persephone said:
I kinda want Harry/Luna to get together now. If the Harry/Hermione thing doesn't work out. I have a new found appreciation for Luna Lovegood. Anything except Harry/Ginny... they make me want to puke.
I think Harry/Luna would be a bit too...unequal. Harry feels sorry for her, and while pity is a fine feeling and acceptable in a friend, it is just a bit too...squicky for a romantic relationship. His asking her to the party had more to do with Luna's comment about "Oh, it's been a bit lonely without the DA"...and many times Harry feels uncomfortable when Luna says stuff like "It was like having friends". Not that Luna's not a great character though - I LOVE her commentary!! But I don't think they're right for each other.
As for Ron being too whiney for Hermione, what about Hermione all through HBP??? "No, Harry, I hate you beating me in Potions!" *pouts* "Give in the book! Hmph, i TOLD you so, i TOLD you so..."
Hermione most definitely had her share of whininess...and in fact, Ron CAN be mature. He is after the poisoning incident, for example, and he is during OotP. Any guy would snap after being belittled time and again by the girl you really like (eg Hermione telling Harry he is "fanciable", or ignoring Ron when he told her that "you ARE the best in the year", calling him "pathetic" for being susceptible to Fleur's charms...the list is endless). So I think they're just about right for each other, really. They'll both grow up, too, which should be nice for all concerned