This thread is such a goddam clusterfuck
To the OP: 'Toning' is not a training outcome. Tone is the level of contraction of your muscles in their relaxed state. You cannot change this, it is a genetic thing. There are two training outcomes you can focus on: losing fat mass / increasing lean body mass. As a beginner you can usually do both at the same time for a while, after your initial training period you generally have to focus on one at the expense of the other, you dig
So, which is it? If you want abs well that is 90% diet. I'm sure nobody has to tell you what is shit food and what is good food, so stop eating shit food.
- I was told that any more than 3 eggs is useless in terms of toning up or normal building of muscle. I only eat 3 eggs per day. Ronnie Coleman was my advisor here lol I don't boil them though, i just drink them raw.
Ronnie Coleman eats more than 3 eggs simply for breakfast.
The fact that you think the number of eggs consumed p/day has some magical effect on body composition (besides contributing to macro and total energy intake) boggles my mind
-Ok, so if you want to just merely tone up, then aerobic(e.g. 30min run/jog/walk)---> Moderate weights (slightly >60% of maximum you can lift) and relatively high reps (10-15/set and 5 sets) will build lean muscle mass.
Greatest muscle hypertrophy occurs in the 9-12 rep range I would put this around the 70-80 % of 1RM
Suggested exercises:
Arms- Preacher Curl, Dumbrell curl, cable pull downs, cable pull ups, tricep extensions, dumbrell kickbacks
Back- Lat pull downs, support row, hyperextension, wide angle chinup
Abs (basically numerious exercises)-Cable crunches, Decline crunches, toe tap...theres plenty on the net.
Apart from the chin up, these suggestions are all craptastic
Compound exercises (those that involve more than one joint) should be the focus: squat, deadlift, chinup, olympic lifts if able etcetc
Other cool tips:
-Wholgrain bread over white
-Skim mild over full cream
-Turkey over Chicken
-Drink Coffee pre-exercise, it metabolises fat stores
-Do you most important exercise in the morning for boys, testostrone levels are peaks therefore max gains
-Cottage cheese over regular
This is all okay although exercise at a time of your choosing it doesn't really matter
There are so many things with this its not funny.
Burning protein is incredibly dangerous.
The by products are toxic.
Sigh. The by products are toxic so your body has means of getting rid of them (namely, you piss them out)
Also protein powder is circulated to muscles faster than a steak because it is liquid, it also contains more leucine (leucine being the amino acid which has the super ability to bump up protein synthesis in a massive way)
Milk and steak is not necessarily a bad way to get post workout nutrition but stop spreading all this crap, either educate yourself or keep your mouth shut