genavania said:
if i had to put my hope in myself it would be a sorry sight. i am far from perfect. what about when we mess up?
Everyone knows they're not perfect. Mistakes are part of life, Babe Ruth struke as many time as he hit a home run. Just because you make mistakes does not, I repeat does not make you a failure. The only thing that makes you a failure is your attitude. How you responsed to any situtation will ultimatily determine whether you are a failure or whether you will win.
Now, if the only thing that will determine whether or not you will win is your outlook. There is no need to look for assistance from an outside of yourself. Through this process of thinking God become irreallivent. You don't need him because you able to deal with shit by using your headbone and your own self confidence.
genavania said:
when we die we are truly all alone. we cant take our money or our things with us. to put hope in these things is rediculous and pointless.
as to hope being rediculous and pointless, well i disagree but i guess that is just me
As for whether we are alone when we die. It doesn't really matter. It doesn't effect now. And because I can't change anything I don't really care. If there is a god and I show up and he tells me that I failed as a human and I should have worshiped him. I'm going to be amused. He doesn't define me, that's my decision. I am who I choose to be. This is the gift that is free thinking. If he want me to worship me then he should have stripped this privilage from my bones.
I know to you this may seem a little depressing because nothing is there. No safety net. No warmth, no sense of comfort knowing that someone is watching over you. So this sytem isn't for everyone, in fact very few will accept it due to these negatives. But this is where I have come to and I can't turn my back on it. But this logic is so liberatating. Nothing to stop from doing what you desire. Social pressures are released, nothing is more worthwhile then anything else. So you become free. And this freedom means I can fill what ever desire I have so my enjoyment of life will be as high as I want it to be.
Because at the end of the day when I am on my death bed. The only thing that will determine whether I have failured as a human is whether I think that I have lived the life I wanted to.