Then why aren't you brandishing your pitchfork outside parliament house and demanding an amemndement in law then instead?
Lol dude I can't even vote yet

My opinion on these issues (which frankly aren't even "frontline" issues anyway) isn't quite the top priority for governments in this country.
Other than that, I imagine the Aboriginal Tent Embassy has already taken that prime piece of real estate in preparation of Australia Day. To be fair, IDK if they are there ATM, but they often are for events like this.
People cheat, make mistakes, wind up in gaol, simply stop loving each other etc etc etc or in short irretrievable break down in marriage.
The world is hardly a perfect place, humans are definately not perfect either.
Its not the existence of things like this which are damaging the integrity of marriage (they have always existed), its the acceptence of them (yes some more than others), but divorce is just abused as a cop out (not all of the time, but a lot of the time). It is meant to be a committment, you can't just bail when things take a turn for the worse.
Sh!t happens, but that doesn't mean its ok, or that we should stop trying to fight it or prevent if from happening where and when we can. Its this resignation, under the vague guise of "oh nah its ok" that is really going to cause the hurt down the track.