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Flag Burners (1 Viewer)


Aug 23, 2005
_dhj_ said:
I'm afraid it's just you.

There is nothing wrong with flag burning beyond the damage of property... that is, nothing wrong would be done had the flag belonged to the flag burner.
this country really does need to take contol of the people inside it. i was surprised that its not actually illegal, provided the flag is your property. the flag represents everything i stand for - pride, mateship and unity (including multiculturalism). burning the flag is a direct insult to myself and those who are brave enough to call themselves australian in this day and age. there are other ways to teach that teenager the lesson that needs to be taught. deportation is the first thing that comes to mind so he can appreciate how good he has it here, but a more rational suggestion of perhaps raising and lowering the flag daily at the local police station sounds good enough for me. who agrees?


Nov 10, 2005
i dont agree.

Our country is built on laws of freedom of expression of opinion - freedom to make a stand for what you believe - even if u are a minority group.
Thus, a concequence of freedom is the freedom to have dissent against the rulers, dissent against the country itself - and this can be shown by burning a flag. Curbing someones rights to freely express their opinions is censorship and dictorial -- things our society was surely NOT built on. Your opinion stems from xenophobia and your view that your opinion is always correct - and your statement "anyone who disagrees with me should be deported" - u suck.

You think you are "brave" to call urself an australian? get real. The flag burner is much braver to call himeslf a muslim -- u are much more likely to get attacked in australia for that (by xenophobes such as urself) than for calling yourself an australian.

AND PLEASE: dont act as if you are some war widow or something... " the flag represents everything i stand for ... burning the flag is a direct insult to myself" -- gah! that sounds so lame.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
The flag burner is much braver to call himeslf a muslim -- u are much more likely to get attacked in australia for that (by xenophobes such as urself) than for calling yourself an australian.

I am not sure whether he called himself a muslim or not but I do not think just calling yourself a muslim makes you prone to attack. In fact there are more attacks by muslims towards non muslims in australia even during last year's riot. Long after the racist people calmed down the lebanese and muslims thugs continued attacking people as if Sydney is Beirut or Baghdad. Just look at the chronology of Sydney riot and attacks on muslims and non muslims here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2005_Cronulla_riots

These people were protesting against the drawing of muhammad cartoons who were expressing their freedom of expression. Burn the flag and we will draw cartoons of muhammad.


Extraordinary Entertainer
Oct 18, 2004
The Void
onebytwo said:
a little harsh perhaps...a memorised constitution doesnt mean automatic accpetance of aussie values. it shits me when the average aussie talks about stupid fools burning flags when they themselves wouldnt even be able to recite one sentence of the australian constitution, ill admit i cant and i bet the vast majority of the 21 million in aust. cant either
Red-Wine-&-Joni said:
The sad thing is, I think our PM would agree with you. Ironically enough he hasn't read Nineteen Eighty-Four.
onebytwo - I was joking. There's no way I could be serious about getting someone to knit an aussie flag from scratch and/or rewrite the constitution. That'd just piss them off more. Basic rule of human beings: if you want them to hate something, force them to do it repeatedly.

Red-Wine-&-Joni - PM will only do it for politcal agenda, not because he really believe it'd make a positive difference. Which makes it more freaky.

HE hasn't read 1984?! Oh Great Mother of Alibabwa the Third... hypocrisy really does run the world

Mar 25, 2006
West Pennant Hills
michaeln36 said:
i dont agree.

Our country is built on laws of freedom of expression of opinion - freedom to make a stand for what you believe - even if u are a minority group.
Thus, a concequence of freedom is the freedom to have dissent against the rulers, dissent against the country itself - and this can be shown by burning a flag. Curbing someones rights to freely express their opinions is censorship and dictorial -- things our society was surely NOT built on.
I would argue that the flag is a symbol of our identity and our values and thus any attack on the flag is a metpahorical attack on the values of the nation, one of those being freedom of expression.

Your opinion stems from xenophobia and your view that your opinion is always correct - and your statement "anyone who disagrees with me should be deported" - u suck.
Agree with the latter but how can someone's view stem from their own view that they are right?

AND PLEASE: dont act as if you are some war widow or something... " the flag represents everything i stand for ... burning the flag is a direct insult to myself" -- gah! that sounds so lame.

You're acting just as bad as he is by judging him without knowing his personal situation. You can hardly criticise him for being xenophobic when you are being prejudicial yourself.


Mohammed was a paedophile
Feb 15, 2004
Red-Wine-&-Joni said:
The sad thing is, I think our PM would agree with you. Ironically enough he hasn't read Nineteen Eighty-Four.
When a bill banning flag burning was proposed by Bronwyn Bishop, JH said no. Ironically enough 1984 is about communism, also.
Aug 22, 2005
Lol. No, actually, I was born here.

Not that that's really the point. If I wasn't born here, but I was a citizen, I'd stll be Australian, not a 'traitorous terrorist communist'.


Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
P_Dilemma said:
onebytwo - I was joking. There's no way I could be serious about getting someone to knit an aussie flag from scratch and/or rewrite the constitution. That'd just piss them off more. Basic rule of human beings: if you want them to hate something, force them to do it repeatedly.


Sep 2, 2005
ur_inner_child said:
Why is that funny?

Please keep your posts constructive within the News Current Affairs & Politics Forum.
his posts aren't bad.

poor sense of humour though.


Sep 2, 2005
Surely these rioters or flag burners can be adequately and fairly dealt with by the existing criminal justice system rather than being arbitrarily sent to some big brother style brainwashing camp. The latter would merely be a populist stunt ironically contrary to the notion of justice inherent in 'fair go'.
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Aug 22, 2005
_dhj_ said:
Surely these rioters or flag burners can be adequately and fairly dealt with by the existing criminal justice system rather than being arbitrarily sent to some big brother style brainwashing camp. The latter would merely be a populist stunt ironically contrary to the notion of justice inherent in 'fair go'.


I say burn him at the stake also. I was offended by flag burning, as should any other decent Australian out there. Men died protecting this flag... People come to this country from places like the Middle East, why? Quite frankly because it's a god damn better place to live than half of those crap holes.

When you burn a flag you're spitting on the efforts of past generations who have made it safe for us to walk down the street without fear of a motar shell landing on our roof.

If I burnt a flag from another country, oh lets say Lebanon, I'd automatically be branded a racist and I'd have all of you lolly gagging lefties demanding an apology, but suddenly when it's the Aus flag who cares?


HotShot said:
do you see the consitution lying around everywhere, in schools hanging?

man the consitution is it even in the library?
Not the original, but you can get copies of the consitution easily.

I don't see your point. Because the consitution is less easily accessible, it's less offensive?


New Member
Dec 24, 2005
katie_tully said:
I say burn him at the stake also. I was offended by flag burning, as should any other decent Australian out there. Men died protecting this flag... People come to this country from places like the Middle East, why? Quite frankly because it's a god damn better place to live than half of those crap holes.

When you burn a flag you're spitting on the efforts of past generations who have made it safe for us to walk down the street without fear of a motar shell landing on our roof.

If I burnt a flag from another country, oh lets say Lebanon, I'd automatically be branded a racist and I'd have all of you lolly gagging lefties demanding an apology, but suddenly when it's the Aus flag who cares?

i decided to reply usin ur quote 2 outline a few things which i belive have not been properly addressed:
1. as u said and that i agree 2, any decent Australian should be offended by the flag burning of the contry he/she is a citizen of. it realy is a disgrace and disrespectfull for the past generations who payed with their lifes to have Australia as we know it now.

2. i disagree that nobody 'cares' about an apology for the burning of the Australian flag. thats simply because the individual which must have been verry sick in the head at the time of the crime did infact apologise. true it wasnt the humiliating apology infront of the world that that most wanted to see. but in the justice system i dont think to humiliate someone is an appropriate punishment. simply because humiliation would never help someone to ever be any remorse over there actions, it would infact build up hate in that persons mind. if he was publically humiliated could you immagine the insults he would of copd, immagine it as your self being truley sorry and wanting to apolagise to the people you offended and then accept of having ur apology accepted you all of a sudden become the victim of unforgiving misguided ungreatful people who want to let u know how 'pissed off' they are. before u know it the person apoligising would take back his apology because once during an apology isnt the time and place for sum people to let him know what a dickhead they tink he is. i mean here we would of had someone trying to gain the forgivness of the people the offended but all he gets is what people think of him for what he done............
anyway i'll force myself to stop there on this point, i wrote way 2 much lol hopefuly i didnt bore you. but theres 1 more thing i woiuld like 2 say and that is that im in support of this bloke holding the flag on Australia day because what Australia should want as a nation is for all its citizens of all different backgrounds to truely 'feel' Australian and to be treated like an Australian by other fellow Australians. after all how can you expect thses people to assimilate and adopt Australian values if they them selfs are made to feel like unwanted foreners.

3. lastly you called the middle eastern countries 'crap holes.' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA now that thats over, y dont u look at the history as to why them countries are 'crap holes'. war and oppression explains it all. yeah ull say well its der fault but it cant be the fault of innocent which are a mojority. its always the greedy govenments, and thats a problem world wide at the moment. take a look at iraq for example a the place was never this unstable and unsafe under the ruling of saddam hussien..... now surprise surprise no WMD's were found.... BUT north Korea soon will have some Nukes... god help us
umm yea bak to the point and that is that if these middle eatern countries were now as they were prior to war... NONE OF THEM WOULD HAVE EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT COMING TO THIS COUNTRY. because they seriously were beutiful places.

ill end this now and post this link below which is a peice written by a music artist by the name of immortal technique. it was written during the recent conflict between israel and lebanon. the history in it i found verry interesting:


peace out


Bullshit. His apology wasn't sincere. His apology was due to increasing pressure by the RSL and by the Australian public. He was and is a little punk.
Oh boo hoo, let's not humiliate the poor dear. By burning the Australian flag he is quite obviously making a statement that says he does not consider himself Australian.
Good, fuck off.

As for your dot point number 3, I'm not even going to bother addressing it with much effort because you're a moron who says 'der' instead of their. You also seem to get 'Iraq' confused with 'The Middle East'. Last time I checked, Iraq wasn't the only crap hole that composed the Middle East. Saddam Hussein was also not the first oppressive dictator in the Middle East, nor will he be the last.
Also if you note, North Korea is a third world crap hole.

LOL, omganotherartistthatthinksthey'reapolitician.

Take you're bullshit piece written by your misguided 'music artist' and put it somewhere useful. Like up your arse.


umm yea bak to the point and that is that if these middle eatern countries were now as they were prior to war... NONE OF THEM WOULD HAVE EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT COMING TO THIS COUNTRY. because they seriously were beutiful places.
You also seem to think that oppressive dictatorships and the Middle East being war zone are restrictive to only the last 50 years. Um. No.
Also I don't think you honestly believe that if there were no wars in the Middle East, that none of them would migrate to Australia.

Why do people from England come to Australia? America? Ireland? Africa?
Basically you proved my point anyway, because you admitted that the Middle East is a crap hole and therefore for people to want to move to Australia, it must have something to offer that their home countries do not.

And something I missed earlier, I never mentioned the apology in my original post. I said when somebody burns the Australian flag, nobody cares. But if I were to burn a flag from another country I would be branded a racist and people would call for my blood. Yet when somebody burns an Australian flag, somebody of ethnic origins, they're not racist they're 'angry'.
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Active Member
Oct 5, 2003
why should where his parents come from matter?

its his flag as much as it is anyone else, including "decent australians"

and i hardly think his a racist, more likely he grabbed the flag in opposition to the crazy guys with the flag cape running around bashing people... some are offended by it some are not

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