yup i agree...greys anatomy has about 27episodes in season 2..ive downloaded up to episode 23, i cant go any further then that becuase not even America is that far ahead

...all i can say is that its REALLy good, especially the last couple episodes....
i think theyre waiting a bit before they bring it back, despite the fact that it had awesome ratings last year because season 2 IS like i said really long, i mean 27episodes, if they show one per week, having taken ino account that we've already aired about 7/8 episodes its still a really long series...and there are shows on at the moment so i just dont think they have room(having said that..they should get rid of freaking lame ass programs and put it back on!!!!)
there is another downside...because ive started downloading season 2, im now going to have to keep on downloading seasons becuase when season2 finally airs in Australia and finishes i will have finished watching it well before that! and i cant wait 2yrs before i watch it again.....anyway thats the end of my rant