
Nov 30, 2005
Things I didn't get/unanswered questions

What dumbledore saw in the mirror of erised.
Wtf was going on with malfoys wand being the elder wand
Was dumbledore good or bad since he sent harry to his death?
Whats jobs do all the main characters have, nobody cares if they had kids.

Ill add more later.


Hip-Hop Saved My Life
Feb 24, 2004
Malfoy disarmed Dumbledore before Snape killed him.
Harry lived?
Mar 3, 2005
Pilgrim said:
Things I didn't get/unanswered questions

What dumbledore saw in the mirror of erised.
Wtf was going on with malfoys wand being the elder wand
Was dumbledore good or bad since he sent harry to his death?
Whats jobs do all the main characters have, nobody cares if they had kids.

Ill add more later.
i'm assuming

*dumbledore saw his family alive together and happy

*malfoys wand was the elder wand because it was the one that disarmed i.e. "overpowered" dumbledore

*i guess dumbledore knew what had to be done.

*no idea.

bubz :D

the last laugh
Aug 20, 2003
Pilgrim said:
Things I didn't get/unanswered questions

What dumbledore saw in the mirror of erised.
Wtf was going on with malfoys wand being the elder wand
Was dumbledore good or bad since he sent harry to his death?
Whats jobs do all the main characters have, nobody cares if they had kids.

Ill add more later.
I think the Mirror showed Dumbledore the person who killed his sister?

The Elder wand was Draco's, because he disarmed Dumbledore before he was killed by Snape. It explains in the book - I don't fully get it, either.

Dumbledore was good - I can't be bothered explaining why I think so right now

Jobs... hmm. Harry and Ron had always wanted to become Aurors, but after all that they've been through I dunno if they would still want to be. I wish it'd been in the epilogue, though.. soooo much could've been in the epilogue.. much more than how many kids they managed to pump out, and what their ridiculous names were :p


C'est la vie
Sep 9, 2006
I loved the book i thought it was great i couldnt put it down, But the epilogue, totally agree that it could have been alot lengthier to explain the fate of the other main characters. I loved the ending with the trio and ginny thought it was fantastic but i wanted to know more about them and about theo ther characters. And i can just see her writing more books. And as someone has already said in this thread with the kids of the heroes. By the way anyone who does modern History or who is familiar with the Nazi regime, Did you find that this ending to the mudbloods, was so similar to hitlers regime. In so many ways!!!! That in a way disappointed me. But i did really like the book. Harry being a horcrux i thought impossible but hey it happened. and i loved loved loved that dumbeldore had this dark side to him this secretive past i found it intriging!!! Instead of his character being peaceful and knowing and perfect. Loved that aspect!!! All in all fantastic but really needed a longer epilogue as opposed to 6-7 pages!

Just wanted to add that i was annoyed the veil was not explained!!!!!!! Very frustrating! WHAT THE HELL IS IT! lol
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Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
jhakka said:
This is an important post too. Even if people think these books are overrated (not a view that I share), it has been something important to many people, enough to create a community atmosphere that hasn't been seen since possibly the 2000 Olympics (for example). I think it's important to acknowledge and appreciate the happiness it's brought for many, even if you don't like or have no interest in the books themselves.

Also, if it's getting people reading, especially kids, I'm damn well for it and see it as a very valuable part of our popular culture.
Yea, my post was fucking awesome - Why didn't you unban my account ? :(:santa:


Rocket Queen
Nov 7, 2004
Shwar this thread is so full of ending-hate.

I think the thing I liked about the ending is that nobody expected it (everyone thought one of the three would die), and it made me smile. After everything that Harry had been through he finally got a break and just got to be happy and normal, with his own family.

Or maybe Rowling just wanted to refurbish her guilded yacht so she wrote the ending doublequick to get the cash. Whatevs.


Jun 13, 2005
i finished reading it tonight. read for like 12 hrs straight. i was so scared someone was going to spoil it for me, like they did when sirius and dumbledore died. my stupid friend who had no interest in the harry potter books ruined it for me by repeating 'i won't tell you who died! I'M DEAD SIRIUS. DEAD SIRIUS'. GOD WTF. i hate her guts. people who spoil need to die. anyway. moving on.

funniest moment was when kreacher randomly ran up to mundungus and hit him over the head with a saucepan or whatever it was. LOL. and i was seriously so sad when kreacher prepared treacle tarts for harry, ron and hermione who were to never return, and instead be faced with a bunch of death eaters.

i was like 'meh' to every death til someone in this thread mentioned that george will have to run the joke shop all by himself now. now i feel like crying over fred's death.

argh. i have to re-read the book now that i've read the entire thread. i read too fast and missed sad moments like when snape said 'look...at...me' to harry in his dying moments. when i read that part in the book i thought snape was trying to get harry's full attention to tell him some important information before he died LOL.

oh, and the epilogue was SO lame.

and even though i wanted harry to die (and voldemort of course) i couldn't help feeling really depressed when harry was preparing for his death, and wished he actually surived. which he did. but now with the epilogue i sort of wish he had died instead. but if he had i seriously would've been crying ... so i'm glad he lived.

BUT THE EPILOGUE RUINED A PERFECTLY DECENT FINAL BOOK. she could've i dunno .. made it less .. ... dumb.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
I just finished the book right now. It was pretty good overall, but what annoyed me is:

1- Snape was hardly mentioned, that one chapter about him wasnt really enough, i was expecting to see more of him in this book. :mad1:

2- I kinda got dizzy half way through, because Harry, Hermione, and Ron, were going from one place to another, then chased, then escaping, it was kind of a mess, and i didnt like it that much really :\

3- That bit about the toilet thingy in the ministry of magic was absolutely stupid. (wth, was she thinking? flushing themselves down the toilet :confused: )

4- What happened to the Dursleys, after they left Private Drive?

5- What was the thing with Dumbledore and Harry at kings cross?? I think it was moaning, crying, or whatever.

6- That whole house elves thing, running out of the kitchens right at the end of the book, was kinda "fairy tailish". Sorta like the mice helping out cinderella, kinda thing, lol.

7- I wanted to know more about the veil, which she didnt even mention.

8- I was also hoping that the Rita women would die or something, really annoying idiot she is :mad1:

thats about it, it was good, but i was hoping that it'd be better :)

I was soo sad when Dobby died though :eek: and when Fred died too :( I was hoping that Percy would've died instead, but oh well :eek:

Oh, best part was when Molly finshed off Bellatrix :D


Dec 18, 2004
Sydney North Shore
The sub-plot of discovering the dark side of Dumbledore was pretty good, barring some minor glitch on details regarding Ariana and Kendra.
I knew that there was something disturbing about Dumbledore when I read from 5th book, where Dumbledore went like

"What did I care if numbers of nameless and faceless people and creatures were slaughtered in the vague future...I never dreamed that I would have such a person on my hand" (p. 739)

That really bugged me for four years as it didn't fit with benevolent, defender-of-goodness image of that character, until I read Deathly Hallows Book when JKR sketeched a far darker history on Dumbledore.

Did anyone else like the darker side of Dumbledore a lot? It solved th mystery for me but I personally liked benevolent image better.
Apr 18, 2006
im in the bold

MaNiElla said:
I just finished the book right now. It was pretty good overall, but what annoyed me is:

1- Snape was hardly mentioned, that one chapter about him wasnt really enough, i was expecting to see more of him in this book. :mad1: I def agree, he was the best character she invented.

2- I kinda got dizzy half way through, because Harry, Hermione, and Ron, were going from one place to another, then chased, then escaping, it was kind of a mess, and i didnt like it that much really :\ Worst part of the book, IMO.

3- That bit about the toilet thingy in the ministry of magic was absolutely stupid. (wth, was she thinking? flushing themselves down the toilet :confused: )

4- What happened to the Dursleys, after they left Private Drive? Yeah, i thought they would atleast feature in the epilogue

5- What was the thing with Dumbledore and Harry at kings cross?? I think it was moaning, crying, or whatever. Voldemort... remember the 4th book?

6- That whole house elves thing, running out of the kitchens right at the end of the book, was kinda "fairy tailish". Sorta like the mice helping out cinderella, kinda thing, lol. LOL, well i dunno the whole series is meant for kids... isnt it?

7- I wanted to know more about the veil, which she didnt even mention. Veil... from what i can gather is just a passageway between the living and the dead.

8- I was also hoping that the Rita women would die or something, really annoying idiot she is :mad1: I liked that she didnt die... that kinda evil exists in the real world as well (See Rebecca Wilson)

thats about it, it was good, but i was hoping that it'd be better :)

I was soo sad when Dobby died though :eek: and when Fred died too :( I was hoping that Percy would've died instead, but oh well :eek: I hate when percy came back.

Oh, best part was when Molly finshed off Bellatrix :D
Jul 22, 2006
Ok for those who haven't heard. JKR's first interview: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/19935372/

In her first tell-all interview since the release of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” J.K. Rowling told TODAY’s Meredith Vieira she "probably will" publish a Potter encyclopedia, promising many more details about her beloved characters and the fate of the wizarding world beyond the few clues provided in the seventh book’s epilogue.

“I suppose I have (started) because the raw material is all in my notes,” Rowling said.

The encyclopedia would include back stories of characters she has already written but had to cut for the sake of narrative arc (“I've said before that Dean Thomas had a much more interesting history than ever appeared in the books”), as well as details about the characters who survive “Deathly Hallows,” characters who continue to live on in Rowling’s mind in a clearly defined magical world.

Hogwarts, for example, has a new headmaster (“McGonagall was really getting on a bit”), and Rowling said she can see Harry going back to give the "odd talk" on Defense Against the Dark Arts. That class, by the way, is now led by a permanent professor since Voldemort’s death broke the jinx which didn’t allow a teacher to remain in the position for more than a year.

Rowling offered up these details freely to Vieira and the 14 fans who asked her questions at Edinburgh Castle in Scotland on Tuesday. In fact, now that she is now longer burdened with guarding the secrets of book seven, Rowling seemed to delight in discussing her plot choices and clearing up the mysteries that have previously surrounded the books.

The character Rowling couldn’t bear to kill
One of the big stories that has been floating among fans for over a year is that one character gets a reprieve from death, while two others Rowling didn’t intend to kill end up dying in “Deathly Hallows.”

“Mr. Weasley, he was the person who got a reprieve,” Rowling said. “When I sketched out the books, Mr. Weasley was due to die in Book Five.”

Instead, another father dies in the end of Book Seven.

Though Rowling couldn’t bear to kill off Arthur Weasley, that didn't mean the other deaths in the book were easy to take. Given the blood bath that is “Deathly Hallows,” the writing of it was bound to be an emotional roller coaster.

But nothing in the entire process of the series was more difficult than writing the scene when Harry, accompanied by his deceased lost loved ones – including his parents James and Lily and his godfather Sirius — walks into the forest with the intent of sacrificing his life in the name of defeating Voldemort, Rowling said, adding it is her favorite passage in all seven books.

“I didn't cry as I was writing (that chapter), but when I finished writing, I had enormous explosion of emotion and I cried and cried and cried,” Rowling said.

“That was partly because of the content — and partly because it had been planned for so long and been roughed out for so long. And to write the definitive version felt like a — a huge climax.”

“The Deathly Hallows” is the climax to the last 17 years of Rowling’s life, a time when she has gone from a single, divorced mother living on public assistance to a happily married mother of three and one richest women in the world.

It’s now time to sit back for a bit and enjoy the life that Harry has given her, Rowling said. And, when she’s ready, there’s always that encyclopedia waiting in the wings.

“I’m not going to do it tomorrow because I’d really like a break,” Rowling said, laughing. “So you may be waiting.”
Yay there will be an encyclopedia :D

Nebuchanezzar-you said that Draco tried to kill Hermione, but it wasn't him, it was Crabbe :D -ok Bubz said it first-still take that! He was good!

Pilgrim said:
Things I didn't get/unanswered questions

What dumbledore saw in the mirror of erised.
Wtf was going on with malfoys wand being the elder wand
Was dumbledore good or bad since he sent harry to his death?
Whats jobs do all the main characters have, nobody cares if they had kids
Most likely the person who killed his sister.

It's like any other wand, Draco was the one to defeat Dumbledore [by disarming him] therefore it's his, but then Harry beat Draco so Draco's wand is meant to belong to Harry, which means that Harry was the Elder wands true 'master'.

Dumbledore was good, he knew that Harry couldn't die, because when sending him to Voldemort he will use the death curse outright. Dumbledore knew that the final Horcrux was in Harry, so Harry won't die. But the horcrux will be destroyed.

That will probably be mentioned in the encyclopedia.

As for the names well i got one thing:

Draco means:a constellation in the northern part of the sky
Scorpius means:It is a large constellation located in the southern hemisphere near the center of the Milky Way.

Both have more meanings but they have that in common, maybe that's why he was named Scorpius.

bubz :D

the last laugh
Aug 20, 2003
MaNiElla said:
6- That whole house elves thing, running out of the kitchens right at the end of the book, was kinda "fairy tailish". Sorta like the mice helping out cinderella, kinda thing, lol.
I liked that part - it was hilarious how they started stabbing people in the shins with knives and forks hahaha... and anyway, the house elves were a part of Hogwarts and everyone else was fighting, weren't they?


Welcome to My Lair
Feb 5, 2006
soooooooo good!

3 saddest moments in the book:
1. Snape telling Harry to look at him as he died (because he has Lilly's eyes)
2. Dobby dying
3. Harry turning to his mother and saying "stay close to me"

my... god... so sad!

I also liked reflecting on how far the character of Neville has come... from being a pudgy kid who kept losing his toad to the bravery he showed in the last few books (especially the 7th) and destroying the Horcrux.
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so hot right now...
Dec 16, 2005
Yeah, Neville was a bad ass. It was awesome how he led the rebellion inside Hogwarts while Harry and co were out finding Horcruxes.


C'est la vie
Sep 9, 2006
OMG dag woman!!! i get it now thanks to you now i am crying!! oh about the snape dying and telling harry to look at him!!!! wow thats pretty intense!!! I am so excited to start from the beginning and work my way through. I thought JKR might do a next generation harry potter, but i doubt it! i wish she would but when i think about it she wouldnt maybe there could be a full book epilogue. I also wanted to say that i did love the ending even though it was cliche and corny it was still gorgeous that harry can enjoy his life now without the drama.
About ron and hermione, it being a bad match, i have to disagree! They are complete opposites which balances everything out. imagine if ron was smart too they would be so boring together but because ron is dopey and everything it makes them able to have fun aswell! LOVED LOVED LOVED IT! but i do agree she could have lengthened some parts out!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO LUNA, NEVILLE AND EVERYONE ELSE 19 YEARS LATER!!! that annoyed me that she only explained 4 out of the however many charcters


Jun 4, 2005
Finished: 10:15pm Saturday night.

What I didnt like:
1. H, H & R camping and moving around. Confusing and too much written on it. I felt jk wrote too much this rather than the battle which I found fast and confusing also having to re-read over it to get the whole meaning and find out who actually died.
2. I would of liked to have know about what was going on in Hogwarts under the control of Snape.
3. Also people were obviously missing in the book (not missing but more could of been said about them) ie: Neville, Luna.
4. Neville should of killed bellatrix. Would of made more sense to me. To avenge his parents state.
5. Harry being a horcrux. Sort of predictable (but thats just me).
6. RAB was a let down.
7. The death of a generation. (Sirius, James, Lupin, Peter P and Snape)
8. I thought more could of been explored about Godric's Hollow
9. Ron and Hermione took far to long to get together. Come on 17 year olds alone camping. If it was anything else something would of happened before that kiss in Hogwarts.
10. The WHOLE 19 years later bit.

What I liked:
1. Harry didnt die!
2. Everything else!

*This is just my view.


New Member
Jun 15, 2007
'K so there seems to be a lot of debate about people posting negative comments just because they didn't like the way the book turned out.
I think that it is important to remember however, is that everyone who has posted, (whether they're comments were positive or not) did so because they really are genuinely passionate about the series. Their views are just as important as the ones of those that loved every single line.

Not everyone is going to share the same opinions about the parts they liked or didn't and that is the entire POINT of JKR creating something so diverse, a series that can appeal to many different people for entirely different reasons. That's what makes it real. I think the fact that there are so many people debating about literature is AMAZING, and it would be boring if everyone thought exactly the same way.

I have posted comments about my frustration with the epilogue, but I do agree that I despite what I (and many other people) think personally, JKR has given the characters the ending she really wanted for them. And I really respect her for that.

dagwoman said:
I also liked reflecting on how far the character of Neville has come... from being a pudgy kid who kept losing his toad to the bravery he showed in the last few books (especially the 7th) and destroying the Horcrux.
I LOVED seeing Neville develop into the person he did. I thought it was one of the best aspects of the book.

I also thought that this was the book where Hermione was the most real for me. I liked that after so many years of knowing her as the brainy, rational, problem-solver we got to see her vunerable side. It made her really human.
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Enteebee said:
Yea, my post was fucking awesome - Why didn't you unban my account ? :(:santa:
By the time I got to this thread, I'm fairly sure that ban had been lifted. Not 100%, though.

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