im really unsure about whether this has been covered previously.
ill give you a situation of mine.
my business studies class has done 50% worth of assessments so far, with trials in 2 weeks. in the second i bombed out and got about 65%, with the top mark as 90%, the second being 70%

, the third around 68% and then me. This is out of a class of 12.
Now assume I maintain a ranking of about fourth in the class and get about a 75% internal mark. I come out all guns blazing in the external exams and pull a raw mark of 90%, a mark beating all my classmates. what happens now? can i move up within my class rankings? or will the people above me in class rankings get my mark and im forced to sit beneath them?
second situation: im topping legal studies out of 10-15. if i get 80 in my exam while the person coming second gets 90, what happens to me? do i get bumped up to that 90 mark? or will i get put somewhere between.
thanks for any help- im really struggling to get my head around everything HSC!