Israel attacks Lebanon (2 Viewers)


Nov 29, 2005
excuse me but if they could just attack the Hezbollah they would now wouldnt they? clearly the HB are hiding in Lebanon therefore israel is attacking the place where they are because israel has vowed never to sit back and take shit!!! Lebanon is going to have to they now know they have to take charge otherwise there will be shit!

Now please take note that israelis have been killed in Haifa by rocket attacks, do u expect israel not to retaliate????


New Member
Feb 8, 2006
Oh, might i add this in reply then:

A) my surname is COHEN.

thanks to your wikipedia (which i would not trust as it is a public post forum and has bias information on defines a Cohen as ):A Kohen (or Cohen, Hebrew "priest", pl. Kohanim or Cohanim) is a direct male descendant of the Biblical Aaron, brother of Moses, and has a distinct personal status within Judaism.

Being a descendent of the Biblical Aaron and brother of Moses, might i add that my ansestors have come from the Middle East and not only where they ordinary people but they where High Preists.

B) uneducated? I have lived in Israel for 15 out of my 18 years, experienced the Gulf War in the early 1990's when i was a child ? Where you there ?? if so tell me about it, we might of shared the same expereinces.

C) wikipedia according to a search for the definition is a:

A free content, multilingual encyclopedia written collaboratively by contributors around the world. The site is a Wiki - anybody can edit and add to an article. Offers quick understanding on controversial issues. Strong in current affairs.

Now how can you suggest I an "uneducated" person who some how lived in Israel for 15 years, attends a Jewish School (yes im Jewish) have no background knowledge, and yet your "so called" "super knowledge on the middle east" is based on "Wikipedia" a website where "anybody can edit and add to an article", my 7 year old brother can add to it and change a story? any answers to that.

D) feel free to challange me as im willing to keep proving you wrong

p.s Santa Claus :santa: agrees with me


Nov 29, 2005
codereder said:
if israel was defending itself it would only be attacking hezbolah. Its attacking christian villages, like jouneih which usa was gonna use to get americans out, since it was of little risk as Israel had no reason to attack it. Attacking Lebanon isnt helping Israel. Again with the self defence, attacking petrol stations in Lebanon is more attacking lebanon then defending Israel.
Your only exuse is pressuring Lebanon, the lebanese government and people to make hezbolah step down...they want to, but they cant.

Why is Lebanon suffering for not bringing down hezbollah when it was impossible for them to? hezbolah is the one who attacked israel not lebanon, yet people are still claiming its the Lebanese governments fault.
i dno who 'people' is coz im nto saying its the govts fault...its hezbollah and as stated before im sure if israel knew where they were theyd go after them...if your so adamnet that the government cant get rid of hezbollah (which may or may not be true) i will argue that israel is doing it for them


New Member
Feb 8, 2006
thanks to my recent studies of MR "educated bafoon" i have learnt that

hez-boh-LAH Militant Islamic resistance movement; it does not recognize Israel's existance. And i have also learnt that Hezbollah (Arabic ‮*زب الله‬, meaning Party of God) is a political and military organization in Lebanon founded in 1982 to fight Israel in southern Lebanon.

"fight israel in Southern Lebanon". Well here is an educated response back to that. Why are they fighting Israel ?? .. the answer according to, your educational basis, is because they dont recognise it?? but umm every educated person would know that you cant fight nothing. It takes two to tangle, therefore if HEZBOLAH were smart ? they would realise that they OBVIOUSLY fighting a country that exists because they getting their but kicks at the moment ?? or OR OR OR, let me get this right cause my education gets to me sometimes, is Hezbolah fighthing nothing, are they firing misiles where ??? nowhere ?? well for all you educated racontors out there, Israel is the country south of Lebanon ?? and it does exist !! and that i have now completed my Wikipedia lesson on the middle east background have have learnt one thing, that being :santa: alot of Hezbollah terrorists arnt getting Christmas presents this year cause they not behaving right


New Member
Feb 8, 2006
But for now im going to sleep,

While i know in my sleep, Hezbollah will be fighting a "non existant country" , my gosh they a smart terrorist group.

Sweet Dreams to all of you,

PEACE OUT- and educate yourselves with a background of the correct information. But remember not everything you see or hear is the truth as the truth can be manipulated and represented in ways that deceive the eyes and ears.

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
ihavenothing said:
If religion didn't exist this whole mess would never have happened
The whole mess has nothing to do with religion. It is one nation's effort to continue to fight for their right to a country, that being Palestine. It just so happens that a few of this fighters are religious.

The goal of taking hostages was an attempt to free some of this fighter. Though the cost may have been to high.

davidcohen said:
While i know in my sleep, Hezbollah will be fighting a "non existant country" , my gosh they a smart terrorist group.
You can have a group of people, with a military and government that rules a peace of land and they may well be a country. However they may not be a nation. A nation is a group of people who share a common culture, economy and historical land.

The nation of Isreal did not exist prior to about mid last centaury. Most Jewish citizens in Israel are relatives
of immigrants who came from various other nations. They are not close relations to the various Jewish groups who lived in Palestine.

The nation of Isreal that exist today is a false nation, a new nation and a explioting nation wich oppresses the nation of Palestine. Hezbollah and other national liberation groups claim Israel has no right to exist as a modern nation-state.
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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
This Cohen character is a complete idiot, and doesn't know what his country is doing to the middle east. Also, this Jenzipoo character believes in Genocide? What a contradiction to the 'ways' of rmoses and other judaic forefathers. (I thought jewish people were smart, I'm probably really right or wrong. Since the smart ones would just stand on the sidelines on this Issue. Anti-semitism is at an all time High, and the Lebanese are rallying French and Russian support.

Nothing good will come from this, the only way this will calm down is when a hostage negotiation is done where people can reunite with their families. (Both had good intentions but the Israeli government have gone to far and acted disproportianately).


New Member
May 7, 2006
it is clear that this is just the beginning of WW3. Israel attacks lebanon, lebanonhits back with iran and syrian bombs. ISrael will then be at war with all 3 of these countries with the aid of US and any other countries that suks george bushes dick (australai, britain). There may even be a possibility that North Korea may join in with the arabs. Clearly this war has no end and will get the world involved. also hezbollah has done nothing wrong he kidnaped 2 soldiers for the release of the thousands of innocent arabs prisoned in the country. all in all fuck israel fuck jews and fuck anyone that is with them. clearly israel is the real terrorists

If my own death would bring peace to the land then wrap me up in the lebanon flag and burn me beneath the cedars
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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Comrade nathan said:
The whole mess has nothing to do with religion. It is one nation's effort to continue to fight for their right to a country, that being Palestine. It just so happens that a few of this fighters are religious.

The goal of taking hostages was an attempt to free some of this fighter. Though the cost may have been to high.
I agree with you 100%.


Nov 29, 2005
sam04u said:
This Cohen character is a complete idiot, and doesn't know what his country is doing to the middle east. Also, this Jenzipoo character believes in Genocide? .
how dare you you fucking asshole

i lost many family members in the Holocaust and i find this a vulgar and disresepctufl comment!!

first of all dont ever presume i warrant the killing of innocent civilians seocndly dont ever compare wats happening now to a genocide..
Aug 13, 2004
jenzipoo said:
i dno who 'people' is coz im nto saying its the govts fault...its hezbollah and as stated before im sure if israel knew where they were theyd go after them...if your so adamnet that the government cant get rid of hezbollah (which may or may not be true) i will argue that israel is doing it for them
I would love for Israel to do it for them. But i have said at least 3 times now....They are bombing areas with nothing to do with hizbolah.
the story on the news was hilarious, "the israeli startegy seems to be making life hard enough for the lebanese people until theres enough pressure that hizbolah disarms".
Israel is "doing it for them" by bombing the entire country. If they dont get hezbolah out at the end of this, all israels done is killed 100's of innocent people. If they do, theyve still killed 100's of innocent people, but at least theres a chance there can be peace between lebanon and israel.


Nov 29, 2005
dikson said:
it is clear that this is just the beginning of WW3. Israel attacks lebanon, lebanonhits back with iran and syrian bombs. ISrael will then be at war with all 3 of these countries with the aid of US and any other countries that suks george bushes dick (australai, britain). There may even be a possibility that North Korea may join in with the arabs. Clearly this war has no end and will get the world involved. also hezbollah has done nothing wrong he kidnaped 2 soldiers for the release of the thousands of innocent arabs prisoned in the country. all in all fuck israel fuck jews and fuck anyone that is with them. clearly israel is the real terrorists

If my own death would bring peace to the land then wrap me up in the lebanon flag
You are just as bad as a terrorist. you know why cos ur a racist uneducated,close minded pig. Noone here has been racist until you! noone!


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
I think if you have a look at recent Arab history you'll find the only thing that works is disproportionate violence. What did assad do when a bunch of muslim nutcases revolted in a syrian town? Levelled the town and killed 20 000 people. What did King Hussein do to the PLO during "black september"? Even as we speak these idiots are killing each other in Iraq over sectarian bullshit. We are not talking about rational actors.
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New Member
Feb 8, 2006
Stupid ?? what kind of a comment is that. Ill tell you who is stupid. Hezbollah is stupid. And who else is stupid. You are, Why because you have failed to recognize why this whole thing started. It started in 1948 when Israel became a recognizable country. Want to question that, go to any library bookstore, and open an atlas and look for yourself ?? However might i bring back the question of beleiving everything you see and hear ? That is not a stupid comment. Look in the newspapers today, they talk about 3 Lebanese boys from Sydney whom might have to join the army ? For what ?? Lebanon is not fighting Israel, its Hezbollah a terrorist organisation. Are you telling me that those three Sydney boys are joining a terrorist organisation to fight Israel ?? Im very confussed. And to confuse you, why dont you step over the fence and realise, there are thousands of Australian's in Israel at the moment, and yes some might have been threatened by who, Not Lebanon, but by Hezbollah a terrorist organisation who is firing misiles not against the Israeli army but against Israeli civilians. To raise an awareness that both sides "civilians" are being harmed and inflicted in danger how would you like to be thrown in Behruit or thrown in Haifia, personally you got a better chance in Behruit than in Haifa, why because Israel is not attacking civilians, they are fighting against Hezbollah a terrorist organisation, they are fighting the same war as America and Australia are fighthing, the same war the WHOLE WORLD IS FIGHTHING, the "war on terror". If you are blind September 11, happened because of terrorists, the retaliation of September 11 was exactly the same as what Israel is currently doing, that being the destruction of terrorist organisations. The Taliban was destroyed, and sooner or later Hezbollah well be to.

:santa: Santa Claus isnt happy that you attacked that "Cohen Character" like that and has placed an evil spell on you.


New Member
Feb 8, 2006
Israel is not killing civilians. The media blows everything out of perspective. Why dont you look at the past 6 years and take into account the 100s of Israeli's been killed by terrorist attacks in Israel and tell me ??? Who the hell do you think has the right to go around blowing themselves up in the name of Allah ??


Jun 25, 2006
dikson said:
it is clear that this is just the beginning of WW3. Israel attacks lebanon, lebanonhits back with iran and syrian bombs. ISrael will then be at war with all 3 of these countries with the aid of US and any other countries that suks george bushes dick (australai, britain). There may even be a possibility that North Korea may join in with the arabs. Clearly this war has no end and will get the world involved. also hezbollah has done nothing wrong he kidnaped 2 soldiers for the release of the thousands of innocent arabs prisoned in the country. all in all fuck israel fuck jews and fuck anyone that is with them. clearly israel is the real terrorists

If my own death would bring peace to the land then wrap me up in the lebanon flag and burn me beneath the cedars
Everyone thought Vietnam was going to be WW3, then we thought Saddam was going to be WW3, then we thought Bin Laden was going to be WW3. If we continue on with the unsupported logic you're using dikson, WW3 will be caused by lack of education and racial prejudice. And that's not a prophecy, that's a promise.

Listen, I respect each and every poster in this thread's opinion, but what you're saying is wrong and racist. I'm not going to pull out the Hollocaust card, but just remember that a lot of people in here a Jewish, and some are even pro-Lebanon. Just tone down the language, and tone up the spelling and grammar. Cause we're trying to have a debate here, not a race riot

And dave, even though we appear to be on the same side here, Israel are killing innocent civilians, we can't deny that. So don't try to. Don't let emotion get in the way of some good postin'

@sam04u: you didn't bitch about me? dang. next time maybe? lol.
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Feb 15, 2006
davidcohen said:
Stupid ?? what kind of a comment is that. Ill tell you who is stupid. Hezbollah is stupid. And who else is stupid. You are, Why because you have failed to recognize why this whole thing started. It started in 1948 when Israel became a recognizable country. Want to question that, go to any library bookstore, and open an atlas and look for yourself ?? However might i bring back the question of beleiving everything you see and hear ? That is not a stupid comment. Look in the newspapers today, they talk about 3 Lebanese boys from Sydney whom might have to join the army ? For what ?? Lebanon is not fighting Israel, its Hezbollah a terrorist organisation. Are you telling me that those three Sydney boys are joining a terrorist organisation to fight Israel ?? Im very confussed. And to confuse you, why dont you step over the fence and realise, there are thousands of Australian's in Israel at the moment, and yes some might have been threatened by who, Not Lebanon, but by Hezbollah a terrorist organisation who is firing misiles not against the Israeli army but against Israeli civilians. To raise an awareness that both sides "civilians" are being harmed and inflicted in danger how would you like to be thrown in Behruit or thrown in Haifia, personally you got a better chance in Behruit than in Haifa, why because Israel is not attacking civilians, they are fighting against Hezbollah a terrorist organisation, they are fighting the same war as America and Australia are fighthing, the same war the WHOLE WORLD IS FIGHTHING, the "war on terror". If you are blind September 11, happened because of terrorists, the retaliation of September 11 was exactly the same as what Israel is currently doing, that being the destruction of terrorist organisations. The Taliban was destroyed, and sooner or later Hezbollah well be to.

:santa: Santa Claus isnt happy that you attacked that "Cohen Character" like that and has placed an evil spell on you.
israel aren't attacking civilians is that y there are like more than 50 would have a better chance living in beirut coz they are attacking hezbllah i thout hezbollah was in southern lebanon and the taliban has been destroyed... dude get out of ur fantasy world!


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
I wonder what his sources are....
This Cohen character....


New Member
Feb 9, 2006
davidcohen said:
Stupid ?? what kind of a comment is that. Ill tell you who is stupid. Hezbollah is stupid. And who else is stupid. You are, Why because you have failed to recognize why this whole thing started. It started in 1948 when Israel became a recognizable country. Want to question that, go to any library bookstore, and open an atlas and look for yourself ?? However might i bring back the question of beleiving everything you see and hear ? That is not a stupid comment. Look in the newspapers today, they talk about 3 Lebanese boys from Sydney whom might have to join the army ? For what ?? Lebanon is not fighting Israel, its Hezbollah a terrorist organisation. Are you telling me that those three Sydney boys are joining a terrorist organisation to fight Israel ?? Im very confussed. And to confuse you, why dont you step over the fence and realise, there are thousands of Australian's in Israel at the moment, and yes some might have been threatened by who, Not Lebanon, but by Hezbollah a terrorist organisation who is firing misiles not against the Israeli army but against Israeli civilians. To raise an awareness that both sides "civilians" are being harmed and inflicted in danger how would you like to be thrown in Behruit or thrown in Haifia, personally you got a better chance in Behruit than in Haifa, why because Israel is not attacking civilians, they are fighting against Hezbollah a terrorist organisation, they are fighting the same war as America and Australia are fighthing, the same war the WHOLE WORLD IS FIGHTHING, the "war on terror". If you are blind September 11, happened because of terrorists, the retaliation of September 11 was exactly the same as what Israel is currently doing, that being the destruction of terrorist organisations. The Taliban was destroyed, and sooner or later Hezbollah well be to.

:santa: Santa Claus isnt happy that you attacked that "Cohen Character" like that and has placed an evil spell on you.
You, my arrogant friend, are an absolute blind idiot. They would stand more chance in Beirute than in Haifa? Wake up and smell the burning corpses you moron. Eight have died in the attack on Haifa, while the attack on Beirute has left 100's of civilians dead. A bus carrying kids was attacked. 15 of the 20 passengers were kids and they died. I guess they are also mere casualties as part of the 'war on terror' of which you speak? I assume they are terrorists. How the hell do you justify that Einstein?

If they were truelly fighting against Hezbollah, they wouldn't have all of Lebanon as a target. Get your head out of the shitter, whipe the shit from your eyes and observe. They are two soldiers, is it really worth bringing a nation to its knees?

Israel is blocking all access and exists to and from Lebanon so that two prisoners aren't taken out of Lebanon? Why can they not negotiate? Or is it because they are 'terrorists'? This terrorists bullshit is an idea spread by the bullshit propoganda America spreads all over the world. Everywhere you look, people say terrorists etc.

If a person fights against Israel, the U.S. or any of it's allies, they are terrorists, and aren't able to defend themselves because they are, as you so stupidly put it, 'terrorists'. Israel has always been the antagonistic terrorism agency, and will continue to do so until it causes a great misfortune in the world like the holocaust. The world is in a precarious position because of Israel, and this has the potential to spark the 3rd world war.

A country which started only 60 years ago wants to bully countries which have been there for thousands of years. Ignorance is bliss, and those who are ignorant will not survive.

And anyone who ends their post with something about Santa, especially after claiming they are Jewish degrades their credibility greatly.
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Nov 29, 2005
its actually how this forum which was having a rather good long discussion was merly a debate before you two guys came along and started throwing around unncessary insults. Its not needed or wanted here! if you have something valid and non-insulting to say please express it, but why bother with ur petty insults

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