Muslim People in Australia (7 Viewers)

Simpson Freak

Sep 13, 2004
Not-That-Bright said:
Now as for your claim that muslims only hate the isreali government, that might be true for some of them but I don't really see that at all. I see a hatred for jewish people in general in this thread, in the stories members of this forum have shared (about his dad claiming every jew he's met has been corrupt) and from reading/seeing contemporary muslims express their views.

Who on this thread has shown hatred towards the jews?
actually, make that show me which muslim has shown such views, i couldnt care if Davin and others believe jews will basically try to rip you off....i think thats what davin said....or was it they are manipulative....meh.....i dont know many jews so i can stay out of it.....actually television shows very negative views of them, but i know better than to see that as gospel on the subject.

So ya, which muslim poster on this thread has expressed a hatred towards jews?

Please show me so i can tell him that he is a complete ignoramus and shouldnt make a billion other people look bad because of his prejudice.

Go on, just give me a name and a quote....this is not one of your tricks of saying crap long ago and asking us to find it to prove it.....

its all legit, just show me a few instances that makes you think that a MAJORITY of muslims HATE the jews.

i will wait for your response,

but i assure you, that good people like salima and veterandoggy would not have such views. i am assuming, this is just another one of your attempts to make the jews look like they are hated by muslims, just to make the muslims look:
"barbarous and cruel, who but they? who but they?" -sherif ali from lawrence of arabia.


funniest bunny in th land
Jul 2, 2004
universe realm 23 i.e outta this realm
Well if NTB says that it "might be true for some of them" then claims "but I don't really see that at all" his personal beliefs are contradicting with his factual statements (indicated by the word "true" NTB) Therefore his whole argument is based on his own false beliefs, (which is ironically coflicting with his facts :)) and i personally believe that his whole argument is nonsensical. :)
TOOSAY SIMPSON GFREAK, WHAT a waste of time! :(

Hmm..oh yeah "dumbass" is not highly offensive.
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Simpson Freak

Sep 13, 2004
Not-That-Bright said:
I'm not talking about you, I am not calling you a terrorist.... I'm not even saying the majority of muslims are terrorists! All I'm saying is that most muslims hate jews for some reason or another and that terrorism is pervading islam in a very dramatic way as people in difficult circumstances use it as an outlet for their anger and hatred.
if what you are saying is true, you do realise it is against their religion, so it will be much better for all, if you would just accept that, instead of making it look it is not against their religion to hate jews.

hate is such a strong word. what do you mean by hate? can the views of some non-muslim posters who said things against the views be classified as hate?

i dont hate them, and i dont see how so many of my friends have this "hate" you speak of.

anyway, hate is something ALL religions see as evil, so i guess its an issue of human nature and prejudice instead of one about religion.

if you meet a "muslim" that has hateful views, why not tell them they are hypocrits, instead of thinking the majority are like this.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
hotshot said:
violence done my muslims, is in fact in relation to the intifada (thanks to the jews). this method has proven to catch the attention of the world (whether a negative or postive impact) and as such these ppl feel its a method to gets things done. All of course jews fault.

hotshot said:
jews , everything is their fault- saying that would be wrong:

Everything was , Britain's , America (run by jews) and Jews fault

there done.

hotshot said:
yeah jews are dickheads.

hotshot said:
yeh, i dont have any cool conspiracy's. i just have met and talked to jews, who give an impression of arrogancy, idiocy and the holocaust.

simpson freak said:
btw my dad worked with many jews from my country in business, and he believes that they would do anything to make some bucks no matter how much they screw you over.

simpson freak said:
No dumbass, exactly what part of my dad telling me that every jew he has met is deceitful and is brought up to be deceitful and just want money, bullshit, i dont believe every single jew is like that, but i have no reason to doubt that every single jew my dad met isn't like that, i severly doubt he has me the entire jew population for me to think that every jew is like that.
simpson freak said:
he wanted me to go live with a few of his jewish friends because its closer to uni. i asked him about them, and he says they are all hard working people but he wouldnt like to do business with them, i asked him why....and blah blah blah.
simpson freak said:
now i dont think every jew is like that, but apparently after reading a few posts, i am not the only one that thinks there is something "sus" about some.

zayd said:
Please don't express muslims as the only people hating jews. "Many Jews" hate muslims as much as many Muslims hate jews. One day on the train i saw a person infront of me who looked like a devoted Jew, reading a book titled "the enemy", which was basically advising and provoking jews to destruct muslims, etc.


That's just from around about page 43 onwards to now? I dunno about before that.

Go on, just give me a name and a quote....this is not one of your tricks of saying crap long ago and asking us to find it to prove it.....
NTB - Ultimate Jewish Trickstar
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Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
Hmmm... It's nice to see those with an almost incoherent form of expression criticise another person for not being as clear as he possibly could.

Everyone, there is a need to consider the way in which your argument will be expressed before you hit the submit button. Presentation is important, after all. As for those who claim that this is only the net, I suggest that you step back and take note of the fact that this is a discussion forum within which strangers may interact, not an MSN chat between two friends. If you'd like to debate the issue in a manner that few are able to understand, I hope that you either change your style or that you refrain from posting.

Generator out.


funniest bunny in th land
Jul 2, 2004
universe realm 23 i.e outta this realm
Actually NTB, sIMPOSON FREAK said to quote posts that show the "MAJORITY of muslims HATE the jews." None of your quotes shows this, but shows only personal opnions. :)

"Generator out"??!@! Isn't this a forum not a pilot convo? LOL jokes..oh no dont suspend me plz no no lord i have only served this forum, well do not banish me from this forum my lord it is users such as NTB and davin who deserve such a who have st...shit i dont koe the rest of the quote:(

no seriously LOL

Funnybunny out
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Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
simpson freak said:

Who on this thread has shown hatred towards the jews?
actually, make that show me which muslim has shown such views, i couldnt care if Davin and others believe jews will basically try to rip you off....i think thats what davin said....or was it they are manipulative....meh.....i dont know many jews so i can stay out of it.....actually television shows very negative views of them, but i know better than to see that as gospel on the subject.

So ya, which muslim poster on this thread has expressed a hatred towards jews?

Please show me so i can tell him that he is a complete ignoramus and shouldnt make a billion other people look bad because of his prejudice.

Go on, just give me a name and a quote....this is not one of your tricks of saying crap long ago and asking us to find it to prove it.....

its all legit, just show me a few instances that makes you think that a MAJORITY of muslims HATE the jews.

i will wait for your response,

but i assure you, that good people like salima and veterandoggy would not have such views. i am assuming, this is just another one of your attempts to make the jews look like they are hated by muslims, just to make the muslims look:
"barbarous and cruel, who but they? who but they?" -sherif ali from lawrence of arabia.
I think I satisfied his question, except for that part where he mentioned the majority... but u know, I'd say 3 moderate muslims in a western nation somewhat expressing hatred towards jews is actually a frightening sign :/


a splendid one to behold
Mar 9, 2004
Living it up in the Hills
Not-That-Bright said:
Soha don't you get quite upset thinking of the way you were indoctrinated to think (magically somehow :p) that you can't be friends with a jew? I'm glad your mum was smart enough to clear that up for you but where do you think that idea came from?
yeah well growing up i remember my parents talking about the war in lebanon and jews and stuff and i remember they told stories of how jews um..whats the word invaded our house and like my grandma was kidnapped lmfao
oh and yeah our neighbours killed etc etc
so you cant exactly blame me for thinking jews were bad
however i dont hold anything against anyone..jew or not hence the reason ive been best friends with my jew friend for 10 years...
so on and so forth
etc etc...


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
yeah well growing up i remember my parents talking about the war in lebanon and jews and stuff and i remember they told stories of how jews um..whats the word invaded our house and like my grandma was kidnapped lmfao
oh and yeah our neighbours killed etc etc
so you cant exactly blame me for thinking jews were bad
I don't blame you, I just don't think you should of been told such things when you're so young and impressionable :eek:

Simpson Freak

Sep 13, 2004
what are you joking? i asked for quotes showing hate, not quotes with the word "jew" in it. seriously through this disgraceful display you just proved what i said before about you.

is hotshot muslim? i thought he wasnt, i remember him saying he wasnt.

most of those other quotes are not even "hate"...they are simply against jews, do you really want me to post all the anti-islamic things posted on this forum?

anyway whats hateful about thinking a certain group of people are not trust worthy? its not hate!

i just told you what my dad said to show that it may not be true, but every single jew my dad has done business with, he said they tried to rip him off.....exactly what would he have to gain from saying that.
same way you judge islam by whats on tv, my dad judges jews by meeting jews....its not rocket science.

"I LAUGH AT YOU"-electronic salesman from simpsons

my dad saying he wouldnt want to do business with jews is NOT HATE....its just a stereotype that he has gotten from his business career and experience with them.
i dont think its true for all, and neither does he.

Not That Bright said:
I'm saying is that most muslims hate jews
Not That Bright said:
I see a hatred for jewish people in general in this thread
thats what i asked you to prove from this thread...and exactly how does the following prove it

Zayd said:
Please don't express muslims as the only people hating jews. "Many Jews" hate muslims as much as many Muslims hate jews. One day on the train i saw a person infront of me who looked like a devoted Jew, reading a book titled "the enemy", which was basically advising and provoking jews to destruct muslims, etc.
seeeeeee zayd has clearly just said the similar view is held by jews,....whether or not its true, it is not showing any hatred towards jews.

I guess garbagedump was right when he said that you are sooooo LOST.

You are a complete waste of my time but my OCD compells me to come back again and again to prove to the readers you post moronic and manipulative drivel.


a splendid one to behold
Mar 9, 2004
Living it up in the Hills
Not-That-Bright said:
I don't blame you, I just don't think you should of been told such things when you're so young and impressionable :eek:
they werent speaking to me directly
lol..just to family friends and shit and whatever...and i didnt understand the concept of jew
i didnt know it was a religon or a race or whatever lmao
obviously coz i was too young...but childen are innocent and eventually when i understood and my parents taught me i was always taught to be friends and love everyone and blah blah and that jews were our neighbours/brothers they were the closest to us etc
and even tho some have done bad have many other people and we shouldnt hate anyone etc etc..its all coming back to me now


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
what are you joking? i asked for quotes showing hate, not quotes with the word "jew" in it. seriously through this disgraceful display you just proved what i said before about you.
They did show hate/prejudice.

do you really want me to post all the anti-islamic things posted on this forum?
You asked me to post them claiming I wouldn't have any and that I'm just going to manipulate my way out of it... I haven't brought up anything about islamophobia.

i just told you what my dad said to show that it may not be true, but every single jew my dad has done business with, he said they tried to rip him off.....exactly what would he have to gain from saying that.
same way you judge islam by whats on tv, my dad judges jews by meeting jews....its not rocket science.
I judge muslims from TV? :/

my dad saying he wouldnt want to do business with jews is NOT HATE....its just a stereotype that he has gotten from his business career and experience with them.
Um ya ok.

seeeeeee zayd has clearly just said the similar view is held by jews,....whether or not its true, it is not showing any hatred towards jews.
He saw someone reading an anti-muslim book, then assumed he was a devoted jew for some reason. That's not hateful prejudice at all tho I guess...

I guess garbagedump was right when he said that you are sooooo LOST.
Oh yar :/

You are a complete waste of my time but my OCD compells me to come back again and again to prove to the readers you post moronic and manipulative drivel.
Hmm yes moronic and manipulative drivel... you keep making these claims about me that turn into nothing.


funniest bunny in th land
Jul 2, 2004
universe realm 23 i.e outta this realm
I think I satisfied his question, except for that part where he mentioned the majority... but u know, I'd say 3 moderate muslims in a western nation somewhat expressing hatred towards jews is actually a frightening sign :/"
Since people are mosting nonsenical posts....
WHAT.. NTB is stupid...hmmm...i proved everything except the majority....thats like saying master i have killed 4 orcs, i have not started on the 10,000 over the horizon

You are a complete waste of my time but my OCD compells me to come back again and again to prove to the readers you post moronic and manipulative drivel.

YEah..what can men do against such foolishness...but fight back

ps im just writing half jibberish/sense as to me this is what this thread is turning into
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Simpson Freak

Sep 13, 2004
Not-That-Bright said:
They did show hate/prejudice.

You asked me to post them claiming I wouldn't have any and that I'm just going to manipulate my way out of it... I haven't brought up anything about islamophobia.

I judge muslims from TV? :/

Um ya ok.

He saw someone reading an anti-muslim book, then assumed he was a devoted jew for some reason. That's not hateful prejudice at all tho I guess...

Oh yar :/

Hmm yes moronic and manipulative drivel... you keep making these claims about me that turn into nothing.
he said he saw jews reading an anti islamic book., maybe they had one of those hats i forget the name of.

and no they didnt show hate.

especially when i dont think hotshot is a muslim, i think he hates both muslims and jews....i could be wrong....but i remember him saying anti-islamic things in other threads. so it doesnt count....all you can prove is that non-jews dont like jews.

and yes it is manipulative drivel when you take what i say and then respond "ok...yar"

So there, i asked you to show me how the MUSLIM posters on this thread HATE JEWS, and all that you found is non-muslims showing prejudice, a few showing mistrust and then some which aren't even hateful nor prejudiced.

if i ask you for something and you give me something else claiming its what i wanted, then thats MORONIC AND MANIPULATIVE.

and its seems to me that it wont "turn into nothing"


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
I think that it's time for this thread to shift its focus back to something that intimately concerns the thread's stated purpose -

Howard comments unhelpful, say Islamic leaders

PM - Monday, 20 February , 2006 18:21:00
Reporter: Melanie Christiansen

MARK COLVIN: Members of the Islamic community in Australia have condemned warnings by the Prime Minister that a small minority of extremist Muslims are a problem for the Australian community.

John Howard says he's concerned about Muslims with extreme views on jihad and attitudes towards women that are out of step with mainstream Australia.

But the Islamic community leaders say those comments are unhelpful and could provoke harassment and discrimination against Muslims.

Melanie Christiansen has the story.

MELANIE CHRISTIANSEN: It was during a book interview, just days before Cronulla riots, when John Howard first raised his concerns about a minority of Muslims in Australia and he's not backing away from those comments now they've attracted media attention.

JOHN HOWARD: I stand by those comments that there is a small section of the Islamic population in Australia, because of its remarks about jihad, remarks which indicate an extremist view, that is a problem and it needs to be dealt with by the broader community, including Islamic Australians.

And there are within some sections of the Islamic community an attitude towards women which is out of line with the mainstream Australian attitude.

MELANIE CHRISTIANSEN: Mr Howard says it's a problem that's troubled him for some time, and one that's appropriate for him to raise publicly.

JOHN HOWARD: These attitudes are not typical of all Muslims but they do represent the attitudes of a small section of the Islamic population and there's no point in not saying so.

It's not a problem that we ever faced with other immigrant communities, who became easily absorbed into the mainstream.

MELANIE CHRISTIANSEN: Comments like that, though, have enraged members of the Islamic community.

Kuranda Seyit from the Forum on Australian Islamic Relations says they're hurtful.

KURANDA SEYIT: I think they're damaging because it shows a lack of understanding about the Islamic community.

I think it goes back… to me it stinks of all those stereotypes that, you know, when you say that Irish people are not very intelligent and that Jewish people are stingy. I mean these are the traps of stereotypes that we're just going to be working on. I mean, it's a ludicrous notion.

And then if we start associating Muslims with the term jihad or violence or aggression, I mean, then…they're just perpetuate another stereotype about Muslims.

I don't think it's true. I don't think it's helpful and I don't think that the Prime Minister actually is informed enough to know what he's talking about.

MELANIE CHRISTIANSEN: And the founder of the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia, Keysar Trad, thinks many Australian Muslims will now suffer because of what the Prime Minister has said.

KEYSAR TRAD: We agree that some Muslims have a misunderstanding of jihad. However, when an ordinary Muslim goes to work today after these comments are reported in newspapers, these Muslims are likely to face discrimination, verbal harassment, criticism, ridicule in the workplace and also at school from their friends and it just means that places Muslims under increased pressure.

MELANIE CHRISTIANSEN: But the Foreign Minister Alexander Downer says John Howard's views are reasonable and he agrees with them.

ALEXANDER DOWNER: My position is, I'm sure, the same as his: that most of the Muslims who've settled in Australia, there are around 300,000 Muslims in Australia, have settled extraordinarily well and are fine, upstanding citizens and make a good contribution to Australia.

There's a tiny minority who are of concern to us, who've shown sympathy for and enthusiasm for the jihadist movement, and obviously, as you well know, they've been a preoccupation and a concern for us.

MARK COLVIN: The Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, ending that report from Melanie Christiansen.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
From the very first post -

Moderator Edit

Please confine this thread to discussion about Muslim people, in particular within Australia.

- MS.
Though Moonlight may no longer be the mod, I think that it's fair to say that this directive still applies. As such, from this point on I will be deleting those comments that fail to address the recent shift (see post #728) or one the debate-worthy arguments from the past - the recent 'debate' isn't what this thread is meant to be about, guys.


Jul 2, 2004
Just back briefly on that Muslim vs Jewish issue. I was out with some Jewish friends a few months ago and a few of them were saying that the majority of Muslims hate Jews. I said that only a small proportion of Muslims hate them and i reckon most have negative opinions of Israel and the US, while not hating Jews as a whole.

Regarding Howard's comment, i agree with him.


Oct 17, 2004
no doubt you agree with them. i dont think you will find many educated people, muslims among them, who would not voice concern about the extremist muslim view on jihad. however thay does not make them useful comments. not only are these extremist view out of step with mainstream australia but also mainstream australian muslims. there are many non-muslims who hold similar disturbing views in regards to violence and war, maybe not specificaly religious based violence and war but violence and war nonetheless. if howard wants to come out against jihad why do it in a way that marginalises so many. come out against war yes, come out against religious discrimination yes, but dont do it using words that serve only to vilify particular secions of the community. the problem is that with comments like these the word extemist isnt stressed nearly strongly enough
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Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
In all fairness to Howard, the comments that he made were clearly in response to a directed question, one specifically concerning immigration and Muslims, I would assume. Also, I doubt that these comments are going to marginalise or vilify certain sections of the population to the extent that some seem to believe, and I think that it's fair to say that those people who are of the opinion that Howard's comments will have widespread undersireable consequences don't think much of the general population*1.

Though much of this debate could have been avoided had he chosen to elaborate and state the obvious*2 when he was given the chance early on Monday morning, Howard has never been one for appeasing others when he knows that he is articulating what the 'battlers' and the 'silent majority' consider to be true. For better or worse (in this case I say neither), Howard rarely steps back whenever he knows that he will have the support of these groups.

I know that I'm not alone in saying that it would be better if he were a uniter as opposed to a leader more prone to dividing, telling all that there is a need to remove the veil (heh) and open their eyes as often as possible, but I'm also of the opinion that there's not much point in skirting the issue if it's somewhat pressing, even if it ruffles a few feathers. Of course, whether an issue is considered to be pressing or not is open to interpretation.

Mathmite, here's a friendly piece of advice - please tone it down, if not end it.


*1 being an elitist bastard, at times I don't think much of the general population, but I do agree with Howard that most Australians are decent people, if a little ignorant and unnecessarily fearful of the other

*2 that though such people are a particular concern, there are other elements of society that are also antagonistic towards the principles of Australia
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Feb 2, 2005
Anti-Mathmite said:
yeh alex :uhhuh: yehhh :uhhuh: .. which is why all the fuss is about.... BAH! F**k the politically correct. I hope he dies from a disease of the anus, that appeasing piece of crap.

For anyone who actually believes crap like he just said... why is it that such a fuss surrounds muslims then? If only a small minority of them a *bad*, just like a minority of every group of people are *bad*, why is it that people don't want Buddhists out of the Western world?

how many buddhists are there in the world? islam is the second largest religion and the westerner's feel threatened.

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