If your parents aren't being supportive, ignore them. Best solution.
[boasting]They abused the living shit out of me for not studying (I come from a study freak family) and got all kinds of shit like "are you an idiot, don't you care about your future, are you going to be a concreter" and this is after I have proven time and time again that I'm more than capable academically. They thought I'd flunk maths after I topped my school in year 10, simply coz I wasn't "studying." In the end, I did better than anybody in my family, with less effort.[/boasting]
One of the reasons I went well, is coz I didn't let them get to me. The more they tell you to study and abuse you, the more stress you'll get, which has a negative consequence on you, so just chillax
Also, this is something I found. Part of the reason that parents get stressed, is because when they gossip with other parents, parents always talk up their kids like they cured smallpox, and your parents want you to be the best, often for their own bragging rights.
"How many band 6's did *student X* get?"

"Yeah, none."
"I thought he/she was going to get all 90s, at least that's the impression I got from his/her mother."