This thread has amazed me.
It is interesting to read the rainbow of opinions about which race/culture/enthicity is superior, who has bigger penises, who has bigger EGOS...
I for one am not going to get fired up over this whole thing, but I will be blunt with what I have to say.
No race is 'superior' to another simply because they are generalised as being better looking, better endowed, smarter or whatever. There are the great and not so great of every enthnicity. If you happen to have a PREFRENECE for a certain kind of girl or guy, this is just a PREFERENCE. It is not set in stone, it is not absolute, but rather what experience and outside influences have taught you.
At the start of this thread an asian girl proudly talked about loving aussie guys, having grown up in a caucasian neighbourhood. I can relate to this, having almost no asian friends through primary and most of high school, in some ways rejecting my own culture, my thousands of years of Chinese inheritance, which I simply threw away in order, as I saw it back then, to fit in with my mates and my social circles growing up.
Fast forward a few years, and I am realising how important it is now to know my inheritance, my history. I have one foot in the door of both eastern and western culture. Someone said it earlier, australia doesnt have a culture as such, not in the way that the chinese, greek and other ancient civilisations do. To be australian is to be laid-back, easy-going, fun-loving and generally not caring about stress or worry. If anyone has a better way of saying what australian culture is, tell me. Or better yet, post it on a new thread.
For me, Australia has borrowed so much from american capitalist mentality. And lets face it, its not like the u.s. is steeped in history either. Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic only a few hundred years ago. We take so much from hollywood and big business and call it culture? The way that people speak in Sydney, is becoming more and more like, like, like LA man!
But getting back on the thread, interracial relationships...
In my experience, there are many roadblocks to couples from different backgrounds. But nothing that cannot be overcome if both parties are willing to be open and talk about it. I myself have been seeing aussie, brazillian, irish, french, korean and even a mauri girl. I know so many asian guys that would love to sleep with, or have a longterm relationship with caucasian girls, but dont have the belief that these girls desire them.
Its years of social influences, and negative reinforcement that prevents them from experimentation in this area. But they cant help but be attracted to these girls... why? its not because caucasian girls are genreally objectively hotter than asian girls, thats a matter of PREFERENCE. The reason is hollywood. Everyday we are bombarded with sexual advertising, most of which showcases gorgeous WHITE girls wearing versace dresses or covergirl makeup. We are what we repeatedly do, or in this case we desire what we always see. Why are white girls perhaps seen as generally the most attractive? Its advertising.
I would love to see more of my asian guy friends open up to the possibility of relationships with white girls. Like Russell Peters said, why try to maintain your bloodline's pureness? One day, everyone will have paleish yellowish, brownish skin anyway.