Re: How many marks will i lose for not including distribtuion of income/wealth in q28
I'm hoping they might be a bit lenient on the fact that there was sooo much to talk about and how the expected us to do it in 35 minutes (as stated in the recommended time. My ass 35 minutes
Re: How many marks will i lose for not including distribtuion of income/wealth in q28
I didn't talk about external stability and income distribution despite by essay being 9 pages! Faraout, spent too much time on the main economic objectives of economic growth, full employment and price stabillity! I hope I only lose two marks at max, because it was so well written!
Re: How many marks will i lose for not including distribtuion of income/wealth in q28
Look, you people are being ridiculous and its making me angry.
1. Marks are given for things done correctly, not things you've missed. It is possible to get a 20 without including every little thing.
2. The question was clearly broad; they don't expect you to talk about everything. If anything their intention was probably for you to talk only about internal objectives.
Stop whining about ridiculous things... "4 marks" for not including something that won't necessarily add anything to the essay is completely excessive. One mark maximum and that depends what the marking centre does about the essay. The markers aren't just like "20 for including every little thing perfectly that's relevant to the question", they use discretion in their marking.