I keep hearing muslims saying that the "Quran remaining unchanged over XYZ years" is a testament to it's authenticity and truth.
What does this even mean?
How does it prove that Quran actually came from God?
Isn't this actually a con and not a pro in the argument for the Quran? Times have changed, people have changed, societies have changed, Quran hasn't changed! The arabic language itself has changed, so does the Quran now even saying the same thing it was intending to say centuries ago?
I have no problems with religious people who agree that their faith is blind. Even i can accept it, my faith is blind.
There are a million and one things I can think of in the next 5 minutes, none of which you or anyone else can disprove. Does not mean we should believe them to be true until disproved.. going down this path would set a very dangerous precedent.
What does this even mean?
How does it prove that Quran actually came from God?
Isn't this actually a con and not a pro in the argument for the Quran? Times have changed, people have changed, societies have changed, Quran hasn't changed! The arabic language itself has changed, so does the Quran now even saying the same thing it was intending to say centuries ago?
I have no problems with religious people who agree that their faith is blind. Even i can accept it, my faith is blind.
There are a million and one things I can think of in the next 5 minutes, none of which you or anyone else can disprove. Does not mean we should believe them to be true until disproved.. going down this path would set a very dangerous precedent.