There seems to be more and more caucasian than asian ppl as the years go down, 12 to 7, especially in yr 10 and down, or mayb it's me just not noticing lol.
Regards to the teachers, of course there's always the crap teachers/good teachers present in every school, but specifically the english/social science faculty rock! even though i don't do any SS and coming near last in eng.
The maths faculty is crap i can tell u, the good teachers left already - except mayb Mr H, apparently he 'pwns' 4u. Science is so-so, depnding on the teachers u get, it can be enjoyable or
Though I can say since the big cheese cruised in in 2001, our state ranking has been dropping, or mayb the standard of students have been dropping? blah. My cohort seem smarter than normal though. :rofl: hoping best for this year...
BLAH @ James Ruse >=(
Regards to the teachers, of course there's always the crap teachers/good teachers present in every school, but specifically the english/social science faculty rock! even though i don't do any SS and coming near last in eng.
Though I can say since the big cheese cruised in in 2001, our state ranking has been dropping, or mayb the standard of students have been dropping? blah. My cohort seem smarter than normal though. :rofl: hoping best for this year...
BLAH @ James Ruse >=(
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