Well, I don't know how Howard's religious views...we'll never know, maybe never...I mean we might after he's not prime minister anymore, for htat day will eventually come, through his death or him being beaten by another man or woman. But today Iwas watching Opera, and well pictures they used while Senator Clinton was speaking made it look like all muslims believe in violence nad terrorism and use their religion to get away with anything. That all muslims are on teh warpath and are forcing thier religion upon others. It also made it seem like all muslim women were burkhas. Silly small minded people. She was supposed to be speakign baout tolerance, but was portrayign the opposite iwth her words and the images they used to accompany them. SHe said it was silly for people to use religion as an excuse to fly planes into buildings and bomb trains (meaning london at this point not spain) where people are minding htier own business...but bush says he's doing this cause god said so. How silly....she should say how silly it is for bush to go into iraq, afghanistan (and now settign hsi sights on iran then syria) just becuase god told him so as a born again chrisitan. MAn people should wathc what they say, especially to a mass audience.
Even the dutch government, becuase you see it says in thier laws that anyone who insights racial hatred, or vilification or is to write, draw ro display something in the media that could od such a thign or harms or discriminates against any group of people that you cna be fined or put in jail for 2 yrs. There is freedom of speech but within boundires. Now when a brit. guy is placed in jail for 3yrs for a comment about the holocast he made 15 years ago--and has since changed his mind, even written baout it's existence in his books--on the view that freedom of speech is to exist but with boundries and that he overstepped the boudnires(by saying there were no gas chambers in auwitz) then by goodness! Through those dutch cartoonists in jail or heavily fine them!
heres a link to prove my point: (this girl is dutch btw):
read what she has to say at the bottom of her political artwork.
Thank you for your time. Lets hope I get good responces not stupid closed minded ones.