feminism (1 Viewer)

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Oct 20, 2012
someone tell me how to reply directly to somebodys comment dammit!


dvds didnt exist in 1991
Nov 5, 2006
Again, you're saying that it matters because things are still bad, but this still means that it’s a problem because things are bad now.
no, that's not what i said at all. you regard the history of oppression as irrelevant. it clearly is not. there is a prima facie reason to think that the consequences of the history of oppression linger; namely, that society does simply change overnight. the context, i.e. the history, of oppression has causal importance in understanding why things are bad now. discrimination against african-americans didn't end after 1967; its has a pernicious context. likewise, being a feminist - or, rather, having a critical understanding of the co-constitutive role of gender and society - involves by necessity an appreciation of the history of oppression. i'm not talking about making reparations here, or intergenerational guilt.

Men evolved to prefer thinner women so they probably always will, more or less. It is wrong for her to expect that men find her attractive, which she does given her opposition to "beauty standards". This can also be thought to extend to things like models, actresses etc. being thin, but again this is based on what people like, so she's the one imposing her views on others.

I think it’s a bit whiny to claim that thin women in the media make her feel ashamed of her fat, and in real life it's unlikely she has experienced fat-shaming outside of school (where fat boys are often teased just as much). I wouldn't put it past her to have sought relationships/sex with men knowing full well they aren't attracted to fat women, and then use this as victimisation masturbation-fodder.
first, i'd ask whether you have any scientific evidence for men preferring skinny women, which is a somewhat nebulous concept in and of itself. regardless, what men prefer is beside the point. individual preference for skinnier women does not require that we participate in a fat-shaming society. i also think it's entirely disingenuous for you to make the extraordinary claims that 1) it's "whiny to think that thin women in the media make her feel ashamed", particularly considering that's not even what she said (this also extends to the phenomenon of girls who develop eating disorders; i take it you've never met one or, if you have, you haven't taken their experience on board?) 2) that in "real life" it's unlikely that she has experience fat-shaming. you have literally made shit up to discredit her testimony. also do note that she never even said she felt like a victim; rather, she would rather live in and seeks to achieve a society that doesn't produce body dysmorphic issues in women and men, or body image and self-worth issues relating to a socially prescribed aesthetic.

Obese men haven't exactly got it that much better.
i agree, and i think that it is an incredible shame that the social discrimination, objectification, and dehumanising of overweight people remains prevalent.

She doesn't say other arts degrees, she says anyone else's degrees, so I think it’s a fair assumption that she is expressing a similar sentiment to the photo above. She studied a degree that has not enhanced her employability beyond being a college graduate per se, and yet given her ideological attachment to what she studied she feels entitled to employment because of it. She's not just saying that she thinks her degree is good, she's saying she needs feminism, which almost certainly involves direct or indirect government subsidization of a job of hers, despite her lack of productivity.
yes, i know what she said. however, i'm not sure that you do. i think your leap - that of imputing some malicious intent or sense of entitlement - is entirely unwarranted and vacuous. first of all, not once does she mention employment. secondly, to entertain the point of employability, considering that it is likely to be at least one of her concerns, she might be protesting the fact(?) that her skills are not as valuable in the work place in having done gender studies vis a vis another liberal art. considering that one of the overarching goal of studying liberal arts is, in a nut shell, to develop critical thinking skills, i can see no reason for why gender studies should be considered a joke vis any other liberal art, in so far as the curriculum and instruction of a gender studies course isn't patently inferior. look, no employer has done a study of gender studies majors and concluded "they have less productivity than the others!" and i defy you to prove it to be otherwise. that being said, like most other liberal arts gender studies is unlikely to lead straight to a career.

Nor do I. I clearly included it for the sake of juxtaposition.

This isn't really related to feminism, but if he's teased about being manly this almost certainly extends beyond his love of poetry, and is probably about being effeminate in general as men who like poetry are more likely to be. Which, you'll probably say he shouldn't be judged for, but the hilarious tragedy of feminism is that feminists themselves tend to be, romantically, very intolerant of beta males. This means more low-IQ alphas reproducing and less beta males having families to care about and raise high-IQ kids. So it’s in society's interests for him to act in a way such that others perceive him as being masculine.
you get bonus points for talking about alphas and betas, baseless claims about feminists being romantically intolerant of beta males, and social optimisation

Used to be. Nobody is going to give them shit for not wearing skirts in the middle of winter (and yes, I'm familiar with the recent French ruling regarding trousers).
which isn't their point at all.

The 1950's called, they want their butthurt back.

Women aren't expected to be able to cook, and any man that publically says he expects women to cook for him will be instantly labelled a sexist.

On a remotely related note, couples in which men and women equally share the housework are more likely to divorce.
i agree that the point about cooking is a canard and, moreover, is probably only something relevant (if at all) to over 50s.
i also assume that you can provide me with the evidence for the divorce claim, though i imagine there to be an incredible causal attribution problem. i very much doubt that equally sharing the housework is causing divorces.

Fear of homosexuality is natural, so its natural he feels this way. Unless he goes blabbing about it to everyone and expects them not ot judge him, its dumb to say he "needs" feminism, or that it has to do with feminism in the first place as its more homophobia.
homophobia is natural? homosexuality is a fraught question in evolutionary biology and psych. yet, suffice to say, cultural attitudes to homosexuality are incredibly fluid. in renaissaince italy it was shameful to be fellated by either a man or woman; but fellating a man was not shameful at all, but rather an act of dominance. the same for sodomy. do you go go around telling people that they shouldn't go sky diving because a fear of heights is natural? or that society should shame skydivers because a fear of heights is natural? do you go around chastising those that wear polyester because it isn't natural, or defending anti-polyester culture? the question of homosexuality, homophobia, and nature isn't so simple. and i guarantee you that if a man and a woman were to be born and grow up together in the wild, devoid of any other human contact, and were to become romantically involved, the man wouldn't go "fuck off thats homo" when the woman tried some assplay.

I've seen that video, and tend to agree with the top comment.
so alpha

Being serious though, its fundamental human nature to disapprove of female promiscuity for what should be obvious evolutionary reasons.

Anecdotally, I don't think that it's entirely because men are judgemental of women who have taken heaps of cock (though they certainly are), but rather said women tend to make poor partners due to their personality and behaviours. So its not just because men don't like women who have had a lot of sex, they dislike the personality and qualities of women who happen to have a lot of sex (or possibly even lead her to having a lot of sex). Based on my personal experience, I agree entirely. 'Sluts' tend to be more aggressive, less friendly, less feminine and all-in-all less pleasant. Although this is about identifying 'sluts', I think in the process it elucidates the problems with them.

From a more objective and practical standpoint, it is known that there is a significant negative relationship between the number of past sexual partners a woman has had, and the length of her marriage. Thus, avoiding sluts can be thought of as socially beneficial behaviours. Of course, its easy to say that this is because of men's nasty slut-shaming personalities, but its almost certainly not, because one struggles to think why they would marry a slut in the first place. Rather, it is more likely that again, the personality types of women who tend to sleep around make them less suitable for long-term, monogamous partners, and its also likely that these women themselves struggle to maintain attraction to one man and sexually limit themselves to one man.
i think the evolutionary explanation for aversion to female promiscuity is partially valid. and i don't disagree with the fact that a woman's sexual history is poignant in your romantic calculus regarding their behaviours and personality. 'sluts' can't have their cake and eat it too. but this is an entirely different question from that of whether we should have a slut-shaming culture. if individuals would prefer not to date 'sluts', that's fine with me. but i would also argue that women are tarred with the same slut brush; that one might earn the label slut and its consequences after a momentary lapse of sexual discretion. the same cannot be said of men.

'I need feminism' suggests that this apparent double-standard is an example of injustice towards females. However, the exact same is true for men. Traits considered ideal for women make a man unmanly. And this is not just other men calling him a pussy; the vast majority of women are not attracted to effeminate men, quite the opposite.

And in making women just like men, they are diminishing the point of women altogether. If women essentially become "men with vaginas", why on earth would you expect relationships and families to work? When society does have strong gender roles in place, the accompanying masculine and feminine natures of men and women respectively were complimentary, leading to a greater harmony between the sexes (abusive husbands notwithstanding) and a stronger family unit. In modern times, in what can be described only as entirely predictable, we see a degradation of the family unit and a continual move towards becoming a bonobo mutual masturbation society where men and women increasingly have less use for one another, where people are not getting married and where existing marriages are breaking down and where women are experiencing hue rates f depression.

It is profoundly ironic that feminism, of all things, is so opposed to and takes such joy in the elimination of femininity.
i think it is in this particular area (sexual nihilism you might call it) that mainstream feminists are unfairly lumped with a distinct minority (those that espouse the elimination of gender values). i
the rest of your reactionary "traditional family unit, strong society" fred nile shit doesn't warrant consideration. if this is what you really believe than you better be stocking your bunker because the end of our debauched, modernist world must truly be nigh.

To the extent this is true (it’s absolutely not, every survey I've seen on the subject shows that men overwhelmingly like it when women make the first move), it's the fault of women. I mean there is literally a facebook group called "I'm the girl, you're the guy... You text me first. Or we don't talk today." And it CERTAINLY does not "need" a giant ideological revolution. Even if you think it's reasonable for her to want this (which it isn't really, most men would love the prospect of multiple women hitting on them and them getting to choose which women to respond to), its trivial bullshit, which is why its unreasonable.
you're the one who posted it. there were, apparently, very few rules for admission. it wasn't super serious posters only. i don't think this woman wanted to start a revolution, but was only making a somewhat trivial point. i'd also consider the fact that her texting first would probably be in her favour considering she wants the kind of guy who thinks that okay (she'll self-select the ones that don't out)

"who he is" looks like a fat faggot loser, who hilariously and almost certainly has extreme difficulty in attracting women (even controlling for his obesity). I have no idea, he might not have been raised by a single mother but in any case this picture implies support for such a thing, which certainly is bad (obviously not criticising widows, divorcees etc). And I'm not sure why this necessitates feminism?
"fat-shaming isn't really a big deal"
guy is a "fat faggot loser"
you have no idea who this guy is bro, and you're making fun of him on the internet, but the irony is still delicious

Who, male or female, gets their "superhero novels" seriously any way? Why does this "need" a giant ideological revolution?
okay so you don't understand superhero comics.

Im a little confused. If your support for these things is based on some liberal-tarian "people should be able to what they want" and NOT on the practical implications for society, then why can't I just as easily turn around and say that people ought to be able to judge others and discriminate on the basis of past sexual partaers.
what i have espoused very much concerns the practical implications for society. it concerns the practical implications for a society that regularly and systemically shames, belittles, excludes, undermines, and limits the freedom of certain of its members unnecessarily and arbitrarily. a society that is, to some degree, plastic. i consider perpetuating this to be quite contrary to the attainment and sustenance of a society that values and promotes the freedom, autonomy, and value of its individual constituents.
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Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
first, i'd ask whether you have any scientific evidence for men preferring skinny women,
Evolution and Human Behavior: Darwinian Perspectives on Human Nature - John Cartwright pp. 246-7

what men prefer is beside the point. individual preference for skinnier women does not require that we participate in a fat-shaming society.
I didn't say anything about fat-shaming, it was in response to "patriarchal beauty standards", which are entirely a result of what men prefer.

she would rather live in and seeks to achieve a society that doesn't produce body dysmorphic issues in women and men, or body image and self-worth issues relating to a socially prescribed aesthetic.
Again, she mentioned "patriarchal beauty standards", which means she cares about what men are attracted to and clearly thinks that men not being attracted to fatties (and the portrayal of women in the media as a result) is some sort of oppression.

i agree, and i think that it is an incredible shame that the social discrimination, objectification, and dehumanising of overweight people remains prevalent.
Cool, so we can agree its not really about feminism then, and making it about feminism is unfair for men?

no employer has done a study of gender studies majors and concluded "they have less productivity than the others!" and i defy you to prove it to be otherwise. that being said, like most other liberal arts gender studies is unlikely to lead straight to a career.
Then what is she complaining about?

you get bonus points for talking about alphas and betas, baseless claims about feminists being romantically intolerant of beta males, and social optimisation
This explains the feminism thing pretty well (@ 1:33:50). Your mocking of the use of alpha/beta suggests you don't really understand the modern socio-sexual market place so well.

which isn't their point at all.
then what is?

i also assume that you can provide me with the evidence for the divorce claim, though i imagine there to be an incredible causal attribution problem. i very much doubt that equally sharing the housework is causing divorces.

here's a good explanation. It's not that *doing* the housework causes divorce; the likely cause is that women aren't attracted (or don't remain attracted) to the kind of men who would agree to split the housework.

homophobia is natural? homosexuality is a fraught question in evolutionary biology and psych. yet, suffice to say, cultural attitudes to homosexuality are incredibly fluid. in renaissaince italy it was shameful to be fellated by either a man or woman; but fellating a man was not shameful at all, but rather an act of dominance. the same for sodomy.
Indeed views can be greatly influenced by culture. But its more than likely that the default position is homophobia, with certain cultures leading to acceptance. Except in such cultures, men nearly universally find the idea of male on male sex revolting. I certainly do, and I never experienced any kind anti-homosexual conditioning growing up. And if you look at more primitive peoples, Africans and middle-easterners, we can see the most extreme forms of homophobia in the world.

do you go go around telling people that they shouldn't go sky diving because a fear of heights is natural? or that society should shame skydivers because a fear of heights is natural?
yeah cool that comparison makes entirely no sense. I'm not people ought to be shamed based on natural fears, I'm saying given that people have natural aversions, you shouldn't be surprised when they disapprove of certain behaviours.

and i guarantee you that if a man and a woman were to be born and grow up together in the wild, devoid of any other human contact, and were to become romantically involved, the man wouldn't go "fuck off thats homo" when the woman tried some assplay.

i think the evolutionary explanation for aversion to female promiscuity is partially valid
Do you actually understand it?

but this is an entirely different question from that of whether we should have a slut-shaming culture. if individuals would prefer not to date 'sluts', that's fine with me. but i would also argue that women are tarred with the same slut brush; that one might earn the label slut and its consequences after a momentary lapse of sexual discretion. the same cannot be said of men.
Look at the picture. It has nothing to do with slut-shaming, its literally just saying they don't want to go out with sluts. And for what its worth, in my experience other females are far quicker to tar with the slut brush than the average male.

the rest of your reactionary "traditional family unit, strong society" fred nile shit doesn't warrant consideration.

Oh, great, cultural marxist "libertarian".

if this is what you really believe than you better be stocking your bunker because the end of our debauched, modernist world must truly be nigh.
No, the western world will fall with a slow, slow burn. I'm not sure how you could disagree though. Marriages are falling apart, people have stopped having kids. Which, by the way, is why feminism is self-defeating. It causes the birth rate to plummet, everyone panics and so we import a bunch of backward-ass third-world brownsters who don't give a shit about feminism, and then the feminist population dies away.

you have no idea who this guy is bro, and you're making fun of him on the internet, but the irony is still delicious
Overweight, comic-book loving (and judging by the guy in the background, unpopular) dudes who post about "feminism" don't get girls. I don't think that point is up for debate, at the very least.

what i have espoused very much concerns the practical implications for society. it concerns the practical implications for a society that regularly and systemically shames, belittles, excludes, undermines, and limits the freedom of certain of its members unnecessarily and arbitrarily.
Seeing thin women in movies restricts my freedom!!!!

a society that is, to some degree, plastic. i consider perpetuating this to be quite contrary to the attainment and sustenance of a society that values and promotes the freedom, autonomy, and value of its individual constituents.
Yes because clearly the key to a society prospering is having no standards of judgement whatsoever. When nobody feels any shame in acting in any degenerate way they please, then we will truly have civilisation.
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Mar 2, 2013
This one boils my blood! feminism wont fix the fact that she did a completely useless degree! Its not other peoples fault that she did this and wall street isnt to blame!!! she made the decision to do this and knew that it would have no job prospects. Did she honestly think that after doing this degree she would be on a 70K salary straight up?

EDIT: she also spelt loans wrong the first time, no wonder why she didnt get employed in a decent job lolololol
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et tu
Mar 6, 2007
Vespucci Beach
Uni Grad
This one boils my blood! feminism wont fix the fact that she did a completely useless degree! Its not other peoples fault that she did this and wall street isnt to blame!!! she made the decision to do this and knew that it would have no job prospects. Did she honestly think that after doing this degree she would be on a 70K salary straight up?

EDIT: she also spelt loans wrong the first time, no wonder why she didnt get employed in a decent job lolololol
honestly thought that was a guy

Michelle Lin

Oct 6, 2012
The Sutherland Shire
There is still male entitlement in a lot of male dominated culture/activities such as gaming seen when FemFrequency creater Anita Sarkeesian was sent threatening messages by an organised cohorts of the gaming community all focused on her female gender such as 'rape' and 'wouldn't it be funny if five guys raped ” and people like Laci Green who's a sex educator has been stalked with photos of her residence and threatened death because she talks about female sexuality, body and equality. Things like this need to be more important. You might think that these are isolated incidences or that they're the minority but that isn't the case. The problem is the still the inherent patriarchy that many are raised up in. The very society is still skewed.

We have ads with sexualised Barbies and girls (obvious and overused but perfect example) and boys who are expected to rough and tumble and TAKE what they want. Sweden and Quebec are two of the few areas in the world that bans ads aimed toward children under 12/13. They don’t only stop the foundation of prescriptive and unnecessary gender roles taking place but also lower rates of obesity. Change is taking place people like me need to stop taking a backseat and actively gun for it such as (tada) feminists.

There are still people ‘slut shaming’ girls and women who own their sexuality. There are pictures on facebook memes who make fun of the ways a female dresses because they deem it inappropriate. What’s inappropriate is the message that sends all to EVERYONE ON THE INTERNET that this sort of bullying and sexist behaviour is okay. I’m not talking solely to males or those who identify otherwise from female. An unfortunately huge proportion of women on facebook don’t understand that their behaviour and attitudes towards sex and other females are potentially harmful. A girl who hooks up with your ex is not a ‘slut’ or ‘cunt’. You’re just behaving inappropriately. Also ‘cunt’ should not be used as a derogatory term. I mean, seriously? It’s a body part. Same with dick, arse, arsehole and so on. Why the fuck would you put stigma on a body part? That’s just promoting shame and encouraging people to be ignorant about the human body.

It is not your body. You do not have the right to tell women how to dress, when to talk, where to work, when to go outside, what to learn, how to have sex – whether or not they should be a virgin. Virginity itself is a social construct that should be outdated. It was created by men who thought their penises where to special it changes a woman. A woman has the right to know all about and control her body.

By the way, let me show you an example of how dangerous just common misconceptions about women and sex are due to the shy and ignorant silence on the topics. Did you know that the hymen doesn’t and SHOULDN’T need to be broken to have sex? It’s supposed to stretch. Did you know that? Everyone I’ve asked didn’t. Average age someone loses their virginity in Australia is around 17 and seriously, how many girls do you think have suffered because the female body wasn't seen as important enough to discuss and educate?

This knowledge would have saved many people infections and pain but society didn't deem it important enough to teach children about their bodies because of this sort of oppression.

A lot of you seem to think it's about women coming into power and somehow being bitchy and dominating men? It's about having a proper sex education and other benefits that would save us a lot of physical and psychological hurt. It's not just 'butthurt'.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
There is still male entitlement in a lot of male dominated culture/activities such as gaming seen when FemFrequency creater Anita Sarkeesian was sent threatening messages by an organised cohorts of the gaming community all focused on her female gender such as 'rape' and 'wouldn't it be funny if five guys raped ”
It's definitely a bit extreme, but I don't really blame them. Gaming is one of the few outlets of masculinity in the modern, feminised, over-PC world, and it's entirely understandable that men would react negatively to feminists trying to intrude and push their bullshit on them.

and people like Laci Green who's a sex educator has been stalked with photos of her residence and threatened death because she talks about female sexuality, body and equality.
HAHAHAH NOPE. Her residence was posted by the "trans*" community because she said "tranny' as a pejorative in a video several years ago.

The problem is the still the inherent patriarchy that many are raised up in.
oh noes teh patriarchyz!!!!

We have ads with sexualised Barbies and girls (obvious and overused but perfect example)
Sexual objectification is the result of feminism. Women used to be seen as potential mothers and wives, but since casual sex has become the norm (because of feminism), men now see women more as a means to sexual gratification. Am I the only one who sees the stupidity of an ideology that celebrates the idea of being a "slut", but then goes and complains about women being sexualised?

and boys who are expected to rough and tumble and TAKE what they want.
Nope. masculinity is discouraged in boys which is one of the true tragedies of feminism.

Sweden and Quebec are two of the few areas in the world that bans ads aimed toward children under 12/13. They don’t only stop the foundation of prescriptive and unnecessary gender roles taking place but also lower rates of obesity. Change is taking place people like me need to stop taking a backseat and actively gun for it such as (tada) feminists.
You mean Sweden where feminists are so batshit insane they're banning stand-up urinals because they're a symbol of male dominance? These are the people we should be modelling our society on?

There are still people ‘slut shaming’ girls and women who own their sexuality. There are pictures on facebook memes who make fun of the ways a female dresses because they deem it inappropriate. What’s inappropriate is the message that sends all to EVERYONE ON THE INTERNET that this sort of bullying and sexist behaviour is okay.
Okay cool, but this has nothing to do with the patriarchy and everything to do with biology. When a woman slept with a lot of men, it made it hard for her sexual partners to be sure that any children she has, and so evolution selected in favour of men who disapprove of female promiscuity. Women, on the other hand, do it to compete for men.

Also, sluts are bad for relationships and so its GOOD that men would want to stay away from them.

Also ‘cunt’ should not be used as a derogatory term. I mean, seriously? It’s a body part. Same with dick, arse, arsehole and so on.
Whilst you receive points for consistency, the reality is is that feminsits in general don't give a fuck about 'dick' being used as a pejorative.

Why the fuck would you put stigma on a body part? That’s just promoting shame and encouraging people to be ignorant about the human body.
yeah okay now you're just being over-dramatic.

It is not your body. You do not have the right to tell women how to dress, when to talk, where to work, when to go outside, what to learn, how to have sex – whether or not they should be a virgin.

Virginity itself is a social construct
Feminism is a social construct. "patriarchy" is a social construct. "equality" is a social construct. See how meaningful "social construct" is to say?

that should be outdated.
Yes, clearly the problem with the world is that people aren't having enough sex.

It was created by men who thought their penises where to special it changes a woman. A woman has the right to know all about and control her body.
yes because "slut-shaming" means other people "control" your body. And I don't know if you've noticed, but relationships were a whole lot more stable when women had to pay for marriages with their v-cards.

how many girls do you think have suffered because the female body wasn't seen as important enough to discuss and educate?
Yes because men love discussing the male body.

This knowledge would have saved many people infections and pain but society didn't deem it important enough to teach children about their bodies because of this sort of oppression.
"oppression" yes, I'm sure people in the third-world cry themselves to sleep each night at your sad plight.

A lot of you seem to think it's about women coming into power and somehow being bitchy and dominating men? It's about having a proper sex education and other benefits that would save us a lot of physical and psychological hurt. It's not just 'butthurt'.
It's about "proper sex education"? Way to move the goalposts...within the same post.


Mar 2, 2013
There is still male entitlement in a lot of male dominated culture/activities such as gaming seen when FemFrequency creater Anita Sarkeesian was sent threatening messages by an organised cohorts of the gaming community all focused on her female gender such as 'rape' and 'wouldn't it be funny if five guys raped ” and people like Laci Green who's a sex educator has been stalked with photos of her residence and threatened death because she talks about female sexuality, body and equality. Things like this need to be more important. You might think that these are isolated incidences or that they're the minority but that isn't the case. The problem is the still the inherent patriarchy that many are raised up in. The very society is still skewed.

We have ads with sexualised Barbies and girls (obvious and overused but perfect example) and boys who are expected to rough and tumble and TAKE what they want. Sweden and Quebec are two of the few areas in the world that bans ads aimed toward children under 12/13. They don’t only stop the foundation of prescriptive and unnecessary gender roles taking place but also lower rates of obesity. Change is taking place people like me need to stop taking a backseat and actively gun for it such as (tada) feminists.

There are still people ‘slut shaming’ girls and women who own their sexuality. There are pictures on facebook memes who make fun of the ways a female dresses because they deem it inappropriate. What’s inappropriate is the message that sends all to EVERYONE ON THE INTERNET that this sort of bullying and sexist behaviour is okay. I’m not talking solely to males or those who identify otherwise from female. An unfortunately huge proportion of women on facebook don’t understand that their behaviour and attitudes towards sex and other females are potentially harmful. A girl who hooks up with your ex is not a ‘slut’ or ‘cunt’. You’re just behaving inappropriately. Also ‘cunt’ should not be used as a derogatory term. I mean, seriously? It’s a body part. Same with dick, arse, arsehole and so on. Why the fuck would you put stigma on a body part? That’s just promoting shame and encouraging people to be ignorant about the human body.

It is not your body. You do not have the right to tell women how to dress, when to talk, where to work, when to go outside, what to learn, how to have sex – whether or not they should be a virgin. Virginity itself is a social construct that should be outdated. It was created by men who thought their penises where to special it changes a woman. A woman has the right to know all about and control her body.

By the way, let me show you an example of how dangerous just common misconceptions about women and sex are due to the shy and ignorant silence on the topics. Did you know that the hymen doesn’t and SHOULDN’T need to be broken to have sex? It’s supposed to stretch. Did you know that? Everyone I’ve asked didn’t. Average age someone loses their virginity in Australia is around 17 and seriously, how many girls do you think have suffered because the female body wasn't seen as important enough to discuss and educate?

This knowledge would have saved many people infections and pain but society didn't deem it important enough to teach children about their bodies because of this sort of oppression.

A lot of you seem to think it's about women coming into power and somehow being bitchy and dominating men? It's about having a proper sex education and other benefits that would save us a lot of physical and psychological hurt. It's not just 'butthurt'.
paragraph 1: the reason why this situation wasn't important was becasue these are TWO cases. Obviously they were do a degree important as you know a lot of info this, thus it was collected from somewhere, written by someone who thought it was important. WHY DIDNT IT MAKE NEWS? because no one gives a shit... the news isnt about whats morally right, its about $$$

Paragraph 2: I dont see every woman in the world dressing like barbie... This is really a double edged sword though. Women are shown sexually its males being sexist etc then if women arent allowed to express themselves sexually its sexist. Quit whinging, society isnt perfect

Paragraph 3: in para 2 you complain about women being portrayed sexually when show. now youre saying they should be allowed to do it without shame... DERP! There are also memes that make fun of other groups such as males, muslims, blacks... women arent the only ones, and besides that, they are A JOKE! So youre complaining about women expresing themselves by posting photos of themselves on Facebook etc, thus in fact you are 'thinking little of them' not other people; hmmmm. Just let them be, in fact most women who use this argument are just jealous of other women... Women are sexual creatures, we are made to reproduce. Do you suggest we shut down facebook just to stop the pictures of girls in sexual ways?? LOLZ

paragraph 4: "It was created by men who thought their penises where to special it changes a woman. " WTF is this shit?? pretty sure men didnt create the hymen you dumb fuck! No one forces her to lose her virginity, she does have a voice. Women can do what they want, true! thus, men can do all they want as well then? fair is fair. and by 'do what they want' is by no being attracted to women who dont shave their armpits, have hairy legs etc Would you be attracted to a guy who doesnt clean his clean C**k and doesnt shower his whole life coz hes a man? bet not! by hes just expressing himself and he can do what he wants. its not a matter of what they want to do but rather whats acceptable to society

Paragraph 5: evidence or get the fuck out! youve just created some bullshit lie to justify gods knows what. "saved many people from infection and pain" HOW???? its a natural thing that occurs to 99.9% of women...Once again its up to her to decide when shes loses her V's, no one else!

Paragraph 6: pretty much raps up youre bullshit arguments... absolutely no evidence just some shitty rant about nothing. You just proved why men hate extreme feminists. Ive got nothing against women but extreme views like yours are just sad.

One thing I must add is that you keep going on about sexuality shown by women as if its a bad thing. You talk about oppression of women and yet you want to oppress them yourself... kinda hypocritical isn't it? If they wanna lose their V's at 17 so be it, and ill quote what you said "It is not your body"

U MAD????

end of rant/


Mar 2, 2013
NO! feminists are in need of a good lay, never heard a woman complain about men if he can please her in bed

1/4 is wayyyyy off, wouldnt even call it close.

you know that men are also scared to jog at 6 pm in the fear of being stabbed, mugged etc? Violence (sexual and physical) towards women has changed so much these days that you would be safe to go for a jog at 6pm. Some women are just paranoid. Not us mens fault. also why cant she go for a jog at 6pm we are after all, all equal right? women are just as strong as men, unless you're sexist or something?

The girl in this pic just goes on a rant with a shit attitude and is clearly psychotic; forever alone. but at least she defended her rights, even if she lived alone with 12 cats and hated every man in society for being pigs and having a dick

a c

Jan 25, 2012
Why does feminism make you irate sylviab/others.

Is it because that bitch friendzoned you or something.
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