not all christians are boring stereotypical bible bashers (1 Viewer)


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
For those of you whom think God isnt real because you cant see Him and there is no evidence of Him, you are mistaken.

I believe I have the liberty of saying this, as I have the testimony to draw from.
Well yes you have the liberty of saying this, but personally I don't think your 'testimony' means anything.

I can say ive seen both sides. Knowing God is a truly personal thing, and im not posting this to preach to anyone, just voicing my opinion on a few issues, of which I have right to.
We get the idea, you have the right to free speach.

Honestly, I think that anybody on here (Christian or not) who think that they can justify putting people in boxes, in terms of what they think they are like based upon similiar people, I can tell you now, you're heading down the wrong path. Believe it or not, everybody is different.

[Now, im not a "full-on" Christian by any means, I do things that im ashamed of, and have constant battles with issues that are just as real to me as the next Jim Brown. Like every normal human being, and indeed every Christian

Personally, I think that there is no point voicing how much you dont like things a certain person does or thinks(in regards to the topic starter). The simple fact of the matter is, nobody is perfect, ever. We all fall short.
What the hell? No point in criticism? Just let everyone continue doing whatever it is they're doing / saying / thinking unabaited because 'nobody is perfect' ? Sounds like some rhetoric you haven't really thought through.

I met a friend who invited me along to his church, and I was astounded at how warped my mindset was of church and Christianity. I saw it for what it was, and without any intention whatsoever of making such a "huge change" to my life, I became a Christian that night. The feeling I had that night, was.......well indescribable.
That's awesome, you went to a church, you had a good time, you had some weird feeling - so you decided 'ok i'm a christian too'.

Yeah, sure I fall down in areas, and im not 100% 24/7, but that doesnt change my perception of God and Jesus, and the understanding and significance of just what they gave up. Nor does it change the perception my friends (most of who have been Christians for years now) have of me. Nor should it.

It doesnt matter how fast, or how far you run, somethings you just cant escape. Ask yourself this. What are you really afraid of? Bringing down all the walls and barriers that so many people build up for themselves to shield them from their fears, does the life you lead today guarantee that you are safe from this fear becoming real? If so, by all means, continue living life to the full.
What does this even mean? You're not presenting a speech to 8th graders man, just making it sound all pretty isn't a pass.

I fear nothing.
So you just committed another sin?


Apr 16, 2006
"I remember another gentle visitor from the heavens, he came in peace and then died, only to come back to life, and his name was E.T., the extra terestrial. I loved that little guy."
- Reverend Lovejoy


Shake the sauce bottle yo
Mar 7, 2003
Ntb, im not opposed or afraid of criticism, but your deconstruction of my post goes along way to revealing a lot about you. For your info, of course my testimony isnt going to mean squat to you for the simple fact that, this being an internet forum and all, you know nothing about me to merit what my life has become.
Also, the criticising I have a problem with, is that of judgemental Christians, those whom judge others Christians on nothing but presumptions and false understandings, going against everything I stand for. Its quite a precise criticism I was referring to.
I didnt exactly understand what purpose the comment you made (in reference to my first church experience and what resulted) served, although I can gather from the overall tone of your post what it was implying. Im not going to try and further explain that night, or indeed other days since then, but all I can say is the only way you have any chance of understanding what I felt, what every other Christian experiences, is by going to church yourself, and by giving up on the negative and skeptical views which you hold towards Christianity and the church. Hence it cant be put into words ('good time' and 'weird feeling' I believe are somewhat understatements.)

What I was putting across was that a lot of young people today that ive spoken with feel like they cant express themselves, that nobody listens or has the time for them, so some resort to closing themselves in in an attempt to protect themselves from getting hurt. All im saying is that its a false way of living, and it doesnt have to be that way. There is someone that does care, and there are no conditions.
If you're not in that situation, congratulations to you, thats awesome to hear. Though, have you ever thought that what I was saying might be intended for others out there who dont have the life you have.

And yeah NTB, I do fear God. But its a different fear from that of fearing loneliness, or failure, or other fears which many people foster whilst living out their lifes.
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Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Ntb, im not opposed or afraid of criticism, but your deconstruction of my post goes along way to revealing a lot about you.
Like what? Does it show that I'm awesome or something? I'd say your deconstruction of my deconstruction of your post reveals alot about you :)

For your info, of course my testimony isnt going to mean squat to you for the simple fact that, this being an internet forum and all, you know nothing about me to merit what my life has become.
Your life really doesn't bother me too much in this discussion man... It's got nothing to do with what I think about you or your situations...

I didnt exactly understand what purpose the comment you made (in reference to my first church experience and what resulted) served, although I can gather from the overall tone of your post what it was implying.
Yea, essentially it's just like me saying I had a tonnes powerful feeling and then I knew that god didn't exist. It's not a very good argument, can you see that?

Im not going to try and further explain that night, or indeed other days since then, but all I can say is the only way you have any chance of understanding what I felt, what every other Christian experiences, is by going to church yourself, and by giving up on the negative and skeptical views which you hold towards Christianity and the church. Hence it cant be put into words ('good time' and 'weird feeling' I believe are somewhat understatements.)
Yea... ok that's awesome. Hows bout I just say maybe if you lost your un-skeptical attitude you might magically get the feeling that there is no God? Your statements have NO substance... they're just RHETORIC.

What I was putting across was that a lot of young people today that ive spoken with feel like they cant express themselves, that nobody listens or has the time for them, so some resort to closing themselves in in an attempt to protect themselves from getting hurt. All im saying is that its a false way of living, and it doesnt have to be that way. There is someone that does care, and there are no conditions.
Yea that's cool.

If you're not in that situation, congratulations to you, thats awesome to hear. Though, have you ever thought that what I was saying might be intended for others out there who dont have the life you have.
Yea that's cool.

And yeah NTB, I do fear God.
So you lied? lol.

But its a different fear from that of fearing loneliness, or failure, or other fears which many people foster whilst living out their lifes.


cheese hater
Feb 1, 2005
within the swiss cheese
Not-That-Bright said:
Like what? Does it show that I'm awesome or something? I'd say your deconstruction of my deconstruction of your post reveals alot about you :)

Your life really doesn't bother me too much in this discussion man... It's got nothing to do with what I think about you or your situations...

Yea, essentially it's just like me saying I had a tonnes powerful feeling and then I knew that god didn't exist. It's not a very good argument, can you see that?

Yea... ok that's awesome. Hows bout I just say maybe if you lost your un-skeptical attitude you might magically get the feeling that there is no God? Your statements have NO substance... they're just RHETORIC.

Yea that's cool.

Yea that's cool.

So you lied? lol.

LOLZ...i love you NTB.
You have alot of wisdom & u arent afraid to show it:lol:


Active Member
Feb 6, 2006
Lol! Christians are losers :p.

God still loves you even if you dont believe in him
As said by about 300 people in this thread.

Thats like me telling you the Boogieman is gonna come out of your closet some night soon and devour you! You can't say anything against it because it has as much evidence of existing as this "god" guy does. Go check your closet. you wont see him, just like you wont see god whereever you look. Theres a reason for this. NEITHER OF THEM EXIST!


Mr Sir
Jan 23, 2006
Legham said:
Lol! Christians are losers :p.

As said by about 300 people in this thread.

Thats like me telling you the Boogieman is gonna come out of your closet some night soon and devour you! You can't say anything against it because it has as much evidence of existing as this "god" guy does. Go check your closet. you wont see him, just like you wont see god whereever you look. Theres a reason for this. NEITHER OF THEM EXIST!
As far as I am aware no-one has seen the boogie man. That cant be said about Jesus, God's representative on earth as seen by thousands. That's ok if you dont believe that. You dont have to answer to any of us. You can tell God face to face that he doesnt exist. I'm sure he'll be impressed. Good luck.


Mr Sir
Jan 23, 2006
also legham said that Christians are losers. Legham may well be right I am proud to say that I have been both for over thirty years and I am proud of it. The world probably does see some Christians as losers. There are no losers in God's world so I don't care how we are seen and being a Christian with the greatest ever gift given as part of my life. My only worry is that that gift is not part of everyone's life but as Christians we dont have any choice but to do as god has asked us and share the Gospel with the world.



Mr Sir
Jan 23, 2006
transcendent said:
Christianity is like STDs, keep them to yourself.
You cant keep it to yourself. That would be disobeying God's command to tell everyone. I have no intention of disobeying God.



Jan 11, 2005
Ian McAlpin said:
You cant keep it to yourself. That would be disobeying God's command to tell everyone. I have no intention of disobeying God.


Why do you believe in God?

*and dont say why dont you believe in God*


well we have about as much evidence that God does exist as you have that he doesnt. probbly a bt more so with all the testimonies and written down evidence.
cant you see that when you say God doesnt exist it falls on our ears just as if we had told you he does.

the difference between God and the bogeyman is that billions of people have not put their faith in the bogeyman,and have put it in God. its a pretty bad comparison.

you say God doesnt exist yet you have no proof. you say i have no proof either but any evidence i give is simply not good enough. quite willing to say what doesnt happen but never what does. quite willing to slash but not encourage. except other slashers.
now i dont really mind. i am so used to it but if you ask me or any other christian why we believe with the intention o just slashing them a moment after and not listening to what they say, was it worth asking in the first place?


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
well we have about as much evidence that God does exist as you have that he doesnt. probbly a bt more so with all the testimonies and written down evidence.
That evidence means nothing in relation to the existance of God.. it is impossible to prove because it's a supernatural being. I don't need evidence, all I need to really say is 'all you have is this supernatural being'.

the difference between God and the bogeyman is that billions of people have not put their faith in the bogeyman,and have put it in God. its a pretty bad comparison.
Millions of people have feared various 'boogeymen'.

you say God doesnt exist yet you have no proof. you say i have no proof either but any evidence i give is simply not good enough. quite willing to say what doesnt happen but never what does. quite willing to slash but not encourage. except other slashers.
Do you actually read our posts? I don't know how many times i've pointed out that we don't need to prove that God ULTIMATELY does not exist in order to be justified in saying we don't think god exists. Do I need to prove ULTIMATELY that there are no flying reindeer, in order to be justified in saying I don't think flying reindeer exist?

You've missed it.

now i dont really mind. i am so used to it but if you ask me or any other christian why we believe with the intention o just slashing them a moment after and not listening to what they say, was it worth asking in the first place?
What you call 'lashing out' is actually that we've listened to your response and replied to it. You obviously don't even give us that level of respect as I see no improvement in your posts.

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