Mr Eazy will solve your problems - Quotes and all
Ladies and MEN (i hate the racist term Gentile

you have all challenged each other with your various beliefs, i dont know where to begin. But i have made an honest attempt at studying both great religons in question. (im not learned in christianity though)
so ill fill you in on all your arguments- well, the ones that i know the answers to!
Acmillan said:
Both of you please find quotes to support your statements in the Bible
malkin86: find the relevant quotes talking about Jesus being the last messenger/prophet
somechick: find the relevant quotes from Jesus saying someone will come after him
firehose said:
in the Old Testament it is stated that Jesus was to be the last of the prophets sent by God. .
i think you were supposed to replace mailkin with firehose as he first suggested the stuff about jesus being the last prophet.
but anywayz ill fill in the quotes since u wanted it.
(Holy Bible) John 14:16 said:
And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you Another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever.Holy Bible) John 14:16
Take not the word
Jesus was the first comforter and the second one will be similar in many respects of thirst, mortality, fatigue, sorrow and death.
Jesus was a mortal so the 2nd one will also be a mortal. His teachings however will remain forever. (check out Luke 16:31) - this shows that knowledge lives on and it is important to remember their teachings -just as we remember the prophets.
(Holy Bible) John 16:7 said:
Nevertheless, I tell you the truth:
It is expedient for you that I go away,
for if I go not away, the comforter will not
come unto you, but if I depart, I will send
him unto you.
(Holy Bible) John 16:7
Jesus himself testifies to the coming of another comforter, like himself.
firehose said:
Isn't it amazing that Isaiah prophesised hundreds of years before Jesus' birth about Jesus himself, and what his purpose on earth would be? Jesus fulfilled exactly what the Lord had set him out to do. Oh, and in the Old Testament it is stated that Jesus was to be the last of the prophets sent by God. Which, if u choose to believe it, kind of places Mohammed in an awkward position.
somechick said:
Mohammed (pbuh) was a male. He was never schooled. He didnt know how to read or write. Illiterate.
Jesus says that another comforter will come. i got plenty more quotes but ill save them for now. i doubt Isaiah would contradict the messiah. Fire hose, please bring your quote to back up yourself.
Firehose i put in somechic's sayings about Muhammad's illiteracy (may God bless and bestow peace on him) because Isiaiah did prophecize the last prophet
Isaiah 29:12 said:
And the book is delivered
To him that is not learned
Saying, Read this,
I pray thee:
And he saith, I AM NOT LEARNED!Isaiah 29:12
which other prophet can we say "is not learned"
the exact words of the prophet were:
"i am not learned"
Muslims admire their prophet's ability to perform and do what God Commanded him to do, and they (like Somechic) dont realise that this phenomenon was prophecized by isiaiah. He didnt go to harvard or any other location to learn - not even theology

but any reputable historian about Muhammad (may gods blessings + peace be upon him) and they will tell you what a remarkable character he was!
This is the truth. But ask the televangelist and he will give u an ignorant remark "Mohomet was a terrorist". Lies dont get people far these days -which is a good thing.
firehose said:
Oh, and in the Old Testament it is stated that Jesus was to be the last of the prophets sent by God. Which, if u choose to believe it, kind of places Mohammed in an awkward position
Edit: ive got lots of quotes from the OT about Muhammad (God's peace and blessings be upon him) remind me to put them up soon.
Jesus tells his deciples that his mission was never complete. but he had to go to bring unpon us the comforter.
John 16:12 said:
i have yet many things to say unto you, but ye may not bear them now.
john 16:13 said:
Howbeit when he the spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth.
The prophet of Islam was not a liar. not even his worst enemies would call him that. They infact called him The
Truthful one -
As-saadiq and
Al-Amin the Trustworthy. And this is how Jesus referred to him. His honesty will make him known to others

God bless them both
So feel free to challenge what i have said, even if it is in the matter of a phrase or a word. take care now