Naturally smart (3 Viewers)


New Member
Nov 7, 2003
coffs harbour insecurity?
you being the people all affirming that each of you is awome.
it pissed me off that people can be so arrogent. that why i react strongly. if i wanted to see arrogance and stupidity i would watch parlimentary question time on ABC. you're all so elitist thinking that you must be better than people who study or people who dont study and get below average marks.
universities look at uai. but if you go to uni and dont try the same way that your awsome self did in school you wont go well. no matter how good you think you are unless you put effort in you wont do well. school isnt the same as uni. there arent teachers on your ass making you do shit. if you dont try, they dont care. your an adult now your expected to have a decent work ethic. once people realise you dont they will pass you off as the idiot you are. and your self affirmation sessions wont mean shit when you have nothing.
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spin spin sugar

it's gotta be big
Jun 26, 2003
purple haze, galangalangalang
Originally posted by sepul
How about, any of you punks that disagrees with me, give me your address and we'll "talk" it over in person.
i'd be happy to!!

Originally posted by Flekky insecurity?
you being the people all affirming that each of you is awome.
it pissed me off that people can be so arrogent. that why i react strongly. if i wanted to see arrogance and stupidity i would watch parlimentary question time on ABC.
omg i love that show.. seriously though.. do you watch it?

Originally posted by Flekky
you're all so elitist thinking that you must be better than people who study or people who dont study and get below average marks.
i didn't see anyone say that they thought they were better than people with lower marks - just that they felt sorry for them if they were really working hard.

Originally posted by Flekky
universities look at uai. but if you go to uni and dont try the same way that your awsome self did in school you wont go well. no matter how good you think you are unless you put effort in you wont do well. school isnt the same as uni. there arent teachers on your ass making you do shit. if you dont try, they dont care. your an adult now your expected to have a decent work ethic. once people realise you dont they will pass you off as the idiot you are. and your self affirmation sessions wont mean shit when you have nothing.
hmm, i dunno about that. I don't find teachers being on my ass motivational at ALL for a start. in fact i can imagine being much more motivated to work at my own pace and more effectively in an environment where i was left to my own devices. how is ANY of this a "Self-affirmation session"? honestly, i agree with your friend who said that there is a certain WAY of saying things - and i agree some things were communicated poorly in this thread that could be interpreted as arrogance. but when it comes down to it, if you're not exaggerating or being self-deluding, then how is it BAD to be self-affirming of your own abilities? who the fuck would sink into self-loathing over getting an above-average mark for doing not that much work?

so yeah - what exactly is the problem with it? if you think we'll be fucked once we get to uni, then why don't you wait around until then and then start shooting off at your mouth about how shit and arrogant we are and how badly we are going to fail in life. because right now all your bullshit is completely unsubstantiated and quite frankly your posts REEK of jealousy.


Apr 27, 2003
at uni you don' thave to go to classes, if you don't want to


New Member
Nov 7, 2003
coffs harbour
hehe, jealous because i dont get to tell other people how awesome they are, and have those sentiments returned?
gee, maybe thats cos im secure enough that i dont need people i dont know telling me how good i am.
why would i be jealous of people i dont know, just because they say they are excellent?
yes, im sure you can imagine alot of things. but if your all to lazy to do work when people are telling you do what exactly is going to motivate you when your left alone?
heh, and yeah, i have watched question time once or twice, and it has all the order and strucure of a year 5 debating team. <waits for people to tell me how awesome their year five decating team was, because obviously, everything anyone on this forum has done is always great, how could they do anything sub standard? they'r awsome>


Enigma Unlimited
Sep 10, 2003
There seems to be quite a bit of figjam-ing around in this thread and I really don't see the problem with a bit of cockiness... theres nothing great about everyone being humble about everything they've done saying that 'oh sure, i scored 99 but i don't want to make a big deal of it'... take credit for it, something was done right, be it a lot of hard work or natural ability or just a lucky day and you shouldn't have to play it down just to keep the others happy. Sure, arrogance can become a problem but merely stating that 'hey, i found this quite easy compared to others' is just an observation..... some people find things easier than others, it's as simple as that, and why would you work as hard as someone else when you grasped what you were both learning in half the time as the other person took... it's efficency....

I'm the first one to say that hey, i consider myself fairly bright, i've done well in school without the effort that others had put in and i'm grateful for the fact that I was able to do that.... I'm still doing it in uni, not turning upto class, spending most of the time at the uni socialising while downing a schooner or six.... and there are people who are in the same boat as me and many who aren't.... but seriously, by saying that everyone who has a little bit of confidence and a little bit of cockiness about their ability is arrogant is way off the mark and as spin spin sugar stated, it seems there is a bit of jealousy in your posts..


Somethin' special....
Nov 7, 2002
Back in the USSR
Obviously these people haven't been exposed to highly competitive school environments where natural ability counts for a lot more than the hard work...


Aug 14, 2003
Originally posted by Ms 12
Obviously these people haven't been exposed to highly competitive school environments where natural ability counts for a lot more than the hard work...
I don't think it counts for "a lot" more... the HSC isn't something you can't do unless you're gifted or something... I'm sure there are ppl who get 100UAI, and they're the type of people who work hard, and didn't have a head start with some natural talent. The competitions that you do during your earlier years are quite a good measure of "talent".. you know those High Distinctions/Distinctions/Credits papers you get... I know a guy who didn't get anything above a credit... so you can say that he was lacking a bit in talent... he worked hard, and managed to get a UAI of 99.75. So you shouldn't be demoralised by the gifted students around you, since it's possible to get a UAI of a 100 or close to it without talent.


is a roflcopter
May 17, 2003
go flekky!
i agree with you

you can be smart and shit and get good marks without working blah blah
but looking down on people who work hard and get lower marks than you is just wankerish bahaviour


New Member
Nov 7, 2003
coffs harbour
yes raiks, you're obviously not scared to figjam. which brings up the question. if you are so fucking good and your in uni n shit, why did you register on a HSC forum. i thought, that you being so fucking good and all would have much better things to do like not showing up to uni classes which your dad probably paid for and spending your time with you're awsome friends drinking 6 packs. you ungrateful shit. and its not like you've been on the forum since your were in highschool. but you actually sought it out this year. almost a year after you left school. what an exciting beer drinking life you must lead you naturaly talented person you. to bad natural talent doesnt teach people any respect.


fuck a duck
Jun 27, 2003
i think a couple of you are taken what people say a bit far


earth girls aren't easy
Feb 8, 2003
hmmm....i think some ppl here have been trying to gain some recognition by 'merely' passing over their 'leet' achievements.
others are a bit jealous, or genuinely peeved off by what they consider as 'arrogance' (whether they're justified or not im not going to get into).

but really, if u were actually really really good, other ppl will do the talking for you. if you have to go round spreading ur 'leetness' through ur own mouth, or in this case, ur own pair of hands, then i'd be prone to say that u haven't really achieved anything significant at all, which is why noone's taken any notice.

ps: question time is the funniest show ever, apart from maybe jerry springer :D:p

spice girl

magic mirror
Aug 10, 2002
oooh...nice thread...i wonder why i've never seen this b4

but i must admit i've never seen such an argument without consequence...

my science teacher told us a story bout a kid who quit our skool cos he was coming last in everything...and he went to the nearby comprehensive skool and topped several subjects.

so to those who think on the lines of "i'm so good i'm coming first in my school doing no work at all", i've one thing to suggest: aim a bit higher and humble yourself.


Enigma Unlimited
Sep 10, 2003
I can see the points you've made but you seem to have quickly pigeon holed me into some slacker who has no respect...

Unlike that at all.

Firstly, i'm doing volunteer work part time at the highschool I went to doing admin as a favour for a teacher I'm friends with, which has in turn brought me into contact with a lot of year 12's this year doing their HSC who also use this service provided by BoS.... I used this site for resources and used to lurk all the time on these forums last year and found in invaluable.... I'll tell you now that the only threads i'm visiting on these forums are mostly related to the university and teritary education side of things because I know that last year, having people who were actually at uni being able to share what they've picked up along the way would've been great and for Yr12 students this year at the school i'm at asking me questions and then saying 'yeah, someone on BoS was also asking the same question', i thought i might as well put my spare time into some use.... It's not like i'm floating around the non-school threads talking about what the latest fashions are or whatever threads are included in that section.

I never said I purposely go out and figjam, i was merely providing an example.... ok, would you like me to mention the guy across the road who did SFA pretty much all HSC and walked out with a 98 or what about a guy in my class who was absolutely brilliant but did SFA and walked out with a 60.... It's the point that is being made which is important, and that message in my previous post in this thread was that people shouldn't have to make their achievements seem less significant than they really are just to make other jealous people more content because people should have a right to be proud of what they achieve. I'm the last person to brag because talk is just that, and your actions are what count... fair enough messages do get lost and misinterpreted when in writing but it just has to be accepted.

Lastly, my life is far from perfect ok, trust me on that, if my parents were still alive, they sure wouldn't be paying for my education because i grew up in a house where you have to earn everything you get. I'm not the spoilt brat you probably think I am... far from it, I manage to get along and I have no problem in saying how i've achieved things and i'm always the first to admit when i stuffed things up.... I am who I am and I can't be bothered having to censor every tiny thing I say just incase I get up some oversensitive persons nose.

and the respect, you earn that... I'll give respect to those who deserve it and for someone who goes around just having to slander people making quick stereotyped judgements about people they do not's almost like you do it just to get a rise out of people.... you should be more rational when dealing with people, because hey, companies don't tend to favour those who rely on natural ability alone, but they also don't tend to favour people who create constant conflict between others.
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is a roflcopter
May 17, 2003
question time is good stuff
although it has become a bit one sided
nowadays its just costello+friends doing major rippage on labour

and poor wayne swan....what a tool :p


New Member
Nov 7, 2003
coffs harbour
Originally posted by Raiks

"I'm the first one to say that hey, i consider myself fairly bright, i've done well in school without the effort"
followed by
"I'm the last person to brag because talk is just that"
i found that humorous. and the respect comment wasnt aimed at respecting me, i dont respect me why should you.

Right on pigs :apig:

p.s. nice asians :D


LLB (Hons)
Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by pigs_can_fly
but really, if u were actually really really good, other ppl will do the talking for you. if you have to go round spreading ur 'leetness' through ur own mouth, or in this case, ur own pair of hands, then i'd be prone to say that u haven't really achieved anything significant at all, which is why noone's taken any notice.
i fully agree :D
haha, opz! ;p

spin spin sugar

it's gotta be big
Jun 26, 2003
purple haze, galangalangalang
Originally posted by pigs_can_fly
but really, if u were actually really really good, other ppl will do the talking for you. if you have to go round spreading ur 'leetness' through ur own mouth, or in this case, ur own pair of hands, then i'd be prone to say that u haven't really achieved anything significant at all, which is why noone's taken any notice.

do you say that because people wander around here saying you're going to get 100? that's not a dig - i'm just curious.

no offense but the notion of having someone do the talking for you on a message board, when half of us dont know each other's names, is a bit silly. i'm inclined to agree with you in real life, DEFINITELY, but on an internet forum.. no one's going to go into a 'naturally smart' thread and list a bunch of screennames of people whos ranks and school and marks and attitude they don't even have a clue of. not all of us have a posse from our school here, but even if we did why play modest if you're not. some of the most arrogant people i know say fuck all about their marks.

Originally posted by spice girl
my science teacher told us a story bout a kid who quit our skool cos he was coming last in everything...and he went to the nearby comprehensive skool and topped several subjects.

so to those who think on the lines of "i'm so good i'm coming first in my school doing no work at all", i've one thing to suggest: aim a bit higher and humble yourself.
i went to a top 5 selective school from 7 - 10 (inclusive). for years we were packed full of this propaganda that "you might not have great ranks here, but just remember girls if you went to your local high school you'd be comign first". i can attest to the fact that, in my experience, that is a complete myth.

i recieved the english award in year 10 at my school because there was practically no competition aside from a close friend of mine, who has since left the school as well. when i left, she recieved the english award in year 11. she then went to another high school and is now ranked 2nd or 3rd or something like that. not first. and she has had to work HARD for that ranking.

i am ranked first at my own school in english but it is only by a VERY very small margin. i mean .05 or something like that. in all my subjects i have encountered either incredibly BRILLIANT or VERY hardworking people who are capable of achieving the exact same kinds of marks as the people at my old school.

in fact, in the case of english, i can honestly say there's about 10 people at my new school who would kick the asses of everyone at my old school.

i found it humbling (as you say) to go to a comprehensive high school and still be challenged --- rather than go to a selective high school and be told our rank or performance was irrelevant because we'd still be #1 at our local school had we gone anyway.

in the case of local high schools my experience has shown me that the people at the top are of the exact same skill, talent or work ethic as those at selective - it's just that the tail end is massive and those at the bottom are A LOT worse than those at the bottom in selective.

Originally posted by pigs_can_fly
ps: question time is the funniest show ever, apart from maybe jerry springer :D:p
Originally posted by Newbie
question time is good stuff
although it has become a bit one sided
nowadays its just costello+friends doing major rippage on labour

and poor wayne swan....what a tool :p
omg how exciting that other people watch it! it's fucking great. just a couple of nights ago before an exam i was still staying up and watching it. it's so great, it reminds me of a bunch of 12 year old boys in a classroom.
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spin spin sugar

it's gotta be big
Jun 26, 2003
purple haze, galangalangalang
Originally posted by truly-in-bliss
i live on abc parliamentary debates.....all da arvos i spent watching it.. ahha
they are sooo funny.. some of the calls they come out with.. watching it actually made me respect simon crean a little more cos he comes out with the most smart ass comments

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