute what I said inner_child.

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Mar 9, 2004
Salima said:
i can reply if i want, youre not one to make rules in this forum

i wasnt glorifying myself, you DID insult me, i demand an apology, considering you attacked me before you knew my stance on religion.

YOu first accused people of idiocy, then:

i'm sorry you just cannot see and understand with your mind
followed by a series of laughing smilies. And you think I was glorifying myself or feeling good about myself?


I personally feel that if you cannot put hard ground evidence to back your claim of God existing, then, there is no point. I believe in God, but logically there is no proof of it. Admit it, apologise and leave.


Mar 9, 2004
Salima said:
You have an aggressive naseyah! I only speak becuase I must defend the rediculous accusations made. My words won't sound clear unless you're a believer. And you only believe becuase wills it, inshallah! as i said before. Yous till don't "logically refute what I said inner_child.

i am only angry because you insulted me. i have not disagreed nor agreed with your views, i have merely stated the nature of this thread, but instead you insulted me

i demand an apology
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Dec 22, 2005
I keep tlling you I have provided my hard evidence, yet you cannot refute what I posted in my last post talking about the qur'an and cerebrum and qur'an and clouds (hail and lightning).


Do I have ot post it againfor your memory I htink so. AND I will not do as you ask iner_child. I can not say sorry fo rthe truth is the truth. How can you feel insulted by someone you do not know? I mean nothing ot you remember! I could be an old harry arsed man of hte age of102! for all you know that is. And I wasn't talking about the rules. I wasn't talking about the forum. I meant private message, my rules on messaging me in relation to this thread is what I meant. Just that, not htis thread itself. But in the end no one will "win" to say in this thread. Everyone will have a different viewo n god ro gods and the existsance or non existance of them. I was simplying trying ot make you understand, and as I have said, epopele here won't even try.

You can't see the forest for the trees!

I leave you all with this:

Treatment of Prisonsers of War:

Prisoners of wars were (and stilll should be) treated like guests. Prisoners of the battle of Badr were kept in Al-Madinah for a few days, one of the prisoners states the=at the Muslims treated them preferentially and even better than their own families. They gave them better food, and clothing, then they gave to their families.

The Qur'an on Clouds:​

After speaking about rain and hail and lighting:
"...And he sends down hail from mountains (clouds) in the sky, and He strikes with it whomever He wills, and turns it from whomever He wills. The vivid flash of its lightning nearly blinds the sight." (Qur'an, 24:43)
Meterologists have found that these cumukonimbus clouds that shower hial, reach a height of 25,000 to 30,000ft like mountains, as the Qur'an said:"...And He sends down hail form mountains in the sky..."

This verse may raise the question. Why does it say "its lightning" in a reference to hail? Doe this mean that hail is the major factor in producing lightning? Let us see what the book entilted Meterology Today says about this. It says that a cloud becomes electrified as ahil falls through a region in the cloud of supercooled droplets adn ice crystals. As liquid droplets collide with hailstone, they freeze on contact and release latent heat. This keeps the surface of the hailstone warmer than that of the currounding ice craystals. When the hialstone comes in contact with ice crystal, an important phemomenon occurs: electrons flow fromt he cooler object toward the armer object. Hence, the hailstone becoems negatively charged. The smae effect occurs when supercooled droplets come in contact with a hailstone and tiny splinters of positively chraged ice breaks off. These lighter positvely chraged particles are then carried to the upper part of the cloud by updrafts. The hail, left with a negative charge, falls towards the bottom of the cloud, thus the loer part of the cloud becomes negatively charged. The negative charges are then discharged as lighting. We conlcude from this that hail is the major factor in producing lightning.

This information on lightning was discovered recently. Until 1600AD, Aristotle's ideas on meterology were dominant. For example, he siad that the stmosphere contains two kinds of exhalation, dry and moist. He also said that thunder is the sound of the collusion on the dry exhalation wht the neighbouring clouds, and lightning is the inflaming and burning of the dry exhalation with a thin and faint fire. These are some of the ideas on meterology that were dominant at the time of the Qur'an's revelation, fourteen centuries ago.

So this is why the lighting in the surah above says "its lightning": beucase hail si a major cause of ligtning, contray to aristole's ideas, which you have so recelty claimed ot be great, and which the qur'an, you say, stole its ideas from.

The Qur'an on the Cerebrum:​

God has said in the Qur'an about one of the evil unbelievers who forbade the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from praying at teh kaaba:

"No! If he does not stop, We will take him by the naseyah (front fo the head), a lying sinful naseyha (front of the head)!" (Qur'an 96:15-16)

Why did the Qur'an describe the fron of the head as ebing lying and sinful? Why didn't the Qur'an say that the person was lying and sinful? What is this relationship between the front of the head nad lying and sinfulness?

If we look into the skull at the fron of the head, we wll find the prefrontal area of the cerebrum. What does phsyiology tell us about the function on this area? A book entitled Essentials of Anatomy & Phsyiology says about his area this: "The movtivation and the foresight to plan and initiate movements occur in the anterior portion of the frontal lobes, the prefrontal area. this is a region of the association cortex..." Also the books ays: "In relation to its involvement in motivation, the prefrontal area is also thought to be the functional center for aggression..."

So, this area of the cerebrum is responsible for planning, motivating, and initiating good and inful behaviour and is respinsible for telling of lies and the spkeaing of truth. Thus, it is proper to describe the front of the head as lying and sinful when someone lies or commits a sin, as the Qur'an has said: "...A lying and sinful naseyah (front of head)!"

Therefore, they new of cerebrum, and its make-up, chemicals in the body, and of the brain and the different functions of the several parts of the brain. This has only been discovered by sicenists in the last 60yrs!


Mar 9, 2004
i dont care about your logic. i dont care about your argument. the fact of the matter is you don't belong in this thread, you know it, you can feel it. spiritually you may be correct, in this thread, within its constructs, you cannot be correct. feel satisfied that you believe in God with all your heart. This thread is simply not for you.

You were patronising. I cannot emphasise this enough. You laugh at me because my views appear different. That is a terrible thing to do. Accept that I do not see what you see but do not laugh at me for it. It is offensive.

Do you understand this?


Aug 15, 2005
Some news article thats probably more interesting then salimas rants.

AN Egyptian cleric's controversial fatwa claiming that nudity during sexual intercourse invalidates a marriage has uncovered a rift among Islamic scholars.

According to the religious edict issued by Rashad Hassan Khalil, a former dean of Al-Azhar University's faculty of Sharia (or Islamic law), "being completely naked during the act of coitus annuls the marriage".
The religious decree sparked a hot debate on the private satellite network Dream's popular religious talk show and on the front page of Al-Masri Al-Yom, Egypt's leading independent daily newspaper.

Suad Saleh, who heads the women's department of Al-Azhar's Islamic studies faculty, pleaded for "anything that can bring spouses closer to each other" and rejected the claim that nudity during intercourse could invalidate a union.

During the live televised debate, Islamic scholar Abdel Muti dismissed the fatwa: "Nothing is prohibited during marital sex, except of course sodomy."

For his part, Al-Azhar's fatwa committee chairman Abdullah Megawar argued that married couples could see each other naked but should not look at each other's genitalia and suggested they cover up with a blanket during sex.
truly bizarre


Dec 22, 2005
ur_inner_child said:
i dont care about your logic. i dont care about your argument. the fact of the matter is you don't belong in this thread, you know it, you can feel it. spiritually you may be correct, in this thread, within its constructs, you cannot be correct. feel satisfied that you believe in God with all your heart. This thread is simply not for you.

You were patronising. I cannot emphasise this enough. You laugh at me because my views appear different. That is a terrible thing to do. Accept that I do not see what you see but do not laugh at me for it. It is offensive.

Do you understand this?
I actually did not laugh at you. I just placed that image there. I did not mean to insult insult you just hat it was rediculous. How cana thread about whether god exists or not be not for everyone? It's a discussion about different views. But it seems that the only view to be discussed here is the stupidityt of other religions and that god cannot exist. Now if we are to be logical then this discussion is not logical and this is not much of a discussion!
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Mar 9, 2004
Salima said:
I actually did not laugh at you. I just placed that image there. I did not mean to insult insult you just hat it was rediculous. How cana thread about whether god exists or not be not for everyone? It's a discussion about different views. But it seems that the only view to be discussed here is the stupidityt of other religions and that god cannot exist. Now if we are to be logical then that's not much of a discusion!
i have debated this previously, agreeing more or less what you said in that above post. If people feel that this thread can serve potential in people's conversion, good luck to them, I admire their patience, but unless you can provide hard ground scientific facts to prove irrefutably, and undoubtably the existance of God, you cannot win. Because of this, I wanted to know what the point of this thread was, and why it wasnt closed. But considering I have no commitment to this thread, I don't see why my protest should be listened to.

Acknowledging that God may exist in a spirituality sence, your proof, you must admit, is not scientific. If any religious person in their right mind does not agree with this, they must leave this thread for their own good.

In regards to the "laughing", you can't blame me for getting that impression. You did think of idiocy, you did patronise me, despite you saying you didn't mean it. Try to be careful and analyse what each individual is saying to you before you assume they think in an inferior way.

If you do this, if you search the world with an open-mind, and tolerate/accept that people have different views without thinking they're silly, then you will go very far in life.
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Apr 25, 2004
Salima said:

Well we can believe such things because we have seen them happen, because a god exists to give you the power if you ask for it, becuase it is true. Your fairy tales are worse than mine, beucase you have none, be cuase you have nothing else than the house you live in or the shirt on your back. That is not as bad though as the hell we belive you'll face later. If you asked god to tasted a second of hell to prove that it existed and that there was a god and qur'an and islam was the right way, you would go crazy in that instent.
dont try to scare me with yuor hell stories, you fell for them , but i am not stupid enough to beleive everytihng.

if yuo think all i do is sit at home, yuor sadly mistaken. And if you think that doing routine prayers is any better then sitting at home yuor sadly wrong. .

now stop threatening me with hell. In yuor mind i am already in hell, and that makes me feel even better, because you become more scared of me

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