post ur pic somewhere on bos, then someone from unsw section will say 'omg i saw u the other day'
sup wrong_turn and missanonymous7 :wave:
sup :wave: (again)
heh, i thought about posting my pic in the photos thread a couple of times, but then realised two things:
1. people don't seem to appreciate newbies posting pics in the pics thread unless the newbie is hot.
2. posting a photo would render my username invalid
It's not easy i guess for people who truly experienced it. I acquainted many people but finding friends seems harder. Shallow conversations happens for the first few seconds before lecture/tute starts, then maybe again during 10min break if any, when lecture is over, everyone go their own way.
Everyone I met so far seem to have high school networks already, or befriended strangers who have similar timetable or succeeded during o-week.
I know what you mean about the whole acquaintences / friends thing. it is a lot easier if you're doing a course that involves labs; i would say that i've made two friends at uni so far, both met either during labs or
because of labs. i have had LOTS of the 'shallow conversations' you mentioned with aquaintences.
(actually, something freaky happened to me - this guy in my course struck up an actual proper conversation (as opposed to a shallow pre-lecture conversation) with me on my very first day at uni, and I started thinking "oh, first 'friend' at uni, cool", and then I
never ever saw him again.

seriously he just disappeared. WEIRD.)