Serius....if she is a practicing Muslim, don't even go there. Muslim girls aren't allowed to marry non-Muslim guys. With regards to Muslim guys being able to marry non-Muslim girls, some scholars are of the opinion that they can't while others say that they can if the girl is Christian or Jew.
Anyway, to answer your question, I'd never marry a non-Muslim guy. Many reasons:
1. It's prohibited in Islam, but even if it weren't -
2. The most important thing I'm looking for in my future hubby is that he is very religious, that he is a devout believer and follows the prophet (p) with all his heart. Everything else will also follow - if he's religious then he will be kind, gentle, loving, caring, humble, pious, have beautiful akhlaq (ie. manners/way of behaving) etc etc. Not that a non-muslim can't have these traits, but if he's a very good Muslim, these things are like guaranteed long term.
3. I can't ever imagine myself loving someone who doesn't hold the same beliefs as me, I wouldn't even marry a sunni Muslim for example, because there are too many differences in beliefs, and I can't love someone who didn't have the same role models as I do (ie. the prophet's family (p)) and whose role models are people that I dislike.
4. Too many problems with the kids - I'd want my kids to have an Islamic upbringing yet when they get older, to have the choice to either accept or reject Islam. What will you name the kid for one? Will you name him Mustafa or Michael? lol do you see where this is going?
5. Too many problems with the husband - eg: I won't tolerate any drinking, smoking, pork, gambling, parties etc etc in my house.
6. I want my hubby to share my spirituality with me, when I feel weak in spirituality for him to be there to lift it and vice versa. When I do something that's discouraged in Islam, I want him to correct me and vice versa....basically, to help eachother get closer to God. I also want to be able to share the awesome feeling I get when practicing Islam with him, I want to practice Islam together.
Apart from this, you'll often face HUGE opposition from the parents. My parents aren't too religious but alot of Muslim parents wouldn't even allow a cross country or cross village marriage, let alone a cross religion marriage (what I meant by cross village marriage is, for example, in Lebanon, you've got ''jnoob'' which is south Lebanon.....alot of parents from jnoob would be opposed to letting their kids marry someone from baalbak (another area in lebanon) for instance).
I don't have any problems in marrying an Aussie guy, for example, if he was my bro's friend, he's Aussie Muslim and reallyyyy good looking, I wouldn't mind marrying him

. Race isn't really an issue but religion is a huge issue.
There would just be too many difficulties.