Stupid ?? what kind of a comment is that. Ill tell you who is stupid. Hezbollah is stupid. And who else is stupid. You are, Why because you have failed to recognize why this whole thing started. It started in 1948 when Israel became a recognizable country. Want to question that, go to any library bookstore, and open an atlas and look for yourself ?? However might i bring back the question of beleiving everything you see and hear ? That is not a stupid comment. Look in the newspapers today, they talk about 3 Lebanese boys from Sydney whom might have to join the army ? For what ?? Lebanon is not fighting Israel, its Hezbollah a terrorist organisation. Are you telling me that those three Sydney boys are joining a terrorist organisation to fight Israel ?? Im very confussed. And to confuse you, why dont you step over the fence and realise, there are thousands of Australian's in Israel at the moment, and yes some might have been threatened by who, Not Lebanon, but by Hezbollah a terrorist organisation who is firing misiles not against the Israeli army but against Israeli civilians. To raise an awareness that both sides "civilians" are being harmed and inflicted in danger how would you like to be thrown in Behruit or thrown in Haifia, personally you got a better chance in Behruit than in Haifa, why because Israel is not attacking civilians, they are fighting against Hezbollah a terrorist organisation, they are fighting the same war as America and Australia are fighthing, the same war the WHOLE WORLD IS FIGHTHING, the "war on terror". If you are blind September 11, happened because of terrorists, the retaliation of September 11 was exactly the same as what Israel is currently doing, that being the destruction of terrorist organisations. The Taliban was destroyed, and sooner or later Hezbollah well be to.

Santa Claus isnt happy that you attacked that "Cohen Character" like that and has placed an evil spell on you.